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"mynewhobby" this is your warning!

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Thank you.... It was Steve who started the drama ****. Why doesn't someone **** at him?

Luckygirl, I apologize.

I thought prefacing my comment with...."Luckygirl, please take this in the spirit it was intended....:giggles:", was enough to not take me seriously. Yes, I was stirring the pot, but I actually like your "colorful" comments.

Again, I apologize to you. Please keep up the great work that you do for us on getting what little deals there are.
This is getting so confusing...

Title= drama
Read thread and it is about boring dishwashers
Come back the next day and they are STILL talking about dishwashers
Gone for a few hours and now it is drama.

Can we please adjust the title as needed...which will definitely bring about it's own spin-off drama :) thanks
Deals must be really slow these days . . .
This is getting so confusing...

Title= drama
Read thread and it is about boring dishwashers
Come back the next day and they are STILL talking about dishwashers
Gone for a few hours and now it is drama.

Can we please adjust the title as needed...which will definitely bring about it's own spin-off drama :) thanks
I was actually kind of getting into the dishwasher stuff. I don't have one, and sort of would love one, and kinda am envious a bit about others who do, but then on the other hand I get what Barb said about washing the dishes as you go and not using one if you have one. I had a portable one for years and rarely used it. I think what I'd really like is one of those fancy kitchens - those always come with all the good stuff!
I was actually kind of getting into the dishwasher stuff. I don't have one, and sort of would love one, and kinda am envious a bit about others who do, but then on the other hand I get what Barb said about washing the dishes as you go and not using one if you have one. I had a portable one for years and rarely used it. I think what I'd really like is one of those fancy kitchens - those always come with all the good stuff!

I want a big kitchen. I want an island in the middle and cabinets with all the extra stuff, pots that hang from that thing over the island and the built in space for plates and I want to not have to play tetris to get things into my cabinets and duck when I open them.
I keep thinking or what???

I mean really. OR you will cuss her out? Been there....done that.

I understand your anger....but this post is almost comical in that it is such an empty threat. What can you do? Troll her on CW? Cuss her out?

Not likely you are coming to her house to beat her up. And if you were, you probably wouldn't want the threat posted on an open public forum (you know, like evidence).

I get your anger....but this post keeps making me think "or what?"

Maybe I just needed comic relief, or maybe I just think out of the box that way...but that is what I keep thinking when I see this post.:sex::sex::sex:

As in a kind of don't even think about posting something without random hate comments that get personal.... that kind of "or what"..... You know, what I hate are idiots like "mynewhobby" or "jgilroy1980"
"I agree though, it seems like bad math to me...If you do the deal 6 times, you will be over $60, but you'd only earn (2) $10 ecbs, not 4. So $2.33 each, right?"

This is the second time the math was questioned and I already explained in detail how I was correct. THEN

I have actually not looked through it because I don't shop at CVS anymore. Think it's a total PITA having to do limits/multiple cards. I got so sick of throwing away ECBs (nearest stores are 45 minutes away). Anyway, so I didn't research the deal. I ONLY looked through the post bc the intro promised an AMAZING price, but I'm pretty sure that the first post was about how the total was only $20 something. I guess I was thinking 3x, not 6, so I apologize to the initial poster for saying it was only 2 deals, not 4.

I would also like to say that I find it comical to be called an idiot by someone for missing this detail.

#1- You must have NOTHING going on in your life to put so much effort into making drama about something so unimportant.

#2- Being called an idiot by someone who can't spell/use proper grammar is hilarious. (And if you can figure out what I even mean, I'll be shocked. I'll give you a hint: YOU'RE the idiot

Just realized that you WERE the original poster, too, so I rescind my apology.

So where is that block button that makes it so idiots can't see what I post????? This person ADMITS to not even reading the thread but feels the need to tell me how my math is wrong? GO AWAY ****, and then MYNEWHOBBY comes in and agrees? Wow and people wonder why I am not in the mood to explain the same thing over and over and over and over again. And if MYNEWHOBBY isn't new to couponing then they are even more of an idiot for not seeing that my math is correct and the deal is just fine.
Life is too short & too precious to throw a **** hissy fit because someone questions your math or makes a comment. Grow the hell up.
I want a big kitchen. I want an island in the middle and cabinets with all the extra stuff, pots that hang from that thing over the island and the built in space for plates and I want to not have to play tetris to get things into my cabinets and duck when I open them.

IMO...Don't get those! The hanging pot racks are all cute and stuff, but, boy, do they ever collect the dust. And they are a pita to keep clean. As for those open cabinets that you slide your plates in....they also are dust and dirt collectors. Get everything with slide out drawers and upper cabinets with doors. Been there, done that.
Life is too short & too precious to throw a **** hissy fit because someone questions your math or makes a comment. Grow the hell up.

Yea, because your so awesome at posting wonderful topics...................
IMO...Don't get those! The hanging pot racks are all cute and stuff, but, boy, do they ever collect the dust. And they are a pita to keep clean. As for those open cabinets that you slide your plates in....they also are dust and dirt collectors. Get everything with slide out drawers and upper cabinets with doors. Been there, done that.

I will take all of that into account as soon as we knock down all the walls and turn the bathroom, DDs room and the dining room into a kitchen so I have enough room to even consider this stuff :lol:

In that dream, I have a fulltime maid anyway so no need to worry about dust.
IMO...Don't get those! The hanging pot racks are all cute and stuff, but, boy, do they ever collect the dust. And they are a pita to keep clean. As for those open cabinets that you slide your plates in....they also are dust and dirt collectors. Get everything with slide out drawers and upper cabinets with doors. Been there, done that.
Hanging pot racks overhead can be dangerous, too. Even get hit by a falling cast iron pan? Or a tall visitor gets clunked on the side of the head?
Don't you mean "you're"? :hides:

On my phone, one of the smilies is a hand...like a "STOP" hand. I am finding *great* pleasure in texting my DD's back with the hand, an * and the correct spelling of things. They are not amused, but after week 2 or it, I am noticing I'm doing it less. :giggles:

Like yesterday when DD18 texted me that she was going for her "admissions" test & I replied with:


Girl better marry well because she's turning into kind of a ****. :dunce:
So where is that block button that makes it so idiots can't see what I post????? This person ADMITS to not even reading the thread but feels the need to tell me how my math is wrong? GO AWAY ****, and then MYNEWHOBBY comes in and agrees? Wow and people wonder why I am not in the mood to explain the same thing over and over and over and over again. And if MYNEWHOBBY isn't new to couponing then they are even more of an idiot for not seeing that my math is correct and the deal is just fine.

The button is the big X up in the right corner of your browser.

And I fully feel your pain with the blah blah LG, as well as your right to tear someone a new one, but you really don't need to crap up the whole forum with your hissy in multiple threads because not enough people noticed the original one. You CAN, but people are going to find it tiresome.

If you're gonna give it, you have to be able to expect to take it.

Last, you know as well as I do that contributing members take the MOST abuse of anyone. Nobody's begging us to post here.
Me too. Pathetic, aren't they?

People are allowed to react and feel however they feel. I'm not going to deny anyone the right to feel anything.

But how someone decides to react is a conscious choice. When someone (not naming any names here) loses it on a public message board, people should realize the drama llamas are going to enjoy the snack :35: and discuss for years how X, Y and Z made asses of themselves.
The best kitchen I was ever in was my Great Aunt and Uncles.

They had everything (EVERYTHING) raised 4 inches or so higher than standard.

We are a tall family and it was AWESOME to be in a kitchen where you don't have to stoop to wash dishes etc...all the counters were a more comfortable height etc...

I did wonder as an adult if that would limit the number of potential buyers when they sold the house someday.....but I bet 25-30 years in a house custom made for you beats having to hold out for tall buyers, lol.
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