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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

Wondering if it's imprudent for me to go out for my web pickups and a little early shopping!
Stay safe, everyone out there in Jeweland.

ps: Please keep that white stuff out your way, us folks in the northeast have had more than our share this winter, thankyouverymuch. :flowers:

Have you not been watching the forecasts? :hides:
OK, so I take son to school today and stop at Meijer cause I have a CAT expiring today. Got my bananas so the snow will stop....lol. I am bummed because they had lots of bounty for 3.29, but I only had one q on me. They had lots of bananas too and brought more boxes up.

Anyway, so after meijer we head to DD preschool because we missed the bus becuase of the meijer stop. Get there after driving in this stuff and they tell me to just take her home as they are cancelling PM preschool. Kinda crazy, but on the flip side I am glad she won't be on the bus in a couple hours trying to come home in this.
Kids are napping, I'm taking down my Christmas tree, although March weather has been much more Christmas like than December was.
I am sooo pissed. My mom called my dh this morning to go get her toilet paper in a snow storm when my good for nothing, free loader, Bonanza watching, 70's dressing, psycho, fuzzy haired, lazy, food nazi, wine drinking, creepy commenting, feeding my mom only soup every day **** brother is sitting right there all toasty warm probably watching the Rifleman. Really Mom???? Really?? Glad I'm at work....and NOoooo he didn't do it. I told her nooooooo!!!!
DH braved the snow to run to Meijer to drop off a redbox. I sent him with a written list and after tutoring him to make sure he knew where the pepperoni was located and an alternative plan in case there was still no Smart Balance milk he asks..."so you need me to pick up a prescription, right?" Pepperoni, prescription...eh, dude really time to get your hearing checked.
Giving 15 minute notice that you quit your job is never acceptable. Thanks for your temper tantrum, I am being screwed for the day. Thanks! May Karma bite you in the ****...............

Wait...what? :sheep1:

I know, I know. It was just a small pencil tree tucked into the corner of the basement, but it is down and put into the storage closet. Christmas is finally fully packed away :)
I know, I know. It was just a small pencil tree tucked into the corner of the basement, but it is down and put into the storage closet. Christmas is finally fully packed away :)

You are better than me then.

2 of my 4 trees were put away around Jan. 10th but my kids each get to put up and decorate a 3ft tree for their bedrooms and those are still up. They actually like to use the tree as a night lite so I'm inclined to just leave it.

It's already March so I'm half thinking to just stick it in the closet and pull it out already decorated sometime in mid-November. It's really only 8 months away ...
Tracking my UPS package - why was it transferred to the post office???
awww kg, I remember those days. I remember one day I was just a mess of tears. My husband came in and the house was a wreck. We had just had his parents over the night before and the one tidbit of the conversation I remembered the next day was when my husbands mother said Oh anyone can keep a house clean, it isn't hard. That next day my son held me hostage. Every time I put him down he would cry. My husband came in the house to me in tears telling him I couldn't do the dishes, our baby barely napped, I couldn't take out the garbage, I didn't make dinner... I am such a failure. He laughed at me, hugged me and told me to calm down and he totally took over. Our child mellowed out, he vacuumed while holding the baby. he ordered us dinner.... I went and took a long bath.

some days are good, others not so much.... just of how ya handle it. I'd never laugh at ya!
:faint: DH got 12 huge packs of pepperoni at 2.49 each rather than 12 of the $1 ones...crap :faint:
Tracking my UPS package - why was it transferred to the post office???

because the post office will deliver it. That happened to me a couple times with the fannie mae. Also had a package shipped to me from my aunt with UPS stamps and stickers all over it and my mail lady dropped it off:sheep1:
I've never heard of that before. Thanks!

DS3 is crossdressing today........
Shocked to find my oil tank is nearly empty, so there goes another $500+. Paying almost $100/week for heat in winter sucks.

Spring & summer can't get here fast enough.