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Karaoke Haters

Thunder said:
What you mean you made out with Smitty too!:tritongue:


You've finally "come out" ..... was it good for you?

c. staley said:

You've finally "come out" ..... was it good for you?


No the only one I gave tounge to was Harry!:tritongue:
Whoa, is that really Sound choice talking in this thread? I read this stuff all the time and I feel the tension big time. I think people sometimes forget that no matter how bad people think you are. If someone is selling your content without your permission, then you should have all the legal rights in the world to make their life a livin heck!

Love reading the post. I think the one guys name is Thunder. He seems to always try to speak with class. I commend him. Not that I am saying he is always right, hehe
Sound Choice said:
WRONG - I consistently and clearly state that we can only grant rights for that which we can grant them and that when we provide permission for something we state exactly what it is we are providing permission for and that we cannot warrant anything in regards to third parties in regards to THEIR PORTION of the Intellectual Property Rights. Stating that third parties "probably" won't go after them for the media shift when they have been paid their royalties is our opinion and that of other Karaoke producers and not a legal position. Here we are being totally transparent in stating what it is we are granting and outlining that the user has potential risks for proceeding with the format/media shift.

You are trying to wrongly create a "Does your dog bite?" comparison, whereas if you were being honest, you would have to admit that we have been clear in stating IN ADVANCE that "Whereas OUR dog won't bite, THAT'S NOT OUR dog!".

In other words.

You dont have the legal right to sell all those tracks on that hard drive, you are just licensing that hard drive... Ooops I mean you dont have the legal right to allow duplication of that material, you are just licensing your trademark.

Those Craigslist sellers could learn from this business model.

I smile everytime posters call themselves "legal" kjs and cry about pirates. Yes they are not infringing YOUR trademark, that hardly makes them legit(IMO). But as long as you are not the one being ripped off...
Manobeer said:
In other words.

You dont have the legal right to sell all those tracks on that hard drive, you are just licensing that hard drive... Ooops I mean you dont have the legal right to allow duplication of that material, you are just licensing your trademark.

Those Craigslist sellers could learn from this business model.

I smile everytime posters call themselves "legal" kjs and cry about pirates. Yes they are not infringing YOUR trademark, that hardly makes them legit(IMO). But as long as you are not the one being ripped off...

Manobeer, you just don't seem to understand or maybe you refuse to try, but I will explain to others who are willing to try or want to be open minded and actually learn. When we license our new MP3Gs, all of the content owners get paid their respective royalties. We are not selling or licensing any hard drives per se. The only thing we are "allowing" that could be "controversial" in regards to the other IP rights holders in the tracks is the format and/or media shift to another format/media (on a 1:1 basis) of that portion of the rights that we control and we state that BECAUSE the other IP owners have not provided the same allowance in writing, we do not provide any indemnification to the person who decides ON THEIR OWN to undertake that risk. However, we are not doing anything illegal by saying that WE will not sue for a format/media shift of our rights in legally purchased content. However, we ARE rendering an OPINION that because the other IP rights holders have received compensation, they won't take legal action for the shift. In our licenses with the publishers, if there are co-publishers, the license states that they are providing clearances and granting uses ONLY for their pro-rata portion of the song that they control.

In the "apples to orange" comparison you are trying to make with Craigslist resellers of pirated hard drives, NONE of the IP rights holders are being compensated in any way.

Do you understand this HUGE difference? Even if you refuse to acknowledge that your comparison is incorrect, I hope that others realize it.
I always thought it was TONGUE! Kurt thanks again for sharing the grey zone in which your portion is offered. All the more reason for one to not touch it with a ten foot pole versus the craigslut offerings which wouldnt touch with a 1000 foot pole.
Sound Choice said:
Manobeer, you just don't seem to understand or maybe you refuse to try, but I will explain to others who are willing to try or want to be open minded and actually learn. When we license our new MP3Gs, all of the content owners get paid their respective royalties. We are not selling or licensing any hard drives per se. The only thing we are "allowing" that could be "controversial" in regards to the other IP rights holders in the tracks is the format and/or media shift to another format/media (on a 1:1 basis) of that portion of the rights that we control and we state that BECAUSE the other IP owners have not provided the same allowance in writing, we do not provide any indemnification to the person who decides ON THEIR OWN to undertake that risk. However, we are not doing anything illegal by saying that WE will not sue for a format/media shift of our rights in legally purchased content. However, we ARE rendering an OPINION that because the other IP rights holders have received compensation, they won't take legal action for the shift. In our licenses with the publishers, if there are co-publishers, the license states that they are providing clearances and granting uses ONLY for their pro-rata portion of the song that they control.

In the "apples to orange" comparison you are trying to make with Craigslist resellers of pirated hard drives, NONE of the IP rights holders are being compensated in any way.

Do you understand this HUGE difference? Even if you refuse to acknowledge that your comparison is incorrect, I hope that others realize it.

All true, yet doesn't negate Man's post one bit. NOTHING you decide to let slide makes ANY host LEGITIMATE. It only means that you SAY (no documentaion, of course) that YOU ( the Sound Choice company)won't bother them. Not the same as LEGAL. Not binding either.
c. staley said:
You think that we think you're kidding?

Who is frickin kidding? Harry and I went to the floor with our kiss in front of a room full of people!
Thunder said:
Who is frickin kidding? Harry and I went to the floor with our kiss in front of a room full of people!

Can I take back the reputation points I just gave you now? :tritongue: :tricool: :trisad: :triwink: :tribiggrin:

LOL...I also have a pic of Smitty and Thunder together, but am reluctant to post it here in deference to the fact that Smitty is not a poster here. But I did confirm that I only kissed one of them, but was drinking with both, LOL.
So Thunder, is Rob going to kiss you next or does he only want European products??? yorofl: yorofl: yorofl: yorofl:
Well, I can certainly see now, why kroakie hosts don't make much money :sqerr:

You might want to check out the porn industry -- I hear they pay better... :sqlaugh:
SoftJock Rick said:
Well, I can certainly see now, why kroakie hosts don't make much money :sqerr:

You might want to check out the porn industry -- I hear they pay better... :sqlaugh:

Your just jealous!:tribiggrin:
Harryoke said:

LOL...I also have a pic of Smitty and Thunder together, but am reluctant to post it here in deference to the fact that Smitty is not a poster here. But I did confirm that I only kissed one of them, but was drinking with both, LOL.

Chuck The DJ said:
you guys really need to find some chicks

Don't worry Chuck, I brought Harry one, I was just warming him up!:tritongue: