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so what are you thinking right now?

Oh I wish I had oil of eucalyptus. I'll see if I have some Vicks cream to put on his chest.

He won't stop eating! So far he's had a pouch of fruit snacks, 2 pieces of Itaian toast, grahm crackers, a granola bar and apple juice!

Now I need to go walk the dog in this frickin' cold!!! :surrender:
vicks works nicely too!! some old wives tales say to pack the soles of your feet and bind tightly with vicks. i just slather it from the nostrils to the belly button here and slap it down with an old comfy sweatshirt
Oh I wish I had oil of eucalyptus. I'll see if I have some Vicks cream to put on his chest.

He won't stop eating! So far he's had a pouch of fruit snacks, 2 pieces of Itaian toast, grahm crackers, a granola bar and apple juice!

Now I need to go walk the dog in this frickin' cold!!! :surrender:
i do not get the eating thing? is that normal or is he searching for comfort food while ill? capn?
Woke up with a sinus infection again. This will be the third trip made to the doctors and it is only the 19th of January. Looks like our $1000 deductible will be met early again this year.

DH just got home from work and boy is he crabby. The day is off to a great start ;)

My dh has been so **** crabby lately. I know things at work suck, but usually I'm the one who's the ****! :lol: He has taken my place!

16 year old boy for sale. PM for details (LOL)

Pulling my hair out. That is all.

Hang in there Michelle - :huggy:

We're supposed to be getting some of that white crap tonight and again Saturday. No major accumulations either time but they're talking about some ice mixed in on Saturday. :surrender:

Time to take out the garbage Joan!! :roll:

Slow start to our morning around here. Can't get into my normal morning groove. Wish I could be like Mrsmom and crawl back into bed.

See, now I never wake up ready to tackle the day. I could stay in bed every morning.....that would be my normal groove!

We had a bazillion children's books. I donated many, but kept one box of my kids' favs. DH thinks it's silly to keep them. :pout:

I don't think so at all! I kept one bin of each of the kids clothes. The outfit they came home from the hospital in, and then other fav outfits. I will do the same for their books. Men just don't get the sentimental part of things! Sheesh!

I remember when I had ds. I took my wedding dress and had a seamstress make a christening outfit out of the material on the bottom part of my dress. While I was there (And there was soooo much material) I also asked her to make a dress for a girl. DH thought I was crazy for doing that! And I thought it was so special! Men
i do not get the eating thing? is that normal or is he searching for comfort food while ill? capn?

He eats non stop when he's home. We have to actually stop him and tell him to stay out of the kitchen. He's about 10-15lbs. or so overweight (all in his gut) so it's an issue. He comes out of school STARVING. I usually keep a snack in the car for him to eat on the way home otherwise he's crabby as hell and I have to listen to him **** the whole way.
He eats non stop when he's home. We have to actually stop him and tell him to stay out of the kitchen. He's about 10-15lbs. or so overweight (all in his gut) so it's an issue. He comes out of school STARVING. I usually keep a snack in the car for him to eat on the way home otherwise he's crabby as hell and I have to listen to him **** the whole way.

kinda like when you're outta butter or cheese and chatting with me, right? :bee:
Typical conversation with my mother..............

Mother: I haven't had the car out all winter... I bet it's not even gonna start!
(actually, she drove it on Sunday)

Me: Well, if you're worried, drive it around the block on a nice day.

Mother: What? I don't wanna waste gas!!!

:hb: :hb: :hb:
Typical conversation with my mother..............

Mother: I haven't had the car out all winter... I bet it's not even gonna start!
(actually, she drove it on Sunday)

Me: Well, if you're worried, drive it around the block on a nice day.

Mother: What? I don't wanna waste gas!!!

:hb: :hb: :hb:

When it's bitter cold like this, I can't help but to think about my street-wise friend. I wonder how she fared last night. :pout:
When it's bitter cold like this, I can't help but to think about my street-wise friend. I wonder how she fared last night. :pout:

I'm sure she has her tricks. She sounds extremely resourceful
Typical conversation with my mother..............

Mother: I haven't had the car out all winter... I bet it's not even gonna start!
(actually, she drove it on Sunday)

Me: Well, if you're worried, drive it around the block on a nice day.

Mother: What? I don't wanna waste gas!!!

:hb: :hb: :hb:
haha, so sorry! is she like my folks tho that WILL drive for twenty miles to use a chinese restaraunt coupon or some other food coupon because they do not want to let it go to waste? i always love to point out how much time and gas money would have really outweighed the usefulness of your 3 dollar pizza cpn. ugh!
She's never been a restaurant person... we never ever ate out... ok, a few few times for Mother's Day or somesuch, but for the most 99.9999999 percent part, no eating out, no vacations... EVER. She doesn't even want to be gone from home for more than 2 hours maybe now, cause someone will rob it or take the whole house, idk
She's never been a restaurant person... we never ever ate out... ok, a few few times for Mother's Day or somesuch, but for the most 99.99999999% part, no eating out, no vacations... EVER. She doesn't even want to be gone from home for more than 2 hours maybe now, cause someone will rob it or take the whole house, idk

She's never been a restaurant person... we never ever ate out... ok, a few few times for Mother's Day or somesuch, but for the most 99.99999999% part, no eating out, no vacations... EVER. She doesn't even want to be gone from home for more than 2 hours maybe now, cause someone will rob it or take the whole house, idk
oh, hmmmmm. why on earth does she care if she can get out of the driveway at all then? is she one of those folks that plans their days errands around the route or path that takes them the least resistance. all errands on the right hand side of the highways so as not to have to cross oncoming traffic and then making a big loop to do left hand side of the highway on return trip? my grandpa used to do this. drove me nuts. he also drove after having a debilitating stroke that left him blind on the left side. he explained how he needed extra time to plan his travels and planned certain low traffic times of the day for traveling, geesh! danger grandpa.
I'm thinking it would be easier to buy a new broiler pan than to scrub this sucker clean! :surrender:
Yes, I can definitely see her planning her trips that way, but she normally doesn't go any further than the bank and couple of grocery stores that are about half a mile away, so it's not too hard to plan .....

I think you're referring to last week when the neighbor guy shoveled for her and she GAVE him and he ACCEPTED $50, right???

Well, I called her this morning LIKE I DID LAST TIME that we would be out to shovel after this NEXT snowfall! She said well, she'll have to call the neighbor and tell him NOT to, cause of course he would have it done before we get there. I said, yeah, do that.... I said he should NOT be accepting money from you like that and all my friends AGREE!!! She and my dad gave this guy and his wife produce from the garden and baked goods for YEARSSSSSSSSSSSS, but she still feels the need to pay him, and even worse, he TAKES it! :gah:

SO THIS MORNING, she called back in a few minutes to say that the neighbor was out there sweeping the snow off with a broom! (there wasn't much) Based on prior experience with this guy, should we probably assume he wasn't doing it as a favor, but expecting another payment?!?!? She said she wasn't even going to acknowledge it this time... I said ok, well you should at least pop your head out and say thank you. :lol:

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh... crazy that we have to drive over each time cause the guy feels the need to be greedy and take money from little old grandmas :surrender:

OH, and as for why she cares about clearing off the driveway at allllllllllll..... it's because it has to be clean.... EVERYTHING has to be clean..... ALL THE TIME.... she said people walk on the sidewalks there and they have to be CLEAR ASAP :surrender: It's like that with everything... she washes the garbage, recycling and yard waste cans out weekly too :surrender:
Yes, I can definitely see her planning her trips that way, but she normally doesn't go any further than the bank and couple of grocery stores that are about half a mile away, so it's not too hard to plan .....

I think you're referring to last week when the neighbor guy shoveled for her and she GAVE him and he ACCEPTED $50, right???

Well, I called her this morning LIKE I DID LAST TIME that we would be out to shovel after this NEXT snowfall! She said well, she'll have to call the neighbor and tell him NOT to, cause of course he would have it done before we get there. I said, yeah, do that.... I said he should NOT be accepting money from you like that and all my friends AGREE!!! She and my dad gave this guy and his wife produce from the garden and baked goods for YEARSSSSSSSSSSSS, but she still feels the need to pay him, and even worse, he TAKES it! :gah:

SO THIS MORNING, she called back in a few minutes to say that the neighbor was out there sweeping the snow off with a broom! (there wasn't much) Based on prior experience with this guy, should we probably assume he wasn't doing it as a favor, but expecting another payment?!?!? She said she wasn't even going to acknowledge it this time... I said ok, well you should at least pop your head out and say thank you. :lol:

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh... crazy that we have to drive over each time cause the guy feels the need to be greedy and take money from little old grandmas :surrender:

OH, and as for why she cares about clearing off the driveway at allllllllllll..... it's because it has to be clean.... EVERYTHING has to be clean..... ALL THE TIME.... she said people walk on the sidewalks there and they have to be CLEAR ASAP :surrender: It's like that with everything... she washes the garbage, recycling and yard waste cans out weekly too :surrender:
wish i were that tidy driven!! the 92 yr old lady i used to shovel for would creep out there after i had cleared her out and chip away at any minute pieces i had left behind and ALWAYS sweep after i was done! the entire purpose of me shoveling was so that she did not go outside in the freezing cold weather and break a hip and freeze to death. ugh!! i took her to the stores took her trash out and got her mail. i loved her dearly and i understand she needed her dignity and freedom, but i worried so. fortunately i was not the one who caused her to break her hip. a young lad from our congregation came by her house to rake her steep yard and startled her, she spun around and fell, yep smack hip broke. a year later and after rehab she was back at the old ponderosa and i was back shoveling for her. she was 92!!!! sadly passed away this august of a stroke, slowly. she had lived independently for the past 20years. her hubby, daughter and mother all died in less than one year back in 1991. cancer, cancer, and cancer :( here is to hoping your mama keeps her word and will wait until you clear her out on saturday. :)
OH, and as for why she cares about clearing off the driveway at allllllllllll..... it's because it has to be clean.... EVERYTHING has to be clean..... ALL THE TIME.... she said people walk on the sidewalks there and they have to be CLEAR ASAP :surrender:
She will never change, trust me.

My mom nearly lost her leg in that car accident in '95 because she ran out of road salt & it was snowing. She HAD to have salt in case the mailman or Fedex guy came to deliver a package to her front door, that afternoon, even though her mailbox is up on the street. It couldn't wait until after the storm passed, nope, she had to out during the storm.:surrender:She was in & out of the hospital for about 12 weeks.

Was she expecting a package that day? No. That week? No. But the walk & driveway had to cleared & salted 'just in case' :surrender::surrender:

Has she changed her attitude about keeping the driveway & walk cleared at all times for the mailman since '95? No:surrender::surrender::surrender: