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Should PC - Console gaming be considered a sport?

Video games are

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No way! That would be ridiculous! Haha.
It's not regulated. People can easily cheat in these games at home.
Console gaming should not be considered a sport. I believe that sports are athletic related. Gaming can involve tournaments and competitions, and you can be a professional gamer, but you're still not an athlete.
I'd have to disagree with you. Chess is a board game. Yes, chess can be competitive, and you can train for it, but it requires no physical exertion other than moving chess pieces around. Can you validate an article that states that chess is a sport?

I'd agree, it's a "game" not really a sport... technically.

I dont think it should be considered a sport because people who play them professionally are getting paid wayyy more to do what they do and it is more of a job than a hobby
So you don't think professional gaming should be considered a sport based off the logic that they are getting paid a lot and that it's a job, not a hobby? But don't most people who play sports get paid a lot and their job (way of making money) is the sport they play?

Some dictionaries include physical exercise, but I think these entries were made awhile before e-sports even existed.

In this dictionary it says it's an "activity pursued for exercise or pleasure"

an individual or group activity pursued for exercise or pleasure, often involving the testing of physical capabilities and taking the form of a competitive game

And another:

"to take pleasure, to amuse oneself," from Anglo-Fr. disport, from O.Fr. desport "pastime, recreation, pleasure," from desporter "to divert, amuse, please, play" (see disport). Sense of "to amuse oneself by active exercise in open air or taking part in some game"


any particular pastime indulged in for pleasure

So it also matters what dictionary you look the word up in. I think nowadays, since e-sport is already a real word let's just say that there are sports, and e-sports.
Oh boy, absolutely not. Can you imagine some of those gamers 'athletes'? I shudder at the thought!
Well isn't chess considered a sport too? Not that I'm against chess, I respect all the top players for their skill but I really don't see why console gaming shouldn't be a sport if chess is considered a sport. In terms of physcial movement both are almost the same.
This would be the only 'sport' you wouldn't be required to juice in. Haha

But seriously maybe it should have its own classification. Unless people like finger aesthetics I don't think a 'sport' would be the right thing to call it.
When I was in my teens, I was a nerd and always dreamt that the game I was spending hours daily on, would become a sport at our school :p It was a team game (DotA) and required an additional four team mates to cooperate and beat the other team. As much as I wanted it to be institutionalised, it requires hardly any physical activity and minute talent or none at all.
I kind of understand what you are trying to say KTN8. I have always played Lineage II and always hoped it to be a sport one day. Was one of the best games i have ever played to be honest.

But yes, i think console games could be considered a sport. Especially games such a starcraft or the fifa collection.
Not a sport. With anything, the more you do it the better you get. That is the difference between athletes and gamers. Athletes are naturally talented. That us why they get paid the big bucks!!
Even if its not a sport it would be amazing to get paid to simply game outside of competitions. I know there are video game testers but honestly you'll probably never land that job and 10823749 dirty filthy nerds are already waiting in line.
I can't even imagine that being a sport. That's worse than calling playing Wii Sports a sport lol. Although all games take practice and a lot of time and effort, video games will never be sports.
I'm a heavy video game player. And even I will tell you, NO it shouldn't be considered a sport. First of all, sports take physical training. And I'm sorry, but no, sitting in front of a mouse and keyboard or at a couch with your controller in your hand is NOT physical training.
Lol I have been playing StarCraft for 12 years now and I will have to agree with the majority of people in here. Even though I do like playing video games I cannot see how it is a sport. I would say that it is a skill, but a sport? nope.
Oh man, if video games were a sport then my anorexic friend that denies himself food for points in Call of Duty would be making six figures and would have had life figured out while I was trying to make an honest living.
It shouldn't be considered a sport. It's not good for people. Sitting indoors playing games all day just isn't healthy. You're lacking sunlight, real life social aspects, and no physical exercise. Video Games should never be as competitive as they are now. It's not good for a lot of people. Look at kids nowadays, they sit at home all day playing games instead of going outside. When I was a kid, I'd be playing outside until dark.
I don't think it should. That would be like promoting a bad life style. Sitting on your **** and playing video games.