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Krazy Coupon Lady Stockpile Video

Just asking. Is it ok to store cereal and pasta and stuff like that in the garage? Doesnt seem bug free to me unless it was in plastic containers. I sure wish they had large plastic containers at Hallmark.
I don't think that is 3 or 4 years worth of cleaning products....this bothers me too, but maybe I'm just paranoid...food that comes in cardboard boxes in the garage? i.e. the oatmeal for example. One little mouse scoots in when the door is open and what do you have? Mouse food. Do you guys keep stuff like that in the garage? (Poll?)
I was just posting the very same thought! :lol:

Just asking. Is it ok to store cereal and pasta and stuff like that in the garage? Doesnt seem bug free to me unless it was in plastic containers. I sure wish they had large plastic containers at Hallmark.
I don't think that is 3 or 4 years worth of cleaning products....this bothers me too, but maybe I'm just paranoid...food that comes in cardboard boxes in the garage? i.e. the oatmeal for example. One little mouse scoots in when the door is open and what do you have? Mouse food. Do you guys keep stuff like that in the garage? (Poll?)

I agree

Most of my stockpile is in a closet off my kitchen area, all food goes there.

Paper products are on the back porch
I have to agree with everyone else. I'm not that impressed either. Paying 0.49 for razors??? Uh uh, no way. And you know she's a lightweight when she's happy just getting things for free ... these days I'm only happy when I get paid to take stuff home ... thank you WAGs for the MM, thank you Jewel for the catalina deals, and thank you TGT for the overage! :lol:

My stockpile is semi-organized but I have the majority of it in the 5th bedroom of my house. And a one year supply of dish detergent? I don't consider that much of a stockpile ... I'm sitting on at least a 3 year supply right now. And I just recently starting using some Charmin that I bought sometime in 2007. And some laundry detergent that I bought in 2008. And when my kids were still in diapers, I usually had at least 60+ packs on hand all the time. If I got down to 30 or so, I would panic since I knew that would only last me another 6 months or so.

I think they should give us CW members our own show ... we actually know what we're doing. :snort:
I think they should give us CW members our own show


I don't honestly understand the mentality of spreading the couponing "word" to those who will never fully get it.

I think these sites should just be here and wait for those who are hungry enough to find them.

I do NOT like the big news stories with links for the lazy ****s who will screw it all up anyway.
I don't think that is 3 or 4 years worth of cleaning products....this bothers me too, but maybe I'm just paranoid...food that comes in cardboard boxes in the garage? i.e. the oatmeal for example. One little mouse scoots in when the door is open and what do you have? Mouse food. Do you guys keep stuff like that in the garage? (Poll?)

I do keep some food and drink in the garage (ran out of space in the house) but only stuff like canned pop, bottled water, bottled juices, etc. I think I do have 10 or 12 jars of Ragu out there too but I'm not sure I would store any type of grain (cereal, oatmeal, rice) out there ... seems like you'd be asking for a little mouse to come for dinner if you ask me ...

I don't honestly understand the mentality of spreading the couponing "word" to those who will never fully get it.

I think these sites should just be here and wait for those who are hungry enough to find them.

I do NOT like the big news stories with links for the lazy ****s who will screw it all up anyway.

Good point ... it should be our little secret. My point was just that this woman probably isn't that qualified to teach this subject and yet she just got a tv show ... anyone on here would probably do a much better job teaching the subject.
They aren't about the deals anymore. They are about getting their 15 minutes and getting paid for doing shows like this. And pushing their book. Sadly, they will all be divorced next year....we all know that TLC reality shows are a marriage killer!
Good point ... it should be our little secret. My point was just that this woman probably isn't that qualified to teach this subject and yet she just got a tv show ... anyone on here would probably do a much better job teaching the subject.

Well yes and no....she can teach some things to those idjits who used to pay $4.50+ for a box of cereal.....(funny lol). But yeah beyond that she should check in to CW.
I have to agree with everyone else. I'm not that impressed either. Paying 0.49 for razors??? Uh uh, no way. And you know she's a lightweight when she's happy just getting things for free ... these days I'm only happy when I get paid to take stuff home ... thank you WAGs for the MM, thank you Jewel for the catalina deals, and thank you TGT for the overage! :lol:

My stockpile is semi-organized but I have the majority of it in the 5th bedroom of my house. And a one year supply of dish detergent? I don't consider that much of a stockpile ... I'm sitting on at least a 3 year supply right now. And I just recently starting using some Charmin that I bought sometime in 2007. And some laundry detergent that I bought in 2008. And when my kids were still in diapers, I usually had at least 60+ packs on hand all the time. If I got down to 30 or so, I would panic since I knew that would only last me another 6 months or so.

I think they should give us CW members our own show ... we actually know what we're doing. :snort:

Nope not us.
I think most of us prefer to be under the radar instead of in the spotlight.
The people that know how (like us)...will mock them. The "normal shoppers" will make fun of them. Parenting blogs will talk about their kids (and be SHOCKED at the 4 yo in a dumpster). Retail store blogs (like the one with Target employees)...will post "see! Told you!!"

I see nothing good about this!

Yes but it was gonna happen sooner or later. I've been using coupons since I was 18 yo (way back in 1992) and boy, things have changed. The proliferation of all these blogs and people "spreading the word" have really changed this game.

My favorite store back then was Eagle because they doubled coupons and my friends and family would look at me like I was nuts becasuse I went to that store all the time (for entertainment mostly, LOL) but I got so much stuff for pennies, I loved it and I was hooked on couponing. I think I was the only person in that store who ever brought in coupons for doubles and then one day, they upped and closed the store on me.

Things change ... unfortunately we have to learn to live with it.
Nope not us.
I think most of us prefer to be under the radar instead of in the spotlight.

Yes, but some of the stories on here about people buying 8458748578 of any one product don't really constitute flying under the radar either KWIM ...

Not bashing anyone since I've been known to buy 8458748578 of a hot item myself but just sayin' ...
Yeah but can she "wallpaper" her entire house with Hallmark Tissue Paper?? :)


I have 5 kittens in my house. I think I'm going to let them "play" with all the tissue and just vacuum it up when they're done.
This lady's bio sounds more interesting to me than the Krazy Coupon Lady's:

Joyce House - Philadelphia, PA - Retired Nurse
Through careful planning and smart shopping, Joyce hasn't paid for a toothbrush, toothpaste or deodorant in 34 years. The savvy saver has been on her own since the age of 12 and at 15, was a single mother using coupons out of necessity. On her latest trip to the supermarket, Joyce brings along her daughter to teach her the basics of extreme couponing and ends up walking out of the store with hundreds of dollars in savings.
Retail value: $230.38. Joyce's cost after utilizing her coupons: $6.32.

Using coupons for 34 years? That's enough to impress me! What were coupons like back in those days?
Yes, but some of the stories on here about people buying 8458748578 of any one product don't really constitute flying under the radar either KWIM ...

Not bashing anyone since I've been known to buy 8458748578 of a hot item myself but just sayin' ...

Yeah but we're telling others like us. Not telling the world.

I personally don't and wouldn't store any food in the garage long-term. drinks are ok unless its freezing. I'm kind of paranoid about bugs though. I freeze (to kill anything) all my flour/sugar/rice for at least 48 hours when I first bring it home, then store it in its packaging inside a bigger zip bag on the top shelf of my stockpile room.

We had a mouse get in the house this week, for the first time in ten years. My boy Leonard :kitty: helped with the mouse, but one of my first thoughts was horror at losing all my free cereal to critters. There is so much more opportunity for mice/bugs to enter a garage..

BTW.. The mouse was gone within the hour, it didn't get near my stockpile room, the hole through which the mouse entered the house has been plugged, and the house is sanitized.
Yes, but some of the stories on here about people buying 8458748578 of any one product don't really constitute flying under the radar either KWIM ...

Not bashing anyone since I've been known to buy 8458748578 of a hot item myself but just sayin' ...


I read this as the UPC for the Hallmark tissue.