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so what are you thinking right now?

That sounds rather mean and degrading. I wouldn't want my son in your care. If you have a problem with how the parents dress their child talk to them directly instead of pulling this passive agressive bullshit.

I don't think she did it to be mean to the kid................she wanted him to take part in the outdoor fun. He obviously didn't care what he was wearing nor did the other kids. :9:

I'm curious to know what the parents thought of the picture.
Parents sign an outdoor play guildlines before starting daycare. I have repeatedly talked to the parent and caseworker about clothes for outside play. Those are the only extra clothes I had that are approipate for the weather. Took lots of pictures of all the kids that day, a whole bullentin board full.

He had fun and is proud of him picture...sorry if you find it mean or degrading.
Mom thought it was great and asked for a copy, Dad said at least he's young and said he will "bring in stuff that can stay here".
Lauri why did the parents bring the child in without a coat in the first place?
Just got the best laugh of the day....Opened a Christmas card from my BIL/SIL, she's a graphic artist/web designer/crafter/stamper/etc and he's a photographer/Masters in writing/works as a copywriter/etc......she designed a very cute card, he took a great picture of their boys but the text of the card says....."Merry Chritmas"
No proofer's in the house :)
Said they forgot it, I reminded them of our outside time and policy. They said they would be back in a few minutes with it. 2 hours later and still nothing, we called and no answer on cell or house phone.

It is unfair to keep 9 toddlers inside on a nice day because 1 doesn't have correct clothing. We have always used loaners...washed between each use.
Said they forgot it, I reminded them of our outside time and policy. They said they would be back in a few minutes with it. 2 hours later and still nothing, we called and no answer on cell or house phone.

It is unfair to keep 9 toddlers inside on a nice day because 1 doesn't have correct clothing. We have always used loaners...washed between each use.

I still don't get it................it's cold out...........I bet they didn't forget their coats. Was the kid not cold going out to the car then from the car to your center? I can honestly say I've NEVER forgotten my babies coats! :ranting: Stoopid peoples.
Parents often "forget" coats hoping it will keep their child inside.

He came in wrapped up in a blanket
Parents often "forget" coats hoping it will keep their child inside.

He came in wrapped up in a blanket

I've never understood in general forcing kids out side especially in the cold or on hot days other than it makes it easy on teachers.
I've never understood in general forcing kids out side especially in the cold or on hot days other than it makes it easy on teachers.

If a child, even very young children, have the proper winter dressing(meaning coat, hat, gloves, boots, etc) there is NOTHING wrong with the kids playing outside for 20ish minutes to get some fresh air and burn off some energy.

Have you ever been around 20-30 elementary school age kids who have been inside allllll day long? didnt think so....
May I suggest going to the salvation army thrift store and getting a boys coat and gloves for when this happens again.....and you know it will.

Please don't be offended....maybe it's just me.

been thru it.
I've never understood in general forcing kids out side especially in the cold or on hot days other than it makes it easy on teachers.

You have made this abundantly clear...
Bob, kids NEED to go outside & run around & get fresh air. Otherwise they get squirrely. Nothing worse than a room full of squirrely toddlers. When they don't have a constructive outlet (like outdoor play/running/climbing) they turn on each other. ;)
I've never understood in general forcing kids out side especially in the cold or on hot days other than it makes it easy on teachers.

It is a DCFS requirement.

And there is nothing easy about putting coats, mittens, hats, boots on 10 toddlers. Or taking them off and getting everyone's stuff back in the right cubbie.

And in the summer it's sunscreen, bugspray, and sun hats.
Another work rant....

We told you we would be playing outside as long as it's above 32 and playground is dry. You probably thought you were being "smart" by "forgetting" your childs mittens and winter coat.

Sounds rather condescending to me. Oh you thought you were so "smart" by "forgetting" your kid's coat and gloves. Well....let me one up you. I'll put your kid in a pink coat and purple mittens. Then, I will document this by taking his picture and teach him how to say "pretty boy." That will show you. Absolutely disgusting....

It is one thing to send the kid out in a pink coat b/c he didn't have one, but it is another thing to teach him how to say "pretty boy" because he is wearing this coat. Also, it sounds like you just happened to take pictures that day b/c you put the kid in the pink coat.
I don't think she did it to be mean to the kid................she wanted him to take part in the outdoor fun. He obviously didn't care what he was wearing nor did the other kids. :9:

I'm curious to know what the parents thought of the picture.

No it is not really mean to put a kid in a pink coat if he doesn't have one, but to teach him to say "pretty boy" b/c he is a pink coat is not right.
No it is not really mean to put a kid in a pink coat if he doesn't have one, but to teach him to say "pretty boy" b/c he is a pink coat is not right.

It was the only clean extra coat and hand gear I had.

Pretty boy was first mentioned by another child and all the kids were saying it by the end of the day.

I meant no harm.
I am pretty sure that Lauri wasn't acting the way that post may have sounded. I am sure that the pictures and words weren't taken on purpose or taught because of the coat.

She is one of the most caring people I know and she is AMAZING with little kids. My son thinks she is awesome and I wouldn't hesitate to leave my kids in her care. She cares a lot.

She is also human and has to deal with kids that are in situations that would break your heart and parents that do things that would curl your toes. That post may have come off as mean, but I am sure she is not intentionally trying to hurt the kid. She is not a mean person and is really invested in these little ones.
Lauri has always talked of her love for her daycare kids. Many of the parents (from her stories) are not such delights. I believe she has spoken with the parents quite a few times to ask, remind, beg and plead with them to furnish proper clothing. Some people do not understand little hints. Sometimes it takes a bit of possible embarrassment for the parent to realize they have to do what must be done. The child was not harmed at all. The parents have 2 choices :1)man up and bring the child to the daycare dressed properly or 2) go somewhere else.