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pet peeves

The only novel I would read is the Halo novel, I seen it on Amazon thinking about buying it.
Nightwolf04 said:
Oh dear I'm disappointed in you irish watching tv so much :p

they try chris, but if they have a problem and then it takes longer than the shedule then their late for the next appointment...better to put an average on it :p?
I really need to start reading more. Like Chris I have been spending time reading on the NET.
Chrisl0 said:
I don't know how you do it.
Books are great for escaping reality. The reason I like Stephen King so much is he creates a world so similar to our own and takes the reader away. He puts the supernatural in a natural setting and it makes for a magnificent book. Beats the piss out of video games for that purpose. I lose track of time and put away large novels in a little under 2 days.
books are just as plausible. Tell you what, do me a favor and read Fahrenheit 451 and tell me that isn't going to happen to this country if we don't change our ways. Modern conveniences my fat ****.
I always hear bad news about this country, I don't even believe it anymore.
Dude, there are a lot of similarities to our society even though the story was written in 1953. Personally I think this country is going to hell in a handbasket. Embrace the future, it ain't gonna be no paradise.
Yea I heard every way the country and the world is going to fall apart, though I just can't see it. The country could of easily went to hell during the Great Depression, the Vietnam War, etc. But it didn't, we are in a rough spot it will eventually work out.
I have discussed the same thing before, it gets gradually worse with big events every ow and then. Columbine, 9/11, what next? I'm waitin to see.
But lots of societies have crumbled. We aren't invincible. Take a look at Rome. They always get too big for their britches and fall apart. Rome was put out to pasture by the barbarian hordes. We have middle eastern people. Its only a matter of time, and out of the ashes will arise a new society.
You know what made the Rome crumble? A little thing called the "Pax Romano" if I remember correctly it was 150 year period of peace. They got lazy and got overrun, remember they were surrounded by enemies. Peace is what really caused their end. We have two nations that border us, nations that won't bother with us. Not to mention the other two sides are surrounded by two oceans that go for thousands of miles.
I blame it on government corruption. Rome was a crumbling empire. After awhile they had **** leader after **** leader.
I am getting on the subject of the thread and off what they're talking about. My pet peeve is when a guy doesnt take a shower daily. Tyler does that sometimes and it KILLS me.