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so what are you thinking right now?

DSS18 had a kid fall on him in gym while playing basketball we went and did the whole doctor/xray thing this am its sore and swolen and the doctor thinks it may just be broken cause of the way he fell on it, the ankle bent in...instead of out like most folks uusually he he said he felt and heard a big 'pop'

doctor just called and said there is no fracture just a bad sprain
DSS18 had a kid fall on him in gym while playing basketball we went and did the whole doctor/xray thing this am its sore and swolen and the doctor thinks it may just be broken cause of the way he fell on it, the ankle bent in...instead of out like most folks uusually he he said he felt and heard a big 'pop'
Hope he heals quickly & completely.

Was it his driving foot?
cookiemom and Linkin you are both awesome! Props to you both for doing what you do! And BTW, there will ALWAYS be old people set in their ways! They aren't going to change now! :)
oh and PPS- Your mom would NOT like it at my house! We clean out the trash cans about ONCE a yr. and those are the INSIDE ones!:lol: We don't even do the outside ones!
wish i were that tidy driven!! the 92 yr old lady i used to shovel for would creep out there after i had cleared her out and chip away at any minute pieces i had left behind and ALWAYS sweep after i was done! the entire purpose of me shoveling was so that she did not go outside in the freezing cold weather and break a hip and freeze to death. ugh!! i took her to the stores took her trash out and got her mail. i loved her dearly and i understand she needed her dignity and freedom, but i worried so. fortunately i was not the one who caused her to break her hip. a young lad from our congregation came by her house to rake her steep yard and startled her, she spun around and fell, yep smack hip broke. a year later and after rehab she was back at the old ponderosa and i was back shoveling for her. she was 92!!!! sadly passed away this august of a stroke, slowly. she had lived independently for the past 20years. her hubby, daughter and mother all died in less than one year back in 1991. cancer, cancer, and cancer :( here is to hoping your mama keeps her word and will wait until you clear her out on saturday. :)

yep, my mom is always following us and doing it the :quotes:right way:quotes: too....

Sad situation for your friend.... she was fortunate to be able to live indepently for so long... many don't :pout:

She will never change, trust me.

My mom nearly lost her leg in that car accident in '95 because she ran out of road salt & it was snowing. She HAD to have salt in case the mailman or Fedex guy came to deliver a package to her front door, that afternoon, even though her mailbox is up on the street. It couldn't wait until after the storm passed, nope, she had to out during the storm.:surrender:She was in & out of the hospital for about 12 weeks.

Was she expecting a package that day? No. That week? No. But the walk & driveway had to cleared & salted 'just in case' :surrender::surrender:

Has she changed her attitude about keeping the driveway & walk cleared at all times for the mailman since '95? No:surrender::surrender::surrender:

yeah, my sister and I know she won't change :surrender: It's really hard to stop hoping though, cause being called a "huge disappointment as a daughter" really hurts :37:

At least I think I convinced her to stop giving the guy money though... now if only she can wait the few extra hours until WE GET THERE :gah:

oh and a big OUCH for your mother!
yep, my mom is always following us and doing it the :quotes:right way:quotes: too....

Sad situation for your friend.... she was fortunate to be able to live indepently for so long... many don't :pout:

yeah, my sister and I know she won't change :surrender: It's really hard to stop hoping though, cause being called a "huge disappointment as a daughter" really hurts :37:

At least I think I convinced her to stop giving the guy money though... now if only she can wait the few extra hours until WE GET THERE :gah:

oh and a big OUCH for your mother!

What?!?!?!? And she was referring to you?? Does your mother know the Mary that we know? Cause she's awesome!

And I can't believe her neighbor is taking money from her.....let alone $50! Shame on him!
What?!?!?!? And she was referring to you?? Does your mother know the Mary that we know? Cause she's awesome!

sadly, yeah..... my sister and i call all the time, offer to shop, bring whatever she wants, fix whatever needs fixing... but dare to disagree and it's a huge long lecture about how miserable we've always made her and how no one helps :37:

And I can't believe her neighbor is taking money from her.....let alone $50! Shame on him!

yes, BIG SHAME on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sadly, yeah..... my sister and i call all the time, offer to shop, bring whatever she wants, fix whatever needs fixing... but dare to disagree and it's a huge long lecture about how miserable we've always made her and how no one helps

and how did your dad put up with her? sounds like he was a gentle nice man. opposite attract???
Curl up in bed with the kiddos. :cartwheel:

hmmm, that might last 5 minutes.

might have to bribe the 5 yr old to take one today when the DDs do so I can get a little rest...
I am thinking the new painted rooms looks awesome. Next week the new carpet and tile get put it. Woot! Then our new furniture will be ready to pick up.
Me too! It was so **** cold outside this morning when I took Sophie for a walk. They said real feel was 10 degrees. When I brought her back home I really wanted to just jump in bed with the pooches and call in sick but instead - here I am at work. :surrender:
felt like -39 by my sister this morning :surrender:
i want a nap.................

but no time for a nap today :(
hmmm, that might last 5 minutes.

might have to bribe the 5 yr old to take one today when the DDs do so I can get a little rest...

DH is sick and when I spoke with him yesterday afternoon, I told him he could go to bed when I got home. He said he might take the kids upstairs to sleep with as soon as they got home from picking up DS at school. "Hey kids, does this smell like chloroform?" Which made me laugh really hard, horrible, but funny.
Curl up in bed with the kiddos. :cartwheel:

OK, tried that...that was like a 10 minute wrestling session with a live alligator.:lol:

DDs are finally asleep. DS says no, but good news is DH is home early from work so I can snuggle up on the couch!!!!:cartwheel: