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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

We are getting a whole brand new house with new everything....

not being shown the door, lol.

Kinda like moving out of the house where your kids wrote on the walls and the kitchen appliances no longer work and moving into something shiny and new.
awww man, well thanks canadia for 'splaining it...I knew Tazz was gonna take down the site...but am crossing my fingers she doesn't get rid of pics!

On another note work is driving me NUTS! The email server is ****ed up and it just deleted my whole contact list two times...I just put it back in again and I pray that it stays in one place!

DH is pissed cuz I downgraded the cable...I told him to grow up and get a life...we stilll have most stations and he NEEDS TO WATCH less TV anyway and spend more time looking for work...this was a fight last night when I got home from work...so now I'm running on 5 hrs. of sleep. He's gonna be sorry he messed with me!:pms: No TV for you DH! buahahahaha!
Would you believe...
My husband did laundry. Very nice! He washed and dried the clothes, again woohoo thank you! Love it!

Would you believe our boys left 2 pens in the pockets of their jeans and got past my husband. I have done this also so not pretending to be all innocent, it happens.

The dryer was full of ink. So I google how to remove ink from a dryer. One recommendation was to wipe it out with nail polish remover. It worked wonderfully. One thing I did not take into account: The fumes are horrible!
The dryer is clean... i am not feeling so well....
Oh Mama that sucks! I always have to check the pockets of my DH's and DS13's pants. DS leaves everything from pens to gum, etc. and DH leaves lighters, pens, breath strips, etc. Oh and they both leave money (woot).
I really don't want to sit thru 2 7th grade basketball games on cement bleachers...does that make me a bad granny?
I'd wash out the nail polish remover, it is highly flammable.

She said....one of my brokers had a dryer fire this week, in under 30 minutes they lost 90 percent of the contents of their home, with 10 percent structural damage. Thank God everyone got out safely.


His wife was drying towels when she heard a noise coming from the dryer. She found the light bulb had popped out. She tried putting it back in, which led to a spark that got into the lint trap.

Happy that im finally home after having surgery yesterday. Too many ppl with the flu don't need that
I really don't want to sit thru 2 7th grade basketball games on cement bleachers...does that make me a bad granny?

Not at all. Sometimes I send DH to go to DS13's games while I stay home with DS10...............ya know..............because DS10 doesn't wanna go. ;) ;)

Ok I've only done that once or twice and only away games because they're a PITA and DS13 only plays for a few minutes anyway.
It was freezing at work tonight...I don't think the heat was working properly...they had some peeps come and look at it and supposedly it was working...I could feel warm air coming out but, it still had to be about 58 in there when I left...all we could do was give peeps more blankets...brrr....
I don't feel very good :9:

My head is throbbing, I'm dizzy and my tummy doesn't feel right. Please, please, please, please, please don't let it be the flu.
I'm glad I went to the game...DS's team won and he actually scored...and they changed gyms so we got to sit on wooden bleachers...this game was @ home...only 10 miles away...Monday's game was cancelled because the other school has the day off for MLK day...his doesn't...too bad as it's the only game both his parents could have attended without having to leave work early...his games are @ 4:15 & attended mostly by grandparents & sibs...
I put my big girl panties on this morning and went and got my follow up cholesterol blood work done. I'm such a big baby when it comes to anything medical, even something as simple as that. I've been putting it off for a few weeks now. I'm not afraid of needles - that's not it at all. (Although there was a little girl in the lab this morning that made everyone in the waiting room cringe - screamed at the top of her lungs when she was getting blood taken. )

Plan on celebrating by picking up take out pizza tonight.


I put my big girl panties on this morning and went and got my follow up cholesterol blood work done. I'm such a big baby when it comes to anything medical, even something as simple as that. I've been putting it off for a few weeks now. I'm not afraid of needles - that's not it at all. (Although there was a little girl in the lab this morning that made everyone in the waiting room cringe - screamed at the top of her lungs when she was getting blood taken. )

Plan on celebrating by picking up take out pizza tonight.



Don't forget to order extra cheese, pepperoni & sausage :giggle1:
ETA: NSFW, NSFK link below

Thanks to someone who regularly contributes to this thread, I now know what autofellatio is :girl:

I clicked on that, now I'm scarred for life!

Thanks to someone who regularly contributes to this thread, I now know what autofellatio is :girl:

Ok I didn't think that was actually possible. Lmao

I guess when someone told him to go f*ck himself. He took it literally
Georgie says he's doing it wrong.
Ok I didn't think that was actually possible. Lmao

I guess when someone told him to go f*ck himself. He took it literally

Come on, if most guys were flexible enough they'd be doing that all day long. The working world & economy would come to a stand still because that is all that would be happening in the world, at least for guys 15-60 [longer with viagra].

KG's link is NOT work or children safe.