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pet peeves

BabyBuddha said:

Just verifying.....I tend to mess things up alot with ppl. I have a COMPLEX!!
Yeah but the thing with me is I am aware of that complex... so... LOL ;)
Lil'Jeffery34 said:

Pet Peeve: People who blame video games for their kid's bad behavior. Have they ever thought that it could be their fault?

Yea I am with you 100%, just another scapegoat.
Pet Peeve: People who sneeze without covering their mouths and noses, I don't want to inhale their germs.
PP: That no one seems to be coming on here and bashing anything anymore.
What's up with that... Get your asses in gear and start bashing again.
It gets boring when it's always the same ppl on here... BLAAAAA!
Pet Peeve: People that park their cars in the middle of two spaces on the street.
PP: people who are so strung out on dope that they think they are fooling everyone in their attempt to gain a sympathy vote. One prime example the girl downstairs. She does not have one iota of compassion from me and I do hope that the authorities step in soon before the rest of us deal with her on our terms.
Venus said:
PP: That no one seems to be coming on here and bashing anything anymore.
What's up with that... Get your asses in gear and start bashing again.
It gets boring when it's always the same ppl on here... BLAAAAA!

All boards are dead this time of year.
Flowers? The only flowers out around here are dandelions!
Oh I don't know much about flower growing cycles, just wondering what they are up to.
Too cold in this neck of the woods to blossom! Sad so sad! I love the Spring - guess where, Venus LOL - in the States!!

PP - people who have no tolerance for other people's delights.
PP: ppl who think they are so mighty superior to others.

PP: Ppl who complaint about a country but have no problem accepting the benefits that are paid by that country.
PP: Venus and her behavior.

I have no idea what I ever did to you, however, one word of caution. You are out of your league. You may be able to get away with going ballistic on Chris, but I suggest you not try your same antics with me.

You may be a nice person but your behavior leaves a lot to be desired of late. I have no intentions of arguing with you. So if you feel the need to male bash I suggest you seek out another scapegoat cause I am not playing! I am not a force to be reckoned with and children who play with matches inevitably get burned.

AS for superiority if that is what you believe - so be it. No argument from me!
LMFAO... if your trying to intimidate me... try again!
You were the one who first warned me of how heated thing can get in here, and at first I wanted to leave, but I stuck it out and I am here to stay... and as those PP if you took them personaly that's not my problem. Only one of them was meant towards a previous discussion we had.
Like we say if the shoes fits...
And I have no intentions of fighting either... But I never put your name in any of my posts... unlike you did towards me. So I thought you were the big advocate towards no persnal attacks... ?!?!?!
Hey hey, thats not fair. Why can you blow your top Anglo but I can't?