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SAHM and couponer. I got rheaumatoid arthritis eight years ago ended up having to have foot surgery because I could no longer walk 4 yrs ago have been home ever since.
Thanks, guys. I didn't see this until now. Yes, I sold books online. I've kind of taken a break from that for awhile. I really feel like I can't do anything though. I can't finish college; I can't get a job. I'll probaby never get married. Well, I will have to get a job at some point, but it won't be a very good job. I don't care about that though, as long as I don't hate it.

One of these days we'll get through to you!!!!!! Look in the mirror, smile at yourself, BELIEVE that you are smart, capable, worth it, and DESERVE to be happy and have a happy life. Until you do that, you won't find a good job, you won't finish college, and you probably won't get married either. You have convinced yourself that these things will never happen for you - and they won't until you let them happen and start believing in yourself.
One of these days we'll get through to you!!!!!! Look in the mirror, smile at yourself, BELIEVE that you are smart, capable, worth it, and DESERVE to be happy and have a happy life. Until you do that, you won't find a good job, you won't finish college, and you probably won't get married either. You have convinced yourself that these things will never happen for you - and they won't until you let them happen and start believing in yourself.

I've got a better idea... I think I will be at Cedar Point the weekend of July 24th.. Meet up with me so that I can beat it into to you. :hurt:

:biggrin: Whatchyall think? She I go kick her a$$ until she gets it?:giggles:
I've got a better idea... I think I will be at Cedar Point the weekend of July 24th.. Meet up with me so that I can beat it into to you. :hurt:

:biggrin: Whatchyall think? She I go kick her a$$ until she gets it?:giggles:

Ooo, you're going to Cedar Point, how fun! I might be going there in June.
So do I need to hunt you down and whoop ya or are you gettin it yet?!:hiphip:
Well, it's really nice to know that there are people out there who care. But I'm almost positive that I'm never going to finish college, and I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get married. Where would I find a Christian guy who doesn't want children (who could actually put up with me)? But I will be getting a job this year if I can find someone who will actually hire me. I think I was a pretty good cashier, but I got fired for tardiness so I think that's all they're going to pay attention to. I'm not going to put that I got fired on the job application, but they might find out anyway.
I worked as an engineer for about 10 years & now I'm home with my kids (my youngest just started preschool). DH's schedule is crowded these days, so getting a job outside the home probably isn't feasible, since I'm the one who usually takes care of kids' appointments/ sick days/ school holidays etc.
I have a Master's Degree in microbiology. Up until a year ago, I worked in Research and Development (cool job!), but decided to be a SAHM to my two boys. I currently also do part-time microbiology consulting from home.
Well, it's really nice to know that there are people out there who care. But I'm almost positive that I'm never going to finish college, and I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get married. Where would I find a Christian guy who doesn't want children (who could actually put up with me)? But I will be getting a job this year if I can find someone who will actually hire me. I think I was a pretty good cashier, but I got fired for tardiness so I think that's all they're going to pay attention to. I'm not going to put that I got fired on the job application, but they might find out anyway.

Now you listen here, lady.

You know when I met my husband? Five days after my 30th BIRTHDAY. I didn't think he existed. I'd tried and been burned. I was done.

You don't get to be the one who gives up on yourself. You're far too young for those shenanigans. And maybe before any of that stuff happens for you, you need to get your head on straight and value yourself as a loved child of God, who is worthy of all the good things He wants to give you. He can't bless you if you're already closed off to it and unwilling to accept it. You're hijacking your own plane, missy.


Now you listen here, lady.

You know when I met my husband? Five days after my 30th BIRTHDAY. I didn't think he existed. I'd tried and been burned. I was done.

You don't get to be the one who gives up on yourself. You're far too young for those shenanigans. And maybe before any of that stuff happens for you, you need to get your head on straight and value yourself as a loved child of God, who is worthy of all the good things He wants to give you. He can't bless you if you're already closed off to it and unwilling to accept it. You're hijacking your own plane, missy.



:shesaid: And don't make us whoop you! :hurt:
I got a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Spanish and then worked for a Mexican restaurant supply company for about a year. Then we got married, and we both went to school in Atlanta and got Masters of Divinity. After that, DH started a doctoral program at a school in the Chicago area, which is when we moved to Jewel land. Through seminary and for a couple years afterwards, I worked for a consumer market research firm that rates home services (I can tell you who to call if you're in Atlanta and need a plumber). The last couple years, I've been working with the grad religion programs at a small university south of Chicago, but DH is looking for a full-time job now so that I can be a SAHM. I really want him to get a job, but the slightly scary part is that all the real leads he has so far are not in Jewel land. I might actually have to shop at Kroger again!
Well, it's really nice to know that there are people out there who care. But I'm almost positive that I'm never going to finish college, and I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get married. Where would I find a Christian guy who doesn't want children (who could actually put up with me)? But I will be getting a job this year if I can find someone who will actually hire me. I think I was a pretty good cashier, but I got fired for tardiness so I think that's all they're going to pay attention to. I'm not going to put that I got fired on the job application, but they might find out anyway.

They won't find out. Many companies don't even check references.
NoHio you are a great person! I am so thrilled when you send me the formula checks as a RAOK!! You are a nice person and I am grateful that you help me out. Now hold your head up!!
The last couple years, I've been working with the grad religion programs at a small university south of Chicago, !

What university have you been working at? My DH worked at a small Christian university south of Chicago for a number of years and left it for grad school.
Ok, Hi, I'm Monika.

I'm a stat medical courier that hauls around everything from bloodwork to emergency blood deliveries to urine and poop to organ and tissue donations. That has been my job since August of 2008. Before that I've been a Sales and Marketing Manager, Family Care Advisor for a senior care agency, Administraive Assistant to the VP at News America Marketing (yep, SmartSource) AND I didn't even coupon at all then, ummm then before that I was a Marketing Coordinator and Trainer for a merchandising company.

Other than that I have 3 kids: DS 21, DD 20, DS 16. I met my DH and my soulmate (God Blessed me BIG TIME) on of all places, an AOL chat room. We've been married for 12 years now and most of those years he has spent recovering from four spinal surgeries. Right now he's been a SAHD since 2006, his last injury, underwent spinal fusion and suffered nerve damage during surgery and malpractice was NOT found. He can't find employment due to his limitations but thankfully this is covered by workers comp and social security disability. Lord, if he could only find a job!!!!!!

BUT I still love every bit of my life and we've been attending Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes and we're managing things successfully now.

And NoHio.....don't undervalue yourself, you will succeed, you will make something of yourself. Surround yourself with only positive people in your life. Read positive books, self-educate yourself with reading anything and everything you have interest in. You CAN finish college online, you CAN find a GREAT husband, you CAN get into a great career. ALWAYS keep your head up!!!! My life wasn't ever perfect, still isn't but I have three beautiful kids, finally have my soulmate after two previous failed marriages and umpteen jobs...AND I am PROUD to say that I just got my GED completed recently at the age of 41. DON'T QUIT ON YOURSELF!!!!!!! I don't know you but I'm passing some love your way, we're all God's children and He will never give unto us anything that we can't handle. PM me sometime if you'd like to chat. Really. Take care.
That is where my DH worked. We both graduated with undergrad and I am actually coming down this weekend for my master's graduation.
That is where my DH worked. We both graduated with undergrad and I am actually coming down this weekend for my master's graduation.

He was a resident director in one of the undergrad dorms.

That's cool! We probably know some of the same people. I know some of the RD's. Congratulations on your graduation! What program are you in?