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so what are you thinking right now?

Past my bedtime AGAIN....when did I get so old? If I could come home 2 or 3 nights a week and go to sleep by 7:30 I totally would.
DH is driving me nuts with his constant pity pot ****ing about how he won't make it to work in one piece or back home in one piece! I LOVE him and worry about him but what the **** does he want me to do? Take our 6 yr. old out w/me at 930 at night to drive him to work in the snow because he's afraid? I mean, grow some balls man! Sorry but this **** is just getting on my nerves..I don't need his pissing and moaning on top of my work issues. Can't wait for the weekend...at least he can stay home and sit on his ****.:ranting:

:faint: Wow. My DH is the polar opposite of that. :huggy:
I think I drank a little too much tonight. I feel like a lightweight tonight. Lol. Tired but not tired enough to sleep and my Australian sexting buddy isn't on Facebook tonight.
kinda frreakin out right now, last night we decided to go to las vegas, leaving sat and coming home wed. I have to much to do before we go. Do I get someone to buy my papers sunday? Is it worth the trouble? Who gonna take care of dog, what to pack...gotta focus
I really Want to get DD enrolled in pre-school mid-year. I called the public school before we moved, they said she had to be evaluated. I found in the meantime they'll only accept her if there's "special circumstances"; low income, not meeting educational "marks", stuff like that. We are poor but not poor enough, and she is soooo bright.
Anyways today is the evaluation and I can't find the lease agreement! I have been looking for 2 weeks and I have no clue. Last I remember having it was at the post office when I mailed our rent check. I'm thinking I really lost it. :/
It didn't occur to me until this morning to contact the landlord for a new one. I'm really not running at full speed these days :dunce:
She'd probably have a better chance at a private preschool but we don't have the $! :(
I think she really needs more stimulation than playing at home. And the poor girl needs friends, she's such a social person and shes lonely.
mmmmmmmmm.....lean cuisine spring rolls for breakfast and then on to shoveling up the stuff that fell last night, overnight, looks like just a bit more snow. happy friday. and hopefully sledding tomorrow
DH is driving me nuts with his constant pity pot ****ing about how he won't make it to work in one piece or back home in one piece! I LOVE him and worry about him but what the **** does he want me to do? Take our 6 yr. old out w/me at 930 at night to drive him to work in the snow because he's afraid? I mean, grow some balls man! Sorry but this **** is just getting on my nerves..I don't need his pissing and moaning on top of my work issues. Can't wait for the weekend...at least he can stay home and sit on his ****.:ranting:
how far does he have to go? we got snow tires on the car (hit the deer) that my hubby drives 150 plus miles per day. he says it is just like driving on dry pavement. hope your day goes well
Who else has a key to our house?!

NY's eve we went to our friend's house. Another friend of ours was there and handed us a key to our house. The house belonged to his soon-to-be-ex wife's grandparents.....ok.

So last night DH met some neighbor...........chatted with him in his garage, had a beer..........then the guy says "Oh..........here's a key to your house." :dunce:

So I ask..............who else has a friggin' key to my house!!! :surrender:

I know that the people who live on the corner are related to the people that used to live here...........do they have a key? :dunce:

Not tomorrow.

I know.............what a PITA though. Mebbe I'll call Michelle (the girl who's grandparents used to live here) and ask how many more keys are there.
Who knows.

Not that the neighbors aren't trustworthy but any of them COULD have gotten copies made....Costs just a few bucks.

They are jealous of your stockpile (LOL) and they are coming for your cereal. Oh wait, that's me. We only have 4 boxes left.
I know.............what a PITA though. Mebbe I'll call Michelle (the girl who's grandparents used to live here) and ask how many more keys are there.

Uh, no. Change the locks!

I agree with Michelle - do it today!
I know.............what a PITA though. Mebbe I'll call Michelle (the girl who's grandparents used to live here) and ask how many more keys are there.

Don't bother. Anyone can copy keys. The first thing you do when you buy a house is change the locks. Here many people give keys to the plumber or whatever. You do not need some strange man coming into your home at 3 am. Locks are cheap!
Don't bother. Anyone can copy keys. The first thing you do when you buy a house is change the locks. Here many people give keys to the plumber or whatever. You do not need some strange man coming into your home at 3 am. Locks are cheap!

Depends..............what does he look like? :)


I heart google!
VENT (just ignore me)

My f'ing husband will not answer his phone and it's really pissing me off. We don't have a landline, just cells and he keeps leaving it up in the bathroom or down in the basement (or wherever) and "doesn't hear it." Well, I am 8 months pregnant and the roads are bad. Good thing I don't have an emergency.

I keep trying to call him to make sure he gets the kids bundled up and outside to play. They have been sitting at the window BEGGING to go out and play in the snow and I guarantee that his lazy **** is sitting on the couch watching TV and they are NOT outside. My 2yo was begging me to take him out before I left for work this morning and obviously, I couldn't. I opened the door and let him stick his hands in and told him that Daddy would take him out later. Well, yeah, I am sure that he hasn't taken them out and won't even think about doing it until after lunch when he has to get ready for work and then they will have 10 minutes outside. IT PISSES ME OFF!
bmezo22 sounds like a typical man to me.......sorry.
I'm thinking Jill needs to revoke Dee's sticky rights.
It takes me 20 minutes to bundle up the kids and they'll only play in it for 15 lol