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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

"I only have two kids, but I still need to drive a big-**** vehicle so you can't see what's going on in front of you."

It's kind of hard to explain, but it basically boils down to "I'm better than you because I drive an SUV." And why the heck would someone need to drive an SUV just to transport one person? Two aunts of mine and a cousin all drive SUV's for no reason. It's not like they're hauling a lot of stuff or a lot of people. I think everyone should drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle that is practical for them to drive.

UHhhhh they DO make Hybrid SUV's....

My son is 5'10, 14YO and still growing... we have a 3 door hatchback Focus... where when he sat in the backseat his knees were almost to his chin.... we just bought an SUV... not because we feel we are better then anyone but for the comfort of our son.
As long as we are sharing 'accidental babies unbuckled stories'...I'll share mine too. I had just taken my 2 month old daughter to get her first round of shots and after the nurse was done, I laid DD back down in the carseat and covered her up with a blanket. I finished up talking with the nurse, picked up the carseat and headed to the car.

This was the first time I had seen DD get any type of shot/heel prick so I was just as upset as she was so I wasn't 100% in my right mind. I hit the Starbucks drive thru on my way home and took the "scenic route" home so she would be calmed by the moving car.

Once home, I removed the blanket so I could unbuckle her from the seat - and she was laying on top of all the buckles. I felt like the ****tiest parent, ever! To think I was on the road for a good 1/2 hr to 45 minutes without her buckled makes my stomach turn, even now - 8 months later.

But, to add to the thread - people who intentionally leave their children unbuckled drive me crazy!! I used to manage a certain fast food restaurant years ago, and would call the police on the same offenders time after time. I even got to the point to ask these people to pull over as whatever food they ordered was still cooking (even if it was bagged up and ready to go)...and proceeded to call the police.
Once, I witnessed a younger couple hoist their toddler into the back of a truck (with a topper, I might add) who then CRAWLED towards the cab of the truck where a high back booster seat was secured with BUNGEE CORDS inside the bed. And, since he was under the topper, there was no way to buckle him into the seat. (called the police on them, too!).
I might have gotten a little crazy with the dialing of the police but I don't take those things lightly.
UHhhhh they DO make Hybrid SUV's....

My son is 5'10, 14YO and still growing... we have a 3 door hatchback Focus... where when he sat in the backseat his knees were almost to his chin.... we just bought an SUV... not because we feel we are better then anyone but for the comfort of our son.

Yeah, but a hybrid SUV still gets much worse gas milage than a hybrid car.
Why do you drive an SUV?

I had a car, but putting my 80lb dog in the back seat never turned out good, especially after I took her swimming. I actually have a XUV, which looks like an SUV, but the back section is completely separate from the front section, although you can take the partition down for hauling items. Now the dog gets the back and humans get the front. Much better to not have that 80 pounder in my lap as I'm trying to drive.

I've also used it as a camper (have the tent/camping package) and it hauls the Jewel freezer just perfectly thank-you-very-much!
I drive a big **** SUV. Now get out of my **** way you piss-ant little car!

Can we at least have separate areas in parking lots for big **** SUVs and another for pissant little cars??? I hate when I park my little Toyota Echo in a space near another car and by the time I come out I'm sandwiched between two big **** SUV's and have a helluva time backing out of the space.
:lol: I knew there'd be a point where one person's peeve would peeve another peever while peeving.
The TV screen thingy at gas stations that says "Hi. Welcome to Shell. We're glad to see you." when you fill up your car. hmmmm, I will be there all of 4 minutes maybe and really NEED to be entertained. I wonder if my gas would cost less if the TV wasn't there :tap:

The Vermont Teddy Bear commercial :gah:
OMG!! That stupid TV scares the CRAP out me every time! You would think I would be used to it by now!

Mine would be seeing the toys all over the place which is pretty bad since I have 2 little ones. I pick up the toys 2 to 3 times a day. I have a 16 mth old (no way she can clean up yet) and a 2 yr old. The 2 yr old actually helps clean big time, but I like certain toys in certain places. The little toys can go on the toy box, so I don't care, but the ride ones have to go in a certain order. I start getting crabby, until I get it organized. For some reason it stresses me out to see them all over the place. I am not even a clean freak or a very organized person, so not sure why I feel this way.
No peeve.... :9: Don't really care actually...
:lol: I knew there'd be a point where one person's peeve would peeve another peever while peeving.

I always get such a kick out of your posts. I was thinking earlier, 'I bet that guy a s b has some really great pet peeves.' How naive I was! I should have known better that you were one of those 'stay above the fray' and watch-the-others-beat-the-crap-outtta-each other kind of guy!
Talking about SUV's, I have one because I like it. I have 2 kids and is also easier for me. I have a highlander because I couldn't afford a bigger one, but if I could I would. Not because it makes me powerful, but because I like it, and if anyone has a problem with the gas,(not to offend anyone but...) then I would ask when I am getting a check from them to pay for my gas. BTW, I like the hummer, but it is way to expensive... Maybe it they took coupons for the car and the gas........
People who use the expression"My bad"

People who borrow things & never return them.

People who think assholes like Michael Vick should be forgiven.
Talking about SUV's, I have one because I like it. I have 2 kids and is also easier for me. I have a highlander because I couldn't afford a bigger one, but if I could I would. Not because it makes me powerful, but because I like it, and if anyone has a problem with the gas,(not to offend anyone but...) then I would ask when I am getting a check from them to pay for my gas. BTW, I like the hummer, but it is way to expensive... Maybe it they took coupons for the car and the gas........

I agree.... I do not have SUPER big truck (we bought an Explorer) because I would feel UNSAFE driving it... I HATE BIG vehicles... but the comfort level of my Baby boy is important to me... I also hate the gas mileage a BIG truck has... it was a SHOCK to the wallet to go from driving a SUPER fuel efficiant Focus 3 door to an Explorer! But alas that is life!
People who use the expression"My bad"

The one that drives me crazy is 'Can I come with?'

When my kids say that, I tell them that no, they can't, and the reason is specifically because of their poor grammar.
Can we at least have separate areas in parking lots for big **** SUVs and another for pissant little cars??? I hate when I park my little Toyota Echo in a space near another car and by the time I come out I'm sandwiched between two big **** SUV's and have a helluva time backing out of the space.

I'll drink to that...

I do find it rather amusing that, when the roads are slick, there's about 10 times more SUVs & 4WD trucks kissing the ditch than Ford Tauruses...
Yeah, but a hybrid SUV still gets much worse gas milage than a hybrid car.

A motorcycle gets better milage than a hybrid car...

A bike gets better milage than a motoecycle...

People drive what they drive to suit whatever their needs are.

Let's all love each other... :biggrin:

georgie trying to keep the peace. :wink2:
BTW, we do have 2 SUV's... SO many days, I would prefer a car to dart around if it were just me... But we have the SUV's b/c we have always been the shuttle. Which in the end... translates into less gas than everyone in the neighborhood taking cars to the same school or game or concert or church...