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so what are you thinking right now?

Is your basement finished?

Ours is un-finished....so it's easy to run any kind of piping/wireing/cable/Hd/BFD/plumbing we need.

I even run a water line (using stuff for an ice maker!) to the Sears cabinet Humidifier on the first floor, so I don't have fill it. Put a float shut off valve in too....just change the evaporator pads every 3 months. And add anti- bact. stuff.

Oh my, I hope Sear's doesn't close in IL. I'm :sex:if they do!

Not finished.
Hmmmm, I got to research a bit.
DH is probably going to be scared to death if I tell him we could DIY. I was looking up on the tube about putting a electric point for the drier, he was so certain one of us was going to turn into BBQ, he called in an electrician before I had time to figure out. :lol:
12 minutes.... 12 minutes and its bedtime for my boys. They have school in the morning and god bless them, they will be there. Bright and early!

Not that I have a timer set or anything... :quiet: :giggles:

PS. As I am typing this, my oldest complained in his bedroom, man I don't want to have to get up and go to school tomorrow. Add 5 minutes to the alarm clock... 5 minutes earlier that it. It's going to be rough!
My kids go back Tues. We're all ready.
Kids go back Thursday. I go back Wed. SO. NOT. READY. this vacation schedule sucked.

When was your kids' last day of school before Christmas break? Ours went through Fri. 12-23 (full day with a children's service that night). It seems to me like I used to get a solid 2 weeks off for Christmas break.
When was your kids' last day of school before Christmas break? Ours went through Fri. 12-23 (full day with a children's service that night). It seems to me like I used to get a solid 2 weeks off for Christmas break.

Oh that's crazy. My kids' last day was thursday the 22nd and they go back Thursday. So they get the 2 weeks, but not 3 weekends outta it. I don't like all the short weeks, makes it hard to teach.
OK, I do not like women sports' reporters. I'd rather the guys report.
So I searched the CashDash website and found my moms name for metlife greater than $100 twice and she wont fill out the info because they want her SSN and she thinks its a scam.

lol, that is $$ that we could really use, but nope she wont request the info because she doesnt wanna give her ssn. oh well.
i wanna cry

i hope they have a big come back! i'm looking all hot in my aikman jersey. lol

I hung my troy aikman hallmark ornament on the tree this year, he has been sitting in the box for a really really long time.
My kids last day was Dec. 16th. I.AM.READY.TO.BE.DONE.WITH.FAMILY.TIME!!
These kids had better be going to sleep soon. Real soon.

DH goes back to work on Tuesday and DS4 goes back to PreSchool on Wednesday. Yahoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cowboys coming back!!!! come on!

THANK GOD DD7 is finally off to bed...i just spent 45 minutes on 3 pages of I spy. and she kept telling me to "oh, just skip that one"...um NO I MUST find it before advancing to the next page!
Thinking what a crappy start to the new year....DH and I got in a stupid fight, he's been watching sports all day downstairs while I've been upstairs catching up on my dvr, crying, and thinking about us him and how we've been fighting alot lately while I'm sure all he's thinking about is who's gonna win the game. I always wonder what's going on in his head....if they actually think about things going on or move right on like nothing ever happened. So frustrating! I know he's stressed out, but I'm stressed out too. I take care of the bills, the house, him.....yes I don't have a job now but I'd like to get alittle thanks once in awhile instead of feeling like I do nothing. Ugh I need a drink, or two or three.
Yes, he is probably sitting there without a thought besides who is going to win the game.....:pout:

but that is guys. It isn't personal to you.....they ALL seem to move to the next moment while we stew.

How about a hug instead of a drink?


Thank you Barb, a hug is always nice and would be taken over a drink anyday :)