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My son's K teacher is 29. She signs her emails to us with first and last name. I've heard other parents call her by her first name and refer to her that way. I always make a point of calling her Miss S..., which is how she refers to herself with the kids.
Dang teachers don't "dress" how mine used to anymore. :lol:

My teachers used to wear wool skirt suits, heels and pantyhose everyday. lol

While I'm on this subject, might I say that the way the female teachers at my kids' school dress is inappropriate. The men wear ties. The women (2 out of 3 of them) wear clothes that are way too casual and often too tight (esp. for the chubby one). IMO teachers should look respectable in their position if they want to be respected by the students and not looking like their babysitter or single young auntie.

Mrsmom, ITA about what teachers wear. I am often times appalled at what I see some teachers wearing and yes, so inappropriate and unprofessional looking and often times sloppy-looking.

I have to go pick up DS at K every day and I would swear that most days, I dress better than either of the K teachers. In the winter, I usually wear a sweater and nice dressy looking jeans or cords or dress slacks if it's cold out and I hardly ever see the teachers dressing as nice as me.

It will only get worse as warmer weather approaches. I remember thinking to myself last spring/summer when I saw some of the teachers with their tank tops and flip flops ... is she teaching today or is she going to the beach???
Mrsmom, ITA about what teachers wear. I am often times appalled at what I see some teachers wearing and yes, so inappropriate and unprofessional looking and often times sloppy-looking.

I have to go pick up DS at K every day and I would swear that most days, I dress better than either of the K teachers. In the winter, I usually wear a sweater and nice dressy looking jeans or cords or dress slacks if it's cold out and I hardly ever see the teachers dressing as nice as me.

It will only get worse as warmer weather approaches. I remember thinking to myself last spring/summer when I saw some of the teachers with their tank tops and flip flops ... is she teaching today or is she going to the beach???

OMG, I'd never wear a tank or flip flops. But I'm not saying I wear a suit either. I usually wear khakis or black Dockers... I used to wear skirts all the time. I can not even stomach how some teachers wear yoga pants or sweats to school! I don't even participate in PJ day (and lots do).
If you want to be treated as a professional, you have to dress professional...Some teachers blame it on "being on the floor with the kids...or painting..." All excuses...I'm on the floor with the kids often and I just brush off the dust or leave one of those rolly tape thingys in my desk.
DRIVES ME CRAZY. Gotta love the teachers in their too short skirts and they bend over and you can practically see their hoochies.
Barb, please let us know about the Starbucks card! I have a BAD sbucks problem lately. DH said, "WTH is sbux (or however they spell it) all over your bank statement?"
No idea, DH. Weird!!! :p Must be aldi? I don't know. :p

It was exactly as I posted. You download their app (she did it on her ipod) and then register your GC and they add $5 to it.

She bought a $15 GC the last Jewel deal ($50 of misc cards) and had $5 something left on it. She downloaded their app, registered the GC and they added $5 to it (basically doubled it!)

We plan to go to the SB and buy a $5 GC (if we can get that small a denomination) and come home and register it and see if they will put on another $5 (for each GC) or if it is only the first time.

BTW, did you buy any Starbucks coffee at Doms last week? I bought Medium breakfast blend....and was pouring the grounds into another container to store and noticed on the bag it says "take this bag to Starbucks (empty) within 30 days of the exp date on the bag and get a FREE 12 oz coffee"

well, ****!!! That made my $3.29 bag of Starbucks an even BETTER deal!!! I have the empty coffee bag in my purse for whenever I decide to redeem it. (and it doubles as a purse deodorizer....mmmmmmm......coffee smell!!)
Thanks!! I'm going to try it asap!

I did not get the Starbucks coffee at doms...DH likes Dunkin donuts in the morning, so that's the only bag coffee we buy. We stock up when it's 4/$20 or B2G1 at the stores.
So exhausted...been running errands half the day and then work....really beat..trying to let the whole thing with SIL go...really not worth the mental anguish to even be upset over her lameness.
So exhausted...been running errands half the day and then work....really beat..trying to let the whole thing with SIL go...really not worth the mental anguish to even be upset over her lameness.

I'm sorry..............I know you've posted that you do service work.................I don't remember exactly.
I'm sorry..............I know you've posted that you do service work.................I don't remember exactly.

I'm a caseworker with the homeless! I LOVE my job...the homeless are fascinating people truly...they do make me sad sometimes and sometimes angry but overall they are super cool and mostly make me laugh and sometimes I learn things from them too....I am ALWAYS happy when they tell me they've learned something from me or that I've made a difference in their life! :)
I NEVER EVER thought it appropriate to call a teacher by his/her first name. Never occured to me ONCE!! :faint:

I did fine until the current fifth grade teacher turned out to be that kid Phil who used to love my grilled cheese sandwiches and try to peek under the girls' skirts (one of DS's classmates)...but I do refer to him as Mr. Hess when I'm around the schoolkids...
There is a teacher at our elementary school that has been there forever! She was MY teacher, I couldn't imagine calling her by her first name. DS's teacher is *really* young & she refers to herself as Miss ____ and that's what I call her.It would be weird to call them by their first names. I was just thinking about this today, because I will probably see the HS principal tomorrow. I see him in public more than at school & I never know what to call him. People call him by his first name all the time, but I never know what to do. At the HS, I would definitely address him as Dr. _____. At the ballpark, I just don't know. :p
We all went out as a family to see "Escape from Planet Earth" at Studio Movie Grill. Had lunch there as well, then did some shopping in the afternoon at Toys R Us, Target, and Costco.

Note to self: if you want to save money, DO NOT go anywhere with kids and DH ... those 3 are obviously not as budget-minded as you are!

My husband and kids went to see that too 1:30 show (he got there late)...were you in Wheaton????
My husband and kids went to see that too 1:30 show (he got there late)...were you in Wheaton????

Yep, we went to Wheaton, but we went to the 11:30 showing since my kids have piano lessons at 9:00 and we were already out of the house early in the morning.

It was a cute movie. I think we all liked it. Their food is overpriced but with the 5.00 Groupon tickets that cover movie ticket and drink, it's not too bad as a treat for the kids every now and again.
OMG, I'd never wear a tank or flip flops. But I'm not saying I wear a suit either. I usually wear khakis or black Dockers... I used to wear skirts all the time. I can not even stomach how some teachers wear yoga pants or sweats to school! I don't even participate in PJ day (and lots do).
If you want to be treated as a professional, you have to dress professional...Some teachers blame it on "being on the floor with the kids...or painting..." All excuses...I'm on the floor with the kids often and I just brush off the dust or leave one of those rolly tape thingys in my desk.
DRIVES ME CRAZY. Gotta love the teachers in their too short skirts and they bend over and you can practically see their hoochies.


I'm only 38 and my kids are in 2nd and K but so many of their teachers seem so young to me. At a school thing a few months ago, all the teachers when they introduced themselves were either just getting engaged, just getting married, or just getting pregnant. They seemed like they were all early- to-mid twenty something. I just wonder what happened to all the older teachers?

I'm only 38 and my kids are in 2nd and K but so many of their teachers seem so young to me. At a school thing a few months ago, all the teachers when they introduced themselves were either just getting engaged, just getting married, or just getting pregnant. They seemed like they were all early- to-mid twenty something. I just wonder what happened to all the older teachers?

Most of the K teachers at DS's school are mid-40s or older. He just got a young one. Her assistant teacher is older, probably mid 50s.

Not sure about my elementary school, but a classmate of mine now teaches at our middle school, and two classmates and a kid I mentored now teach at my high school. Another classmate from college was named a full professor in our program last year. I'm 35.
I'm a caseworker with the homeless! I LOVE my job...the homeless are fascinating people truly...they do make me sad sometimes and sometimes angry but overall they are super cool and mostly make me laugh and sometimes I learn things from them too....I am ALWAYS happy when they tell me they've learned something from me or that I've made a difference in their life! :)

How does one get to be a caseworker for the homeless? :dunce:
I'm wondering how you find them. :9:

I had a homeless "friend" for a while and I agree, she was very fascinating. I haven't seen her since about last Spring.............I hope she's ok. We met in a park when I was walking Sadie. She rides a bike with tons of plastic bags with her stuff inside and a heavy chain tied around it. I would see her all over town and roll my window down and yell "Hi Chris!" and she would say "Hi Rebecca!" back. Peeps all around me would look at me like I was nuts. :lol:

One of the last times I saw her was when I invited her in for tea (I had given her my address don't tell my DH, he would **** a brick if he knew I let a homeless person into our home). She's prolly in her late 50's at least and from CA. She's led quite the interesting life. :)

She used to spend her days at a local college in the library.............I'll have to ask my neighbor who's a prof there if he's seen her lately (he's mentioned in the past that he sees her there).
I COMPLETELY agree with you! I dress professionally all the time. If I wear jeans...they are nice jeans, on a Friday, with either a nice shirt or school spirit shirt. And by sandals...I DO NOT wear flip flops or something like that...sandals that are dressy heels... I HATE they way some teachers dress these days! I always dress as if I'm going to see a parent... However...parents have changed too... They think they can call me by first name! And I always say... Mrs.---- . I don't say this to them... but think...Um, sorry, but I'm not your friend... your child is in my class... and you will address me as Mrs. ---.

Yes, I'm all about professionalism! (tattoos or not) :giggles:

Well I'm in the minority I guess, if a teacher calls me by my first name, I call them by their first name. They may be A teacher, but they are not my teacher. Out of earshot of the kids if they choose to "go there" in terms of "familiarity" using my first name to address me I think its fine to do the same. My BIG pet peeve is teachers who do neither but instead address you as "Mom" or "Dad" that's annoying as f*ck. ESPECIALLY if their are no kids in the room.
How does one get to be a caseworker for the homeless? :dunce:
I'm wondering how you find them. :9:

I had a homeless "friend" for a while and I agree, she was very fascinating. I haven't seen her since about last Spring.............I hope she's ok. We met in a park when I was walking Sadie. She rides a bike with tons of plastic bags with her stuff inside and a heavy chain tied around it. I would see her all over town and roll my window down and yell "Hi Chris!" and she would say "Hi Rebecca!" back. Peeps all around me would look at me like I was nuts. :lol:

One of the last times I saw her was when I invited her in for tea (I had given her my address don't tell my DH, he would **** a brick if he knew I let a homeless person into our home). She's prolly in her late 50's at least and from CA. She's led quite the interesting life. :)

She used to spend her days at a local college in the library.............I'll have to ask my neighbor who's a prof there if he's seen her lately (he's mentioned in the past that he sees her there).

Actually we have a center like so many counties and towns do where the homeless can go to shower, do laundry, use computer and phones and just stay in out of the cold. This is commonplace in many counties and states...we also have church vol.'s(again like so many counties) who graciously open their doors 7 nights a wk. for the homeless to stay in out of the cold, this is what I'm talking about when I talk about my volunteers...they are such WONDERFUL people and have done so much for us. They were looking for a caseworker at the time for this position and I applied and got in the SECOND time...I don't give up easily...so far it has been a good fit overall. :)
I may just have to send DH to Walmart for some Reese's PB egg frozen novelties...apparently they are only available at Walmart and Reese's eggs are my favorite seasonal treat. They had the large Reese's PB eggs at Caputo's today and I behaved myself and didn't get any there.
I may just have to send DH to Walmart for some Reese's PB egg frozen novelties...apparently they are only available at Walmart and Reese's eggs are my favorite seasonal treat. They had the large Reese's PB eggs at Caputo's today and I behaved myself and didn't get any there.

Oh my! That sounds delish. Reese's PB eggs are my absolute favorite candy! If you get the frozen ones, will you post a review?