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so what are you thinking right now?

My DH was home for about a half an hour (talking to me) before he realized I got my hair cut. And I don't mean a trim. It was to the middle of my back ALWAYS pulled back in a pony, cut to my chin with cut flippy layers. :surrender:
Could have been worse, half an hour for most guys isn't bad. :huggy:
Could have been worse, half an hour for most guys isn't bad. :huggy:

True. I didn't think my DS12 who's head is always in space would notice, but he did pretty much right away. He even said it looks good and that he likes it a lot better than the long (ugly skinny) pony. :cartwheel:

Not a problem, take a picture of a mirror in your house.

Ennui, glad your brother is safe...what you say is so true. Mrs. Mom, just ONE teeny, tiny pic, pweese, pretty pweese! I bet it looks good and it's always nice to have a change of pace!

As for me I'm wondering why the hell I'm so tired all the time lately. Maybe I should go back to the dr. I wonder if I have a thyroid problem or something..I have been just exhausted for at least a month now...starting to get freaked out.
If it's not one thing, it's another. The f'ing garage door won't close. It starts to go down, then back up it goes. :surrender:

We had a plumber here a couple days ago, will have a repair man from Sears here next week for another issue...............already had to replace the hot water heater shortly after moving in. WHAT NEXT?!!!! Wait, I don't wanna know. :hides:

:dunce: Why the hell would you have a plumber out to work on your garage door?

I am TRASHED. I should not be responding to any threads. I have hardly eaten anything this week & had 3 glasses of wine at a meeting tonight. :surrender: Night, night....but I'll continue to browse the new posts while watching Modern Family. :lol:
MrsMom, we are leading parrallel lives. Our DH's have cars that cost too much money, we don't know where our children came from & we hate pictures. Next time I take DD to Kenosha, we're getting lunch. :p

ETA- Plus, we obviously enjoy "the drink." :lol:
That but for fate, or luck, or a split second in time, I might have lost my beloved & only brother today.

He was driving to work early this morning on a major highway, going 65mph, when a goose flew by just missing his car. A second later, a second goose appeared and crashed head on into his windshield, shattering it instantly. The goose just missed him, landing directly in the front passenger's seat. Luckily my bro escaped with just a few scratches from the flying glass. The goose was killed instantly.

Life is short, all it takes is a split second for your time to be up.
wow!! glad he is ok, his goose is now cooked,lol and i would be washing it down with.....grey goose. seems like i missed a lot tonight
I am TRASHED. I should not be responding to any threads. I have hardly eaten anything this week & had 3 glasses of wine at a meeting tonight. :surrender: Night, night....but I'll continue to browse the new posts while watching Modern Family. :lol:

Wow only 3 glasses, you are a cheap date! DH must love that :lol: I assume there is a DH since I think Debate and I are the only un-married-ish (steve) folks here.

3 glasses over 2+ hours and are trashed, I say you are trying to brag about your low tolerance. :flowers:
Wow only 3 glasses, you are a cheap date! DH must love that :lol: I assume there is a DH since I think Debate and I are the only un-married-ish (steve) folks here.

3 glasses over 2+ hours and are trashed, I say you are trying to brag about your low tolerance. :flowers:

I am a plus size woman and I can feel the alcohol flowing thru my veins DURING the first drink. I do not drink often, especially now since Pat isn't allowed to drink right now. So I am a lightweight too LOL
Kept haveing bad dreams last night, very realistic....I'm a little freaked out.
Woke up with a sinus infection again. This will be the third trip made to the doctors and it is only the 19th of January. Looks like our $1000 deductible will be met early again this year.

DH just got home from work and boy is he crabby. The day is off to a great start ;)
the cord was wrapped around his neck, worst thing was Candy didnt want the baby he was a product of marital rape, she looked at adoption but was unable to get the 'father' to sign off on it so she decided to keep the baby about a month before it died......I think thats what affected her the most that she didnt want him then when she decided to keep him, he passed away
ugh! just ugh!!! how sad in every aspect. makes me appreciate what i have and my loving husband even more.
more SNOW is not on my "LIKE" list for this weekend!!! i have driving to do and cannot combine shoveling for 4 people and actually driving away this weekend for sat n sun. hoping the snow abates. if not , we may have to readjust our weekend plans.
Wish I could have slept longer this morning. It's going to be a long day :surrender:
Snow is coming tomorrow, guess i better go to the store tonight to get some milk, bread and bananas.
16 year old boy for sale. PM for details (LOL)

Pulling my hair out. That is all.