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Krazy Coupon Lady Stockpile Video

Nathan started clipping coupons four years ago when he and his wife took a closer look at their finances. Now, debt free with more than 10,000 items stockpiled in his garage, Nathan is preparing for the biggest haul of his life. On his latest visit to the supermarket, Nathan is leaving with over 2,000 items - his most massive checkout to date. With 1,100 boxes of cereal, 300 toothbrushes and 60 bottles of hand soap, Nathan is looking forward to topping himself and saving thousands of dollars in the process!
A normal person isn't going to relate to Nathan's hauls

no they dont. they cannot even believe what it is they are seeing him do. and I have told him that OVER AND ****ING OVER AGAIN. to CHILL IT DOWN SOME. dont go on these stupid news shows or telly shows doing THOUSANDS of deals. people dont get it and think its a CON JOB or that he is ****ing INSANE AND A HOARDER.

but he is young and male, WONT ****ING LISTEN. great guy, dont get me wrong. i love nate to death. he has been far more accepting of my personality quirks than any other site owner besides HERE , ever has been.

but still SHUT THE **** UP NATE bring it down to a level people will understand.
Could we get Nathan to visit that Dominicks store that Barb's friend had the miserable cashier at?
She probably does not have any problems with mice as she lives in a warm climate. You can tell this because her washer and dryer is in the garage.

Even so, I still would not store anything in my garage as I would be paranoid that some of the products would absorb the fumes from the cars!

My inlaws have theirs in the garage here in ILlinois.....they keep it heated.
Could we get Nathan to visit that Dominicks store that Barb's friend had the miserable cashier at?

:lol::snicker::lol: better yet

I want to go to that dominicks when that jackass is working and see how far he gets treating ME that way. :hurt: I aM not AFRAID OF A DISORDERLY CONDUCT TICKET. :cartwheel:
I'd like to start a TV show like Cheaters at the grocery store. You have the surveillance footage of the cashier and manager being nasty to the customer. Then, you show it to someone from corporate and then you come in with the customer, corporate person and the camera crew from Cheaters with the black outfits holding cameras and boom mics and then the nasty person from the store is chased into a bathroom or back office.
Maybe her "real" stockpile is somewhere out of the camera's view?? I'd be scared if I was so low on everything. My house is very small. I believe quite a few of you have closets bigger than our bedrooms. I have to store a lot of stuff in our attached garage. I don't store any food out there that is in a cardboard container. I do store soup, ketchup, dressing, Ragu type things out there. There is no way I could store it in the house. We have those plug in things that make some type of noise that is supposed to keep rodents away. We will see if those work as just about every year we have lived here we have had problems (22 years now) at this time of year.
I'd like to start a TV show like Cheaters at the grocery store. You have the surveillance footage of the cashier and manager being nasty to the customer. Then, you show it to someone from corporate and then you come in with the customer, corporate person and the camera crew from Cheaters with the black outfits holding cameras and boom mics and then the nasty person from the store is chased into a bathroom or back office.

:snort::snort: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You could call it The ****s at Dominicks!
I really wouldn't worry about people catching on. I have been couponing for 2 years and only 1 friend is doing it. PEOPLE ARE TOO LAZY! Don't get me wrong, my friends love the deals but don't take the initiative to go get something for free! I have a lot of friends that went from having lots of money to very little over the past two years. I don't get it!! This is the least of our worries...Now the **** over at Dominicks is a different story!
I really wouldn't worry about people catching on. I have been couponing for 2 years and only 1 friend is doing it. PEOPLE ARE TOO LAZY! Don't get me wrong, my friends love the deals but don't take the initiative to go get something for free! I have a lot of friends that went from having lots of money to very little over the past two years. I don't get it!! This is the least of our worries...Now the **** over at Dominicks is a different story!

i agree. after a show like this or a major news bit about super couponing sure there is a SURGE of newbies. but when they find out it takes WORK real WORK they stop. even many who take the time to realy learn it will stop after a bit because its too much effort for them.
i agree. after a show like this or a major news bit about super couponing sure there is a SURGE of newbies. but when they find out it takes WORK real WORK they stop. even many who take the time to realy learn it will stop after a bit because its too much effort for them.

Not only that, but it seems like some people are embarassed to use coupons.
Im embarassed when I dont use any coupons!

I agree. I am mortified- feel like I need to justify NOT using them, rather than how some feel the need to justify using =)
I had a lot of JC expiring Sunday that I was going to burn at Jewel. Before I went I figured it didn't matter what I got just because I was going to be using the JC to pay for it. When I got there I ended up analyzing everything I picked up.
$2.99 for this, no if it were $2 I'd considder it but $2.49 no way.
It ended up being a long trip. :lol:
Im embarassed when I dont use any coupons!
Some Jewel cashiers give me a hard time when I don't hand them a stack of coupons (if just running in for a quickie).
Some Jewel cashiers give me a hard time when I don't hand them a stack of coupons (if just running in for a quickie).

Doode! My Jewel doesn't offer that service. :nopompom: