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so what are you thinking right now?

Wow, are you OK? Why did you faint?

Oh no! That's not good.


OH NO!!! are you ok? :huggy: yes, do you know why???

Ann!! Omg!!!! Are you okay? Did you call your doc? Were you home alone? Have you ever fainted before?

Ive fainted twice, they were about a month apart from each other when i was about 18. Both times I hadn't eaten yet and had just finished a cigarette. :9: tested for diabetes, test was negative. Never happened again.

Are you sore today?

I don't know what happened. It was about 10pm, I was finishing a few things in the kitchen and then was going to sit and watch some tv. On my way into the family room, I felt myself get a little dizzy so I intended to go sit on the recliner and that's the last thing I remember. I woke up right behind the recliner which is the bottom of the stairs. My head was resting on the first step. It took me a minute to figure out where I was and what happened. I immediately started sweating uncontrollably....so I laid there on the tile until that stopped and called for dh. By the time he came down, my hair was soaking wet. I'm sore as hell today. Mostly my back. It hurts when I try to do most things. My face and chin are bruised but just sore to the touch and so is my hand. It's my back that is killing me and I've had a headache all day today.
poidoman is your eggo preggo? :bee:
Got new carpet and tile today. Looks great. Can't wait for the new furniture!
DH must have been cold this morning and turned up the heat. Wish he would have remembered to turn it down before leaving for work. It's 80 + degrees in my house.

And my car won't start...

But no car means no driving- think I'll have a drink!
poidoman is your eggo preggo? :bee:[/QUOT

Wow - I never even thought of that - hmmmm. On the other side, I've been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years, so I'm gonna chalk that one up to highly unlikely. However, if that is the case....you shall receive a special prize! :lol:
I don't know what happened. It was about 10pm, I was finishing a few things in the kitchen and then was going to sit and watch some tv. On my way into the family room, I felt myself get a little dizzy so I intended to go sit on the recliner and that's the last thing I remember. I woke up right behind the recliner which is the bottom of the stairs. My head was resting on the first step. It took me a minute to figure out where I was and what happened. I immediately started sweating uncontrollably....so I laid there on the tile until that stopped and called for dh. By the time he came down, my hair was soaking wet. I'm sore as hell today. Mostly my back. It hurts when I try to do most things. My face and chin are bruised but just sore to the touch and so is my hand. It's my back that is killing me and I've had a headache all day today.
Call your PCP, you should be checked out, especially with that headache.
Got new carpet and tile today. Looks great. Can't wait for the new furniture!

Congrats! I'm doing it backasswards. I got new furniture and will be ordering carpet soon. :dunce: Then I need to paint..............it's never ending.

And my car won't start...

But no car means no driving- think I'll have a drink!

I hope it's nothing major. Enjoy that drink.

Wow - I never even thought of that - hmmmm. On the other side, I've been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years, so I'm gonna chalk that one up to highly unlikely. However, if that is the case....you shall receive a special prize! :lol:

Oh I hope you are!!! :hiphip:
I HATE math.... always have, always will. My son, gee! he hates math also and he is not very confident in it. I am attempting to help him and seriously, it's been a LONG time since I've done this stuff.

Double step equations, graphing greater thans/less thans, intergers.... OMG
I HATE math.... always have, always will. My son, gee! he hates math also and he is not very confident in it. I am attempting to help him and seriously, it's been a LONG time since I've done this stuff.

Double step equations, graphing greater thans/less thans, intergers.... OMG

Yeah I don't "do" math either. DH is great at helping the kids with their homework. As they get older, he has been helping them more and more because I'm pretty much :dunce: with some of that stuff.
I am sitting here waiting for the Preschool Teacher to call. Nice huh?

It is gonna be hard to listen and be nice. I think she is a real b*tch. As it happens so does DS4. He is not very fond of her. See he is a smart kid ;)
I am sitting here waiting for the Preschool Teacher to call. Nice huh?

It is gonna be hard to listen and be nice. I think she is a real b*tch. As it happens so does DS4. He is not very fond of her. See he is a smart kid ;)

Did something happen at school today?
I have to pick DSS18 up and take him to the Army recruiters again today he is supposed to look and pick out what job he wants I am terrified thinking he could be enlisted in the Army in just a couple weeks

DSS went today and picked out his job in the army hes going to be a Corrections Officer (big shocker) he goes for his physical on Tuesday and gets sworn in on Wednesday then goes to basic on Aug 14 in Missouri
I have an ultrasound this afternoon to see how big this baby is. They're talking about doing a c-section if he's as big as they think he is. I really want to avoid a c-section, so I'm pretty nervous!

Well, it didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to. They're guessing he's already 8lb 10oz and I still have 2 weeks to go.
Strep test came back negative for DS 2. Dr. is thinking fifths disease. I am worried though. His face is swollen between his eyes. Ugh what the heck is wrong with him??
I had this crazy rash right after Christmas and it just went away last week.

Diagnosed as http://www.answers.com/topic/pityriasis-rosea

Of course, this is a thing that mostly kids and young adults get, but me being the FREAK that I am, somehow got it. Started out as one small circular patch of rash on my stomach and a couple weeks later BAM, got me. I was miserable for 2 weeks--nothing but hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion and oatmeal baths. I had a rash on my back, stomach, arms, legs and neck. I would not wish it on anyone. Well, actually, I can think of one person I would wish it on, but.....:lol:
DSS went today and picked out his job in the army hes going to be a Corrections Officer (big shocker) he goes for his physical on Tuesday and gets sworn in on Wednesday then goes to basic on Aug 14 in Missouri
Is he going to Ft. Leonardwood?
They thought my first was going to be huge. They induced me early to give me a shot at vaginal delivery and it still ended up being a c-section. He was only 8lbs 3oz (they were estimating 9-10 lbs) but his head was really big and he wouldn't drop.

Good luck!

I think this is what's going on. I just don't believe he's already that big. They were worried he wouldn't drop, but ultrasound shows he's dropped and is in exactly the right position.
Well, it didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to. They're guessing he's already 8lb 10oz and I still have 2 weeks to go.

Remember it's just a guess. ;)