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pet peeves

One of my pet peeves is "STUPIDITY" I can not for the life of me, stand stupidity, it bothers me, it gets to me, I get raging mad when ppl act or are just plain ******* stupid! I have had to deal with it a great deal lately and I am just about to blow! So I decided to come on here and vent a lil.
:angry5: :BangHead: :cussing:
Venus said:
One of my pet peeves is "STUPIDITY" I can not for the life of me, stand stupidity, it bothers me, it gets to me, I get raging mad when ppl act or are just plain ******* stupid! I have had to deal with it a great deal lately and I am just about to blow! So I decided to come on here and vent a lil.
:angry5: :BangHead: :cussing:
Me either....I can't stand dumb/stupid people!! I would rather talk to this monkey.....
One of my pet peeves involves loaning money. certain neighbors are all over me like flies on s@#t when they are looking to borrow from me. They are at my door constantly yet when I do loan them some, oddly they seem to forget where I live when it comes time for them to pay it back.

Loaning the money is not my pet peeve; having to hunt the next door neighbors down to get it back really burns me up! You would think I would learn but NO! When they come crawling to me again for money to buy their alcohol, cigarettes and dope I seem to forget that two letter word - NO!!
Near the Chicken place! Not far from the best Chinese restaurant in town! Come on over! LOL
One of my pet peeves involves loaning money. certain neighbors are all over me like flies on s@#t when they are looking to borrow from me. They are at my door constantly yet when I do loan them some, oddly they seem to forget where I live when it comes time for them to pay it back.

Loaning the money is not my pet peeve; having to hunt the next door neighbors down to get it back really burns me up! You would think I would learn but NO! When they come crawling to me again for money to buy their alcohol, cigarettes and dope I seem to forget that two letter word - NO!!

Well here is a quote that you should remember:

"Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."
William Shakespeare (English dramatist, playwright and poet, 1564-1616)

Most of us are just familiar with the first part...but I figured I would post it all....for you Shakespeare fans.
One of my pet peeves involves loaning money.
Well, never loan out more than you can afford to lose. ;)

One of my pet peeves when people show a lack of respect. I can't stand it when people are rude or disrespectful to other people. In my opinion, showing disrespect to people only shows you have no class.
BabyBuddha said:

Well here is a quote that you should remember:

"Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."
William Shakespeare (English dramatist, playwright and poet, 1564-1616)

Most of us are just familiar with the first part...but I figured I would post it all....for you Shakespeare fans.

I just do not know how to say NO !!!:dontknow:
Here are a few rather odd and specific pet peeves:

1) Large groups of deaf people (yes, I am a horrible person).
This is because, like any other group of friends, they like to chat while they walk, and this raises a few problems. First off, like an ideal gas, their groups tend to expand to fill the volume of the hallway or walkway on which they are traveling (since the further they are apart from each other, the easier it is to make out what others are signing). Even a group of 3 can fill a fairly large hallway to the point that there's space between them, but not quite enough to dive through. Secondly, while signing they are watching their friends, rather than where they are going, so they are more likely to run into you, or run you off the walkway, or into a wall. Third, like any group of friends they tend to slow to a pace that makes snails look fast, all but oblivious to the screams of those growing ever more late because of them. Finally they are LOUD. You wouldn't expect it, but because they cannot tell how much noise they are making they tend to be rather loud, and the sounds they make are often rather obnoxious.

2) "Rowdy" college students.
There are too many specific things to name here, but some people need to grow up and start acting in a manner that is at the very least not criminal, or, dare I hope, not a complete embarrassment to the human race (and if they won't grow up, how about culling the **** population?).

3) Young children at play.
There is a day care center located across the quad from my dorm room. The noise those children make could drown out construction equipment. They seem to be engaged in a never-ending contest to out-scream each other (I kid you not, that's really what it sounds like they're doing), all while playing on playground equipment that could seriously use some WD-40. The overall effect is an endless cacophony of piercing shrieks. I would close the window, but the temperature my dorm room has a tendency to skyrocket if the window is closed.
GoingNova said:

One of my pet peeves when people show a lack of respect. I can't stand it when people are rude or disrespectful to other people. In my opinion, showing disrespect to people only shows you have no class.
Some people don't deserve it.

I hate people who can't take a joke. I also hate stupidity. And ignorance. And arrogance
When the guy named "GoingNova" spams me with stupid cartoon noises while im in the middle of doing something and makes my blood pressure rise to 150/70...ARGG
Then makes me say the F word continously for 10 minutes...Nova your getting my wrath when i hit 60, im dueling you with my hunter and your "GoingDown!"
Chrisl0 said:

2) People who cut into your lane without a blinker at the last minute.

Around here those people are usually talking on a cell phone.....
RQN1234 said:

Around here those people are usually talking on a cell phone.....

We have them here also, I think they should be put in jail for driving while talking on a cell phone.
Nightshade200 said:
Some people don't deserve it.

I hate people who can't take a joke. I also hate stupidity. And ignorance. And arrogance

Preach on brotha!!!!!!!:applaus: :applaus: :applaus:
To be honest I agree with the deaf talking. I know it's harsh, but other than being deaf there's really nothing wrong.

Another peeve, is being stared at while your on the company...the person is jsut sat right behind you reading everything you are doing on the computer....how annoying...*slaps everyone behind her*
Yea I hate that also, when I am on break in my school I go to the computer lab to write on this website, look at websites, check my email, etc. Sometimes people will look over and I feel like my privacy is being invaded.
Yea I love doing that, but in my school people are looking for a excuse to get into a brawl. I usually don't mind punching someone back but I am not looking to get kicked out of a school.