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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

People who believe they are right 100 percent of the time and refuse to believe there is a slight possibility they could be wrong. The only thing I can do is: to take a step back and watch them fall on their face...

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain
When people get upset because the weather is going to turn bad (freezing rain, sleet) so you cancel going to a birthday party.

We called and cancelled yesterday for a party today. It's a home party for a 2 year old boy. I am not driving over 1 hour away in freezing rain for it.

Going to make a quick run to Jewel and in for the day.
When people get upset because the weather is going to turn bad (freezing rain, sleet) so you cancel going to a birthday party.

We called and cancelled yesterday for a party today. It's a home party for a 2 year old boy. I am not driving over 1 hour away in freezing rain for it.

Going to make a quick run to Jewel and in for the day.

You are being smarter than alot of people will be today. I am tucked into the house for the day too. There is no where that important that I have to be that I need to risk my own or my family's safety. We are fortunate enough that the weather people give us some advance notice and we can change our plans ahead of time.
You are being smarter than alot of people will be today. I am tucked into the house for the day too. There is no where that important that I have to be that I need to risk my own or my family's safety. We are fortunate enough that the weather people give us some advance notice and we can change our plans ahead of time.

Although DH and I see it that way not everyone does.

Now we're getting the story that all the other family is coming and so sad we won't be there. "everyone else is coming- it's just rain and snow"

Whatever, I have been to the store and plan to spend the day safe and warm at home :)
The weather service said if you have driving plans today to cancel them, especially for you I would think being further out west. I think you are doing the right thing.
Maybe you should have just told them you have stomach virus and are puking all over the place. Then they wouldn't ask you to come!
When I tell a mom that their child isn't acting themselves and mention she might want to give their Dr. a call and mom blows me off.

I spend 6 hours a day with your child and can tell when something isn't right...listen to me.

Signed, gets paid almost same wages as walmart workers :surrender:
When DH watches t.v. and knows it's a show I hate but has the volume loud enough for me to hear everything!

my pet peeves.

3-anyone who puts plastic storage containers or styrofoam in the microwave drives me crazy.

Many years ago DH attempted to surprise me by making dinner. This meant putting sirloin steaks in a large plastic tupperware container in the oven. WTH was he thinking? You should have heard the screaming (by me).
People who believe they are right 100 percent of the time and refuse to believe there is a slight possibility they could be wrong. The only thing I can do is: to take a step back and watch them fall on their face...

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

I had an uncle who did this - you couldn't have a conversation with him because he was always right about everything. The only reason we continued to visit him was because my mother felt sorry for and wanted to visit with his wife (her sister). He was a tyrant in other ways too. (Always demanding, never allowing my aunt to drive, not allowing my aunt to visit her sisters, had to account for every penny spent, etc.) Sadly, when he died very few people were sorry to see him go. He was a miserable B*****D. Their children are very much like he was. (In addition, they have few friends, are socially inept, are selfish, are self-centered etc., etc.) When my dad died last year I finally realized how lucky I was to have been dealt the parents I had. I CANNOT fathom having had my aunt and uncle as my parents. I would not be who I am today. I'm not even sure I would be.

yesterday at Food for less when a customer insisted she could use three coupons on one item. Finally I said one coupon per item quit arguing your holding up the line. Not sure if the cashier should be included in this since she tried scanning all three.
When DH watches t.v. and knows it's a show I hate but has the volume loud enough for me to hear everything!


We have the same DH. Last week for the Super Bowl he turned on his Bose system so it could be louder yet because he has to have the feeling of "being there." UGH he is so deaf just won't admit it.
When mistah tells DS10 to go get in the shower (he takes forever) without asking if anyone else has to use the bathroom first. we only have one. :gah:

I ALWAYS ask first. Isn't that just normal when there is only 1 in the house or am I wrong?
When mistah tells DS10 to go get in the shower (he takes forever) without asking if anyone else has to use the bathroom first. we only have one. :gah:

I ALWAYS ask first. Isn't that just normal when there is only 1 in the house or am I wrong?

Yep the house I grew up in only had one and we all always asked.
We have 3-6 kids sharing a bathroom. Not only MUST they ask if anyone needs to get in there, if more than 2 of them needs to shower, the timer gets set.

My peeve of the day: Snotty mouthed 8yo's.
When mistah tells DS10 to go get in the shower (he takes forever) without asking if anyone else has to use the bathroom first. we only have one. :gah:

I ALWAYS ask first. Isn't that just normal when there is only 1 in the house or am I wrong?

Yep, we always ask first
When the foil wrapping gets stuck on boullion cubes & you have to run water over them to get it off, losing about 1/4 of the cube...
We have 3-6 kids sharing a bathroom. Not only MUST they ask if anyone needs to get in there, if more than 2 of them needs to shower, the timer gets set.

My peeve of the day: Snotty mouthed 8yo's.

...and 11yo's and 13 yo's

I finally kicked them all out of the house...they are playing in what's left of the snow.
I just said to mine, "Well tomorrow, when your friends are all talking about sledding, be sure to tell them how much fun you both had writing more sentences."

My MIL popped in today (there's another peeve) and went to say hi to the kids & said, "Oh boy...now what'd you do? Every time I come here you are writing." :lol:

Peeve #3: Hiding ****ty underwear.

Peeve #4: breaking up the bar of soap & shoving it down the drain. DH is going to **** when I ask him to rod out the tub drain AGAIN after working in the attic all day.