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so what are you thinking right now?

I think you have to have a dr pretty on board with a vbac to attempt one? Lots of drs won't do them at all. My next appointment is with one of the really pro vbac drs. in the practice Trying not to freak out until I talk to her.

I mentioned it to my doc with Dorothy, but he recommended I have another c-section. Part of it was because I am a big gal. I didn't really push for it because I trusted my doc was giving me the benefit of his expertise, not just trying to make his life easier.

The nurses all just raved about what a great doctor and person he is before he got there the morning of my c-section. Apparently he and his wife throw a huge party every year for the L&D staff & their families every summer.

Both of my kids were 8-3 exactly.
Look at it this way. Better he work at a jail, than live in a jail. :flowers:
'Basic' will whip him into shape!

August......sweat him into shape!

yuppers but now hes thinking of taking the MP position more chance for a job afterwards
Well, it didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to. They're guessing he's already 8lb 10oz and I still have 2 weeks to go.

As others have said, their estimates can often be wrong.

I had my older DS in 2004. They induced him almost 2 weeks early because 1) I had preclampsia and 2) I was fairly small (about 100 or 115 lbs pre-preg and almost 5' 7") and they said he was already at 8 lbs, 8 oz. He was only 7 lbs, 12 oz when he came out.

My 2nd DS, same thing. They said he was 8 lbs, 8 oz and wanted to induce. I told them I wanted to wait and he came naturally a few days later and was 7 lbs, 13 oz.

I had 2 natural, drug-free births. A C-section would be a no no for me as I am scared of any type of surgery. If you really want the VBAC, push for it. You are the patient.
They were right about my second son. He was 8 days early and 8# 10oz. My first was 1 day early and 8#'s.

I had both of them naturally and with drugs! The second birth was a breeze. The first...not so much. I still can hear my scream when they used the forceps on ME. I remember the pain like it was yesterday.

About 2 weeks before DS2 was born I decided there was no way I could go through that pain again. So I called DH at work while he was on a 30 story building (walking the beams) and told him I changed my mind. He was like I'm kind of busy right now so if it is not an emergency I have to go. I was pissed and didn't talk to him for 2 days! LOL. Hormones!
I need sleep...desperately. Come ON washing machine! I have to go to bed!
Little guys temp was 100.2 before bed. Had a really icky diaper and the rash is terrible. I made sure to cut his fingernails before bed in case he itches in the night. Good thing is he isn't cranky at all.
:pout: poor little man
Stick a fork in me I am done! First everyone was sick, now dh got laid off. We A
are (were) a one income family. We are both scrambling to find a job. I haven't worked in a couple yeArs but we Re not ruling out me going back to work at this time.

D12 has started asking questions about her biological dad. She wants to know why he didn't want her? Why isn't he around she asks? She has never brought him up and out of the blue she has questions. She cried and cried when I explained we were young he wasn't ready, blah, blah, blah...it broke my heart to see her so upset.

DD12 birthday is Friday and we are on a budget so no big gift...I feel so bad.

DH and I rarely argue but he is stressed and is in a bad mood so we are arguing.

My brother is in the Philippines, immigration gave him the okay to bring over his stepdaughter. He is delayed however the people who were taking care of her took her and we don't know where she is. They don't want her to be brought over because once she is gone $$$ will no longer be sent to them from the states. People suck.

our fridge broke which sucks because now we have to spend more from the emergency fund.

I haven't shopped in weeks, just feeling kinda down and not up to it...
:huggy: caddyh, I soooooooooo know how you feel. :/ I'm sorry to hear all that. Remember to take each day one at a time. Can we help with anything?

What's on my mind:
DD starts school tomorrow and I have to be up at 7 but just got home from work and still need to unwind.

Demi Moore was admitted to rehab after an overdose...

Of Whip-Its... :faint:

And DH is going out of town next week and I'll be sad w/o him and due to hormones I'll probably be a wreck. Normally I would make lots of plans with family to stay busy but it seems everyone else has stuff going on. :( and I need a babysitter for Sunday 2-10pm... I really need to find a local teen to use for sitting services.
Stick a fork in me I am done! First everyone was sick, now dh got laid off. We A
are (were) a one income family. We are both scrambling to find a job. I haven't worked in a couple yeArs but we Re not ruling out me going back to work at this time.

D12 has started asking questions about her biological dad. She wants to know why he didn't want her? Why isn't he around she asks? She has never brought him up and out of the blue she has questions. She cried and cried when I explained we were young he wasn't ready, blah, blah, blah...it broke my heart to see her so upset.

DD12 birthday is Friday and we are on a budget so no big gift...I feel so bad.

DH and I rarely argue but he is stressed and is in a bad mood so we are arguing.

My brother is in the Philippines, immigration gave him the okay to bring over his stepdaughter. He is delayed however the people who were taking care of her took her and we don't know where she is. They don't want her to be brought over because once she is gone $$$ will no longer be sent to them from the states. People suck.

our fridge broke which sucks because now we have to spend more from the emergency fund.

I haven't shopped in weeks, just feeling kinda down and not up to it...
Thanks everyone. I know ultrasound estimates can be way off and that's a big part of what scares me. I'd hate to have a c-section because they think the baby is huge and then he's born like 8lb 1oz.

I know a c-section is not the end of the world, just really don't want that recovery again. The recovery was 10x harder. Plus it means being in the hospital 4 days instead of 2. No driving for at least 2 weeks. There's no way dh is taking 2 weeks off, he's been thinking 3 days this whole time. So that leaves me with the problem of how to get ds to school everyday. We're too close for the bus but too far to walk in Feb with a newborn, especially right after surgery. My mom's said she'd help some, but she still works full time, so it's a lot to ask of her. And last time I just really hated knowing exactly which day the c-section was ahead of time and having all that time to stress over it.
Little guys temp was 100.2 before bed. Had a really icky diaper and the rash is terrible. I made sure to cut his fingernails before bed in case he itches in the night. Good thing is he isn't cranky at all.

Hope he's feeling better this morning.
Emergency 2 hour late start for my town's schools. Country roads are 100% ice covered and its freezing rain right now. Buses started routes and roads were determined unsafe. Hwy 30 and Hwy 61(they intersect in my town) are 100% ice covered and scanner is saying it looks like a "parking lot" on the sides of both hwys :O

PLEASE be careful out there today!
Always seems like everything happens at once. Hopefully that's it for you for awhile.