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Rude response from Latshaw/Karma!!!

OK, here's the bold part with some emphais added by me.

I received my key well within 24 hours...just as his website says. I received exactly what I was expecting in regards to the product that I paid for in a timely fashion. Neither one of my TWO emails (hardly a barage) were sarcastic, demeaning or condescending in tone. I was merely asking him if he COULD expedite my sale (which I don't know if he did or not since it takes up to 24 hrs but that has NOTHING to do what got my dander up) and he responded in a very non-professional and rude manner. THIS IS WHY I AM POSTING!!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER I GOT THE PRODUCT IN A TIMELY FASHION OR NOT!!! GOT IT???

His policy is 24 hours. You asked him for special treatment and when you did not get it you whined about it on the boards. As I said, you got what you deserved.

So there are other boards out there. ProDJ, DJChat, and so on. Go ahead out there and whine about this.
Did it say on the order page that it will take up to 24 hours to process? If so, what is the problem? If not, then they need to include that on the order page.
When I first purchased SLG the page said 48 hours but i do not see it any longer on the site.
OK, here's the bold part with some emphais added by me.

His policy is 24 hours. You asked him for special treatment and when you did not get it you whined about it on the boards. As I said, you got what you deserved.

So there are other boards out there. ProDJ, DJChat, and so on. Go ahead out there and whine about this.

Wow...so I bold it numerous posts ago...then tell people where the "bolded" post is...and it's stil missed.

Ok...this time I will seperate the area that I'm talking about completely and if it's not understood then, I can't do much more than that.

I received my key well within 24 hours...just as his website says. I received exactly what I was expecting in regards to the product that I paid for in a timely fashion. Neither one of my TWO emails (hardly a barage) were sarcastic, demeaning or condescending in tone. I was merely asking him if he COULD expedite my sale (which I don't know if he did or not since it takes up to 24 hrs but that has NOTHING to do what got my dander up)

and here is the part that I am talking about...

and he responded in a very non-professional and rude manner. THIS IS WHY I AM POSTING!!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER I GOT THE PRODUCT IN A TIMELY FASHION OR NOT!!! GOT IT???

I can't do any more than that...if it's still not understood then it never will and as I said, let's just move on. We can debate this all day and the thread will turn into 20 pages but we all have more constructive things to do with our time than that I'm sure...

We get your point apparently you don't get ours!

There was nothing "unprofessional about his first answer to you! You asked for expidited service and he responded that he would get it to you in the order he received it. Nothing unprofessional about that. He also told you that if you needed it yesterday you should have ordered it the day before, I don't see anything unprofessional about that! It is only the way you took it. He at least did respond to you, I have dealt with many companies that wouldn't have even bothered to respond at all.

As for your follow up I have already stated my opinion of that and I think his response was certainly appropriate for what you sent (maybe a little on the mild side by my standards)

But don't think we don't comprehend what you are saying, many of us just don't see it the same way you do! I think the problem here lies with the fact that you aren't comprehending what we are saying!
I would give Thunder 10 "Thanks" for the above post....But i can't....

Dawg, I can read just fine. I just know you like to whine...It's o.k. we all know...
Let's see -- do I want to get involved in this discussion...hmmm :sqerr: :sqlaugh:

Technical side of story:

Well, my sites say within 24 hours, even though I use an automated system. Reason is simple, there are too many factors that influence delivery times...

For example, I don't process credit cards -- I use either PayPal or SWREG (Digital River). So, the customer pays them, not me. They then notify my servers (which are somewhere in California), which in turn notify my on premises systems here.

Generally, this all happens very quickly, but sometimes there are glitches on the net, which is why I specify (this is direct from my sites purchase page):

You will receive your registration information via the email address you provide to either of our payment companies. Occasionally there is a slight delay due to network traffic and other factors, but you will generally have your registration code and unlock instructions within 5 - 60 minutes. The biggest cause of delay, is using an invalid or mistyped email address, as we then have no way to contact you. If you do not receive your code within 24 hours, please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx, or send an email to our support address on the Support page.

There are also times where I may bring my automated system down for maintenance, in which case I have to process manually (in fact, all upgrades are processed manually).

So anyway, that's the technical reasons for specifying 24 hours, as most online software retailers do. :)

As to the rudeness factor:

I don't know this guy Bob, but I do get some "interesting" emails and calls from customers, that can be very annoying :sqeek:

I like this one myself:

Customer purchases online, and emails within 3-5 minutes.


I find them funny, and depending on my mood, either don't respond at all, or give a sarcastic response. I even have a special template to respond to rude/condescending customers.

It's nicely written, but dripping with sarcasm :sqcool: :sqwink: :sqbiggrin:

BTW: Most times, by the time I get their email, their code has already left the building on its way to them. Many times, they mistype their emails when purchasing, or it just hasn't arrived yet. Sometimes it makes their junk email box, depending on their filters in place.

It's a two way street folks... :sqwink:

@Wiz: And you wonder why I don't get involved in karaoke... :sqlaugh: :rofl:
Yes, I still can't understand why millions upon millions of dollars isn't enough to interest someone in a market that is still somewhat under served and in the relatively early stages of development. I'm wondering why more GOOD programmers aren't working on Karaoke hosting software, Karaoke book software, Karaoke file management/conversion software etc. I'm wondering why successful business people wouldn't detach themselves from emotional and sometimes irrational or unreasonable requests or comments of some customers?

I don't see the satisfaction derived by being sarcastic to a "customer".

Does someone who says "I need my activation code right away because I have a gig in two hours" deserve a reply at all? I don't think so. They can get the code in the normal fashion as far as I'm concerned, but without any kind of sarcastic comment.

Sarcasm, a condescending attitude, unprofessional comments etc. have no place in business IMO. It's far better not to respond at all or in a robotic way rather than in an insulting way whether it's subtle or obvious. As usual, just my personal opinions.
Yes, I still can't understand why millions upon millions of dollars isn't enough to interest someone in a market that is still somewhat under served and in the relatively early stages of development. I'm wondering why more GOOD programmers aren't working on Karaoke hosting software, Karaoke book software, Karaoke file management/conversion software etc. I'm wondering why successful business people wouldn't detach themselves from emotional and sometimes irrational or unreasonable requests or comments of some customers?

I don't see the satisfaction derived by being sarcastic to a "customer".

Does someone who says "I need my activation code right away because I have a gig in two hours" deserve a reply at all? I don't think so. They can get the code in the normal fashion as far as I'm concerned, but without any kind of sarcastic comment.

Sarcasm, a condescending attitude, unprofessional comments etc. have no place in business IMO. It's far better not to respond at all or in a robotic way rather than in an insulting way whether it's subtle or obvious. As usual, just my personal opinions.


A) There isn't nearly as much money in it as you think. For every one person that buys your software -- 10000 steal it.

B) I was making a joke regarding your comment. ;)

C) I love sarcasm, almost as much as you love attempting to sing... :D
I would give Thunder 10 "Thanks" for the above post....But i can't....

Dawg, I can read just fine. I just know you like to whine...It's o.k. we all know...

Ok...thanks for a positive contribution to the discussion! :sqrolleyes:
To put a positive spin on this discussion... I just had a few back and forth emails with latshaw systems about file organization and the slight delay when adding songs to singers in the rotation list... and come to find out I am organizing correctly and that it's zip files that cause the longest delay in queuing them to a singer.... so, solution... unzip my fly... erm I mean files.
Sarcasm, a condescending attitude, unprofessional comments etc. have no place in business IMO. It's far better not to respond at all or in a robotic way rather than in an insulting way whether it's subtle or obvious. As usual, just my personal opinions.

Bob is a person. Rick is a person. Kevin is a person. Steve is a person. Wiz (I don't know your real name) is a person.

If it's good for Kevin, why isn't it good for Bob? Why do you feel that these types of negative comments are acceptable when it comes from the customer?
To put a positive spin on this discussion... I just had a few back and forth emails with latshaw systems about file organization and the slight delay when adding songs to singers in the rotation list... and come to find out I am organizing correctly and that it's zip files that cause the longest delay in queuing them to a singer.... so, solution... unzip my fly... erm I mean files.

Ha...just don't take out your hard drive! :sqlaugh:
I never said it was ok for a customer to be abusive or harsh or rude or sarcastic towards the business. IMO that's stupid if you're trying to get something or to get something done. Customers should be respectful and realistic. Are they all? Obviously not.

I can understand some folks wait until the last minute or an event comes up unexpectedly-they can TRY to get expedited service in a polite way, but they need to know that if they do it's just luck and over the top treatment by the company.

If the company doesn't hop to it or they're just not set up to be able to expedite, the customer needs to suck it up and deal with their situation. As long as the company conducts itself in a professional and businesslike manner, what's the problem? The company didn't create the need for expedited service. If a customer gets mad because their unreasonable request isn't honored then oh well. A business can only do so much. Just like us as entertainers. We can do our best and that's all we can do.

If we as DJs have a customer that is a "problem" customer we can remain calm and try to deal with them. If they are more difficult than what we're willing to put up with, we have the option to decline to do business with them. No need to be sarcastic or get involved in the customer's drama.

I've been to restaurants where the decor was nice, the food was good, the price was reasonable, BUT the waitress or waiter gave me attitude and it ruined the whole experience for me. It's unlikely that I would go back or recommend that restaurant. Some folks will ignore or overlook the bad attitude because they like the food and they like the decor, they like the restaurant enough to put up with the bad service. Not me.

I have a great mechanic right now. I've had some bad mechanics over the years. Some ripped me off, some were incompetent. I treat my great mechanic like gold. I speak to him respectfully, never rush him and don't quibble about the bill. I know mechanics have it rough because everyone brings them their problems and they expect magic. I was going to another mechanic before I found this GREAT mechanic. This other mechanic was cranky and gave me a ration of $hit when I brought my cars to him. Guess what? I stopped going to him and have spent thousands and thousands of dollars with my new GREAT mechanic. I tell everyone about this great mechanic.

Bottom line to all of this? Dealing with the public can be difficult and challenging. It takes some patience and some skills. Dealing with the public isn't easy-it's easy to make mistakes-it's easy to say or do the wrong thing. It's hard to keep your cool and step back from the situation when people piss you off.
I too was very interested in Lawshaw products until he got rude with me.

And I am surprised how many "old farts", which I am one, are defending Latshaw. Don't you remember what customer service is suppose to be. I know it has been a long time since we have consistently experienced it and it's rare that it is displayed these days. But come on.. where does Latshaw have justification for his "holier than thou" attitude with customers and/or prospective customers. And, if he doesn't care about the customers he has blown off, shouldn't he care about potential future customers who are reading this thread?

So, I can't condone Latshaw's attitude from the perspective of a businessman or a customer!

I guess the acceptance of inadequate customer service started simultaneously with the advent of automated phone systems .... press this button for English, press this button for ...., press that and so on.

Businesses installed those automated phone systems because another business sold them on the idea that they can save money by no longer employing telephone operators and that it would improve customer service. And now everyone believes that's the way a phone system should be managed. Our children probably think that's the way it should be. And, in fact, our children know nothing else!

Now, who here has never had a major problem trying to reach the right person at a company you do business with? And who here hasn't had a stressful experience because of the inability to press the right button? And who would/did you complain to about your experience? Or did you just forget about it like most sheeple do?

Meanwhile, bottom line, the company that stressed you out doesn't care what you think about their phone system.... they save money with it! And if you actually did complain and if the person you spoke to was under 40 years of age they would think you are some kind of kook to make such an asinine complaint about a phone system of all things!

So, "beauty maybe in the eye of the beholder", and some may want to interpret the nuances of the message in an emails between Latshaw and whomever, but no one pisses on my shoes and gets away with telling me that it's raining!

And as a human being, it is appropriate to treat others as you would like to be treated. As a businessman it IS a requirement. The customer, can do as he/she pleases. There are no problem customers, just problem employees who don't know how to handle them!

Whatever happened to phone calls as the primary mode of doing business? It reduces the likelihood of mis-communications. With the phone there is no question regarding the tone of the person, no "typos", no confusion about what is being said, and there is the opportunity to immediately clarify any confusion that should develop!
I have never had any dealings with any of the above but I will offer an unbiased opinion.

#1 - None of you have brought up the fact that not everybody is having a stellar day at the same time you are. People have bad days...EVERYBODY has bad days. Perhaps Mr. Latshaw was having a bad day and came off a little more harsh that he could have.

#2 - It is quite difficult to gauge emotion in a typed email. What one person deems trite, to-the-point, etc...may not come off the same way for someone else.

#3 - Dawg, while I can see your point, I believe you are blowing this entire thing out of proportion and, indeed, coming across as a whiney prima donna because an email response rubbed you the wrong way. Did you ever think that, perhaps, YOU werre having the bad day when you read Mr. Latshaw's response? Suck it up, man...if that's the worst thing that has ever happened in your business dealings, I really don't want to know what something serious would do to your fragile ego.
Dj fuzzy

While your opinions may be unbiased, they are based upon several suppositions and premises I cannot embrace: And, ironically, you preach to DJDawg about interpersonal skills and then you demean

One premise that irks me these days is that a customer has to be concerned about the "feelings" of a business owner and that if a business owner is upset by the customer he is justified in returning "**** for tat"
(NOTE: Nonetheless, no one should have to put up with crap from anyone if that crap is demeaning or vulgar)

The next premise that just destroys my sensibilities as a businessman is the belief that a businessman is "entitled" to have a "bad day". Look, everyone has bad days. Most, however, apologize when they do. Latshaw apologizes to no one because he is never wrong!

Also, as to business owners having "bad days", what business strategy is being embraced by an owner who takes his bad day out on the customer? I as a customer will be going elsewhere in response to his bad day while sharing the experience with others I know. Just as the OP informed this forum! So to what business objective is the owner subscribing to when he treats customers and/or potential customers shabbily?

Your analysis of the events would bear much consideration if Latshaw's behavior as described in this thread was an isolated incident. Well, it is not! Others have indicated similar problems with the man and I had one encounter in the process of reviewing his products that could at best be described as rude and at worst - obnoxious!

And, ironically, I learned of the OP's problem on the very same day I had my encounter with Latshaw. It's quite likely if I had read this thread first, I would never have gotten involved with Latshaw!

Also, in another forum, Latshaws philosophy about how he approaches "problem" customers was clearly explained. The general response of the posters on the thread to his philosophy was - adios and good riddance!

PS: If no one has figured in out yet ... Karoke Ho is in fact Bob Latshaw. On another forum he provides the same enthusiastic support for everything that he does and defends himself under the pseudonym BJtheDJ
Dj fuzzy

While your opinions may be unbiased, they are based upon several suppositions and premises I cannot embrace: And, ironically, you preach to DJDawg about interpersonal skills and then you demean

One premise that irks me these days is that a customer has to be concerned about the "feelings" of a business owner and that if a business owner is upset by the customer he is justified in returning "**** for tat"
(NOTE: Nonetheless, no one should have to put up with crap from anyone if that crap is demeaning or vulgar)

The next premise that just destroys my sensibilities as a businessman is the belief that a businessman is "entitled" to have a "bad day". Look, everyone has bad days. Most, however, apologize when they do. Latshaw apologizes to no one because he is never wrong!

Also, as to business owners having "bad days", what business strategy is being embraced by an owner who takes his bad day out on the customer? I as a customer will be going elsewhere in response to his bad day while sharing the experience with others I know. Just as the OP informed this forum! So to what business objective is the owner subscribing to when he treats customers and/or potential customers shabbily?

Your analysis of the events would bear much consideration if Latshaw's behavior as described in this thread was an isolated incident. Well, it is not! Others have indicated similar problems with the man and I had one encounter in the process of reviewing his products that could at best be described as rude and at worst - obnoxious!

And, ironically, I learned of the OP's problem on the very same day I had my encounter with Latshaw. It's quite likely if I had read this thread first, I would never have gotten involved with Latshaw!

Also, in another forum, Latshaws philosophy about how he approaches "problem" customers was clearly explained. The general response of the posters on the thread to his philosophy was - adios and good riddance!

PS: If no one has figured in out yet ... Karoke Ho is in fact Bob Latshaw. On another forum he provides the same enthusiastic support for everything that he does and defends himself under the pseudonym BJtheDJ

My opinion was based on the information provided in the original post. The original email exchange that started this issue.

My opinion was not based on the past history of Mr. Latshaw, or anyone else's problems with him. It was directed, solely, at the OP regarding an issue that HE had.

Everybody has a right to run their business as they see fit. Some people run businesses on a more courteous level than others. The orginal email exchange came across, to me, as much ado about nothing.

My opinon was that the OP is trying to run a smear campaign because he was rubbed the wrong way in an email about customer service. Had the OP known about ALL of the people that can't stand Mr. Latshaw and his "horrible customer service", the OP would have NEVER bought the product in the first place. Where were all of these distraught customers before?

It seems as though ALL of the disgruntled people are coming out of the woodwork due to this post but let's not forget about ALL of the happy clients that, I'm guessing, will outweigh the dissatisfied ones.

As a business owner, I know that I can't make everyone happy. I know that I will have a bad day sometimes, and I may rub a client or potential client the wrong way. It is not my goal to do that, it happens to the best of us.

Based on what YOU are telling me, my opinion doesn't stand. Based on the information provided by the OP, my opinion stands.
PS: If no one has figured in out yet ... Karoke Ho is in fact Bob Latshaw. On another forum he provides the same enthusiastic support for everything that he does and defends himself under the pseudonym BJtheDJ

The later part of your post I had already surmised... but had no confirmation of.

Ill temper and bad customer relations aside... the product is good. It would be better if supported under 64-bit systems... that's my only gripe... a surley business owner I can deal with if the product is good... doesn't mean I have to like him as a person though.

Would I treat customers in this way, no. I'd be out of business very quickly because for my business, customer services is my #1 priority.

Bob's is if you don't like it lump it..... he's in it for himself and himself only not the satisfaction of his customers.

There was an exchange between him and Toqer (AutOKdj founder and proponent) when he had inquired (bear in mind I don't know the actual conversation) about why his software did not support the naming conventions of AutOKdj and if it was something that could be supported (at the time Toqer was most interested in the SLG), Bob pretty much blew him off and told him "why should he change a program to meet the needs of his customers when they should change to meet the program requirements" this of course is a paraphrase.... the final exchange involved something about Bob liking Toqer's nutz....

Bottom line was Bob's naming format (ie the Baltamore Method) was the only right way of doing things and that he (Bob the programer) wasn't about to consider other people's file management needs. Bob is right you are wrong.

Even knowing this attitude going in I was willing to try his product. I do like it but there are things that could be done to improve it especially for a host that is at different venues each week.... but that's another topic.

If it had been me knowing how Bob operates I wouldn't even have bothered emailing I would have simply waited.... I've never seen it take more than 24 hours for a product key so far and I have two.