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"mynewhobby" this is your warning!

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Kathy you are so right! I am very glad you posted. It will be much easier to just lurk here and not contribute. So much easier to just pop in and get the deals others have found without wasting my time typing out any deals I find. Thank you again Kathy! I am officially a lurker.... Thanks for all the great deals CW!
I looked at a house that had that done in it a few years ago, Barb. It was wild! I couldn't get my bearings standing there trying to place what was different. It makes sense, though- you should be comfortable in your kitchen. When my mom redid her kitchen a few years ago, she had to argue with her contractor to put a smaller than usual drawer under her wall ovens, so the wall ovens would be lower. Finally she told him if he raised them up to "normal" height, she would be calling him to come over to take thing in & out of the oven for her. :giggles: She's 4'11". Your aunt & uncles counters would probably be up to her chin. :lol:
The best kitchen I was ever in was my Great Aunt and Uncles.

They had everything (EVERYTHING) raised 4 inches or so higher than standard.

We are a tall family and it was AWESOME to be in a kitchen where you don't have to stoop to wash dishes etc...all the counters were a more comfortable height etc...

I did wonder as an adult if that would limit the number of potential buyers when they sold the house someday.....but I bet 25-30 years in a house custom made for you beats having to hold out for tall buyers, lol.

speaking of houses made for you...our home was owned by an electrician. He rewired the house in a way that made it easy for his wife to work the fuse box. So all lamps were one switch, all TVs one one, all room lights on one, etc, etc.

When we went through the final walk through and he said he left a map of how the house was wired I thought I guess that might be handy one day..then I realized what it was after we moved in and at first was cute, now it is irritating and when we move we wont tell anyone until the final walk through after they have the keys either :lol:
Kathy you are so right! I am very glad you posted. It will be much easier to just lurk here and not contribute. So much easier to just pop in and get the deals others have found without wasting my time typing out any deals I find. Thank you again Kathy! I am officially a lurker.... Thanks for all the great deals CW!

Um, this doesn't include WAGS thread right? Just checking.

You could do it for WAGS, but imagine how hard it would be to clear out your PMs every other day, and that would be just from me.
I looked at a house that had that done in it a few years ago, Barb. It was wild! I couldn't get my bearings standing there trying to place what was different. It makes sense, though- you should be comfortable in your kitchen. When my mom redid her kitchen a few years ago, she had to argue with her contractor to put a smaller than usual drawer under her wall ovens, so the wall ovens would be lower. Finally she told him if he raised them up to "normal" height, she would be calling him to come over to take thing in & out of the oven for her. :giggles: She's 4'11". Your aunt & uncles counters would probably be up to her chin. :lol:

Yeah, at 4'11" she probably would just wait at the table for someone to serve her as she would probably have to tip toe to wash her hands in the kitchen.

I think soo many people leave things more "standard" for resale purposes.
It would be very much more expensive, but you can build everything so that they are adjustable.

I know they raised the floors in some of the new Sandy Hook School's bathrooms because it was originally built as a junior high/middle school and now will be for elementary kids. They brought in new lower bathroom fixtures in other bathrooms.
I am officially a lurker.... Thanks for all the great deals CW!

whatever happened to that time you said you were done with CW? or was that the person that stole your identity speaking...
The best kitchen I was ever in was my Great Aunt and Uncles.

They had everything (EVERYTHING) raised 4 inches or so higher than standard.

We are a tall family and it was AWESOME to be in a kitchen where you don't have to stoop to wash dishes etc...all the counters were a more comfortable height etc...

I did wonder as an adult if that would limit the number of potential buyers when they sold the house someday.....but I bet 25-30 years in a house custom made for you beats having to hold out for tall buyers, lol.

I am 5'2", DH is 6'4", I don't think he understand I can't see what's at his eye level. :)

I have the top shelves for him to put his lunch box and coffee mugs, but he likes to put the bread and other perishables there, and since I couldn't see it, they are often forgotten or become moldy.
I don't know about the hissy fit thing, lots of people get pissed at each other here and let it rip. Maybe it's for the best to air out our big girl panties? :fart: Doesn't bother me at all that luckygirl called someone out for being ****y. :keeper:
Life is too short & too precious to throw a **** hissy fit because someone questions your math or makes a comment. Grow the hell up.

ennui I'm getting tired of agreeing with you. It just feels wrong. :snicker:
I don't always offer much myself... so I guess I would be considered a lurker. As a single mom who works, I don't have the time to be that shining star and post a great find. Sure wish I did.
However I have sent out q's to members without anything being returned. I have also let members use my number when my j4u would be nice to me, and my mperks coupons I wouldn't use, with nothing being returned to me. But I do this because so many of you share with us with nothing being returned. It is the least I could do.

I also just recently sent Tazzy $ via pp for CW (so no fees :) )

So maybe I lurk, comment here and there... but I do contribute, just in my own way.

and thanks to you all for talking about dishwashers.... :lol: you really threw me off there. I hand wash everything here, don't own a dishwasher. I remember my parents owning one... but it was never used. Now that I am thinking about it, they recently remodeled (and it is gorgeous) and I can't remember if they got a new one, just because. hmmm if not, wth did they put in its place?!?!
and thanks to you all for talking about dishwashers.... :lol: you really threw me off there. I hand wash everything here, don't own a dishwasher. I remember my parents owning one... but it was never used. Now that I am thinking about it, they recently remodeled (and it is gorgeous) and I can't remember if they got a new one, just because. hmmm if not, wth did they put in its place?!?!
A trash compacter? Wine cooler?
OMG we had a trash compactor growing up, I'd love to have one now!
A trash compacter? Wine cooler?

lol they don't have neither. I ended up calling and asking! lmao She said they kept it. I said what?! why... cause the kitchen is seriously gorgeous (not to say a dishwasher isn't, or ruins it, just that they remodeled and kept the same dishwasher! :lol:) she says cause if we ever move, most people will want a dishwasher.

now they just remodeled both their kitchen and bathroom. I love my parents, but they are CRAZY STUPID if they move!
It is 1237 am and I'm giggling at this post. So true! Took my NyQuil coz not feeling good, but love this post! We all need more deals I think.

This is getting so confusing...

Title= drama
Read thread and it is about boring dishwashers
Come back the next day and they are STILL talking about dishwashers
Gone for a few hours and now it is drama.

Can we please adjust the title as needed...which will definitely bring about it's own spin-off drama :) thanks
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