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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

WHY would a teacher call YOU by FIRST NAME?!?!? That's disrespectful too. One of my friends always says mom/dad...drives me nutso.

Well I'm in the minority I guess, if a teacher calls me by my first name, I call them by their first name. They may be A teacher, but they are not my teacher. Out of earshot of the kids if they choose to "go there" in terms of "familiarity" using my first name to address me I think its fine to do the same. My BIG pet peeve is teachers who do neither but instead address you as "Mom" or "Dad" that's annoying as f*ck. ESPECIALLY if their are no kids in the room.
WHY would a teacher call YOU by FIRST NAME?!?!? That's disrespectful too. One of my friends always says mom/dad...drives me nutso.

OMG ALL DS18's teachers did that especially in IEP meetings and then would refer to themselves or each other as Mr. or Mrs. So and So. So I started calling them by their first names. I agree it was disrespectful (which I think was the point ;) ) so that's why I did it too!
I love making fun memories with my kiddos. Took all 6 of them out to a local sledding hill today and had a blast. Nothing warms a momma's heart more than seeing your 15 year old son willingly hanging out with his parents and siblings, tossing snowballs at the older ones (and mom and dad), helping the younger ones get on their their sleds or back up the hill and even taking his littlest sister for a ride down on his lap. Pure joy that hour out on the sledding hill was for me.
Val..............what a beautiful memory you've made today. ♥
I love making fun memories with my kiddos. Took all 6 of them out to a local sledding hill today and had a blast. Nothing warms a momma's heart more than seeing your 15 year old son willingly hanging out with his parents and siblings, tossing snowballs at the older ones (and mom and dad), helping the younger ones get on their their sleds or back up the hill and even taking his littlest sister for a ride down on his lap. Pure joy that hour out on the sledding hill was for me.
No one can mow down another kid on a crowded sled run like a sibling either. I still remember when my oldest mowed down his younger brother who had finished his run and was walking across with his sled so he could go back up. It was an accident and everyone was fine, but that memory still sticks with me.
Dd5 and ds3 were holding hands walking ahead of us at the mall today. It was sooooo cute!!
Val how old is your youngest now? Wondering if Josh will be big enough to go sledding next winter. Dh took the kids the other day and I stayed home with Josh. I was really wishing I was there though.
How old is Josh? I would sled with a toddler on my lap.
I just went through my DVR list and landed on Red Dawn.

Ds8 threw up last night all over the kitchen floor and then on the carpet in the hallway outside the bathroom. When I got up this morning there was a big bowl of puke on the counter. Wonder what kind of day we're going to have today?
Ds8 threw up last night all over the kitchen floor and then on the carpet in the hallway outside the bathroom. When I got up this morning there was a big bowl of puke on the counter. Wonder what kind of day we're going to have today?



Hope he feels better today
Sounds like there will be an early out of school today...
It's 42 degrees here.
STOP sending the cold here!!!
Val how old is your youngest now? Wondering if Josh will be big enough to go sledding next winter. Dh took the kids the other day and I stayed home with Josh. I was really wishing I was there though.

She is 18 months old and loved it. She has been playing outside with each and every snow fall we have got. First time out this winter she was not fond of mittens so she kept pulling them off so I learned that a little duct tape around the cuff of the mitten and sleeve of the snow suit works wonders :)
DD14 and I are going to Ikea this afternoon to buy stuff for the attic. I'm looking forward to spending a good chunk of time with just her that isn't softball related. :) The attic is coming along...should have the remaining drywall hung today. We are one day behind schedule. I was hoping to be totally done hanging/taping/mudding yesterday, but that stuff is heavy & kicking our butts. :lol: DH mentioned being "sick" today so he can keep working and I hope he takes the day off because he still has A LOT to do up there.

The kids being home from school will slow me down. :gah: I reallyyyyyy hope we can get through the day without DD8 having to spend the majority of it writing.
Ya ever feel like all the bs life puts you through isn't worth the payout? The last 24 hours of my life has made me feel like that.

On a sidenote, I hate my ex. :ranting:
Ya ever feel like all the bs life puts you through isn't worth the payout? The last 24 hours of my life has made me feel like that.

On a sidenote, I hate my ex. :ranting:

:grouphug: Hope the next 24 remind you that life is worthwhile :grouphug: