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Krazy Coupon Lady Stockpile Video

Yeah but we're telling others like us. Not telling the world.

True. But, if you're buying tons of something at the store in front of all the other shoppers, that's not really flying under the radar (whether you did a special order or not) IMO. I don't do huge orders but even on those rare occasions when I bought 100 soups or whatever, I just felt like a billion eyes were on me when I checked out.
True. But, if you're buying tons of something at the store in front of all the other shoppers, that's not really flying under the radar (whether you did a special order or not) IMO. I don't do huge orders but even on those rare occasions when I bought 100 soups or whatever, I just felt like a billion eyes were on me when I checked out.

But again you don't have a camera crew with you.
I just wear a T-Shirt that says HEY! Eyes on your own cart! :lol:

Not really...but I'd like to just once! :giggles:

True. But, if you're buying tons of something at the store in front of all the other shoppers, that's not really flying under the radar (whether you did a special order or not) IMO. I don't do huge orders but even on those rare occasions when I bought 100 soups or whatever, I just felt like a billion eyes were on me when I checked out.
Just asking. Is it ok to store cereal and pasta and stuff like that in the garage? Doesnt seem bug free to me unless it was in plastic containers. I sure wish they had large plastic containers at Hallmark.

I would never keep any food in the garage. Just plain N.A.S.T.Y.
Did anyone see the segment that Krazy Coupon Lady had posted with her and her sister on the last hour of the Today Show? I found it *sweet* that she was trying to teach Kathy Lee and Hoda about coupons but then she is telling Kathy Lee that she needs a coupon binder, I just almost feel over laughing my **** off because my first thought was, Kathy Lee would never grocery shop, her housekeeper does that for her.
Could you imagine being in line at Jewel behind Oprah, while she's trying to argue using a $1 coupon an a $.99 item? :roll:
Wouldn't mice get in the garage and eventually get into the boxes?
OMG-- I just can't believe there will be a show on TLC about this...
can't wait to DVR it.
I am torn on this whole special... kinda interesting. BUT kinda blowing the whistle on us too! :pout:
She probably does not have any problems with mice as she lives in a warm climate. You can tell this because her washer and dryer is in the garage.

Even so, I still would not store anything in my garage as I would be paranoid that some of the products would absorb the fumes from the cars!