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pet peeves

hehe I've done that PP lots of times BB :D

PP: when everyone in my family goes out and doesn't even tell me their going...thanks family >.<
PP: Boyfriend who is a smartass.:p LOL

Sorry CTTB!!! Love ya! :love7:

PP:people who except you to wait on them hand and foot..
heh I like that one Venus.

PP: The amount of pet peeves I have...life should be nicer >.<
Yeah I think alot of ppl will like that one.

PP: Open mail.... piss me off!!!
PP: The state of the world

I agree with that Nightwolf.
BIGGEST PP: Having to FIGHT with work to go back to work after being off on medical leave because the doctor doesn't have time to fill out the 3 PAGE form. And I won't get paid till that form is completed. And the Dr. has had it since April 10!!! And I am supposed to go back to work this Saturday. And we get paid real time!! So I am not going to get paid this WEEK!!
PP: Those lights with cameras that take your picture while going through a yellow light.
PP: People who allow doctors to get away with incompetence. Go to the frigging office and sit there until he fills out the form and bring it to work. Today is Tuesday. There is plenty of time today to get it done. Bring me with you and I'll show you how if you like.
PP: People who slow down to watch accidents and cause traffic jams.
PP:people who are so unkempt and dirty that just walking past their closed apartment door makes one gag from the odor!
Yea got allot of that on the train.

PP: People who wear too much perfume/after shave.
PP: People who honk their car horn as a sign of good-bye to people they have just been talking with through their car window. The person or persons are still standing there less than 2 feet away when the idiot driver,his window still down, pulls out of the parking lot and beeps the horn. F'ing IDIOTS!! (especially at 6 AM!) Get a life, people !!
Chrisl0 said:
Yea got allot of that on the train.

PP: People who wear too much perfume/after shave.

PP: People who wear perfume/after shave so strong that God can smell it.
PP: People who never tell you anything straight...it's all un answered questions and such...all guess work...!!!