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so what are you thinking right now?

Do you think superstitions are silly?

um, I refuse to look at the treadmill when I know the number 666 is coming up on it. Like 1.666 miles. Does that make me a freak?

yes, ds had shoulder distosia (spelled wrong, I am sure).....they threw the head end of my bed down and the feet end up and a female doc STRADDLED ME...and was pushing down on my uterus from the outside....while the other doc tugged from the outside.

When he was finally born they warned us they may have broken his shoulder/collar bone/ or arm getting him out (those are the risks...but beats the alternative).

He was lucky and had none of those.

The girls were much easier....no c sections here.


Hang in there...that's how my ds was too. He looked horrible, but for the most part felt fine.

I am thinking I may have fractured a few ribs when I fell. My chest hurts so bad, I can't lift anything or take deep breaths. I am going to get it checked our after I pick up dd from preschool.

Yikes!! I hope you are ok. I hope you see a doc and update us when you can. That sounds scary.
DD19's BFF got the job he interviewed for and DD's interview today turned out to be a "group interview" and there were about 10 of them. She got called back for a second interview tomorrow! :bliss:

1. There are not enough hours in the day

2. DD19 has a job interview Thursday :cartwheel:

3. DD19's BFF just texted me to tell me that he has a job interview today (they want to get a place of their own and I said no help would be forthcoming until they are both gainfully employed to be able to afford it AND enrolled in community college)

4. I need a personal assistant to get all my stuff done that I don't have time for :lol:
In the past two days I've felt slight twinges... Think I'm starting to feel the baby move!!
16 weeks tomorrow!

And will SOMEONE tell DH to stop FARTING in his SLEEP?!?! he's been stinking me out of bed!!!
My back is hurting SO badly through this pregnancy. Just like with DD, although maybe worse. The Boppy body pillow provides little relief. I've been doing stretches and stuff... It's getting worse every day. :/

I've been focused on not complaining through this pregnancy but this is no bueno.
MrsRed, have you seen those back brace giant-ace-bandage things that wrap around from your back under your belly for more support? I've never used one, but years ago had a co-worker who swore it helped tremendously.
Wondering what other kind of thread I can start that might dig up some interesting secrets! Just kidding, I've got stuff to do today.
I am tired of having overly packed cabinets and really unsure what the heck is in there. 1 cabinet has 3 shelves, its about 12 inches wide, 12 inches deep and each shelf is nearly 12 inches tall. Every shelf has bottles, jars ect of seasonings, extracts, sugars, baking supplies... I have held on to seasonings I never use. Why? I have no **** clue. It's too bad I didn't get into this cabinet yesterday so the garbage man could have taken it all away today since its garbage day. So I am using my little step stool to grab stuff from the top shelf and playing chuck the ****!

Valerie, please do not start another thread. I accomplished NOTHING yesterday!
I think it's called a BE band or something like that...I've seen them at target and all the women in the mom's group swore by them...I always said if I was ever pregnant again maybe I'd try one...Good luck!
My back is hurting SO badly through this pregnancy. Just like with DD, although maybe worse. The Boppy body pillow provides little relief. I've been doing stretches and stuff... It's getting worse every day. :/

I've been focused on not complaining through this pregnancy but this is no bueno.

The pregnancy belt is AWESOME! It goes under the belly and also gives back support. I borrowed it from someone and it helped not just my back (which didn't hurt as bad), but mainly my lower abdomen. Being my 3rd I guess the muscles stretched more easily and the belt helped tremendously. I would have paid for one if I had to, it was just that helpful. You can tighten it as need be. Try it out!

Oh, and yes, ask you doc. you can never go wrong there:)
In the past two days I've felt slight twinges... Think I'm starting to feel the baby move!!
16 weeks tomorrow!

And will SOMEONE tell DH to stop FARTING in his SLEEP?!?! he's been stinking me out of bed!!!

When I was pregnant with ds I was so sick for the first 14 weeks. And all I smelled was ****. It was in Dec, so I went and bought several cinnamon plug ins and then all I smelled was cinnamon ****. Every day dh would come home from work, and I would tell him to take out the garbage cause the smell was nauseating. I would say all the time, "You seriously don't smell that?" And every time he would look at me like I was crazy and say "no, I smell nothing" This went on for a few weeks, so it was very apparent I had this "issue". On xmas eve, we were laying on the couch, and I had my head on his lap. All of the sudden, I picked up my head and said, "Ok seriously, the scent of **** is in the air again.....you don't smell it?" And he laughs and says, "Oh sorry, I just farted".

I told him he was messin with me! How do you fart on woman who only smells **** and everyone thinks she's crazy!! Good luck red!

BTW- I did go get an xray yesterday and I did indeed fracture a rib when I fell. This is some serious pain! :surrender:
oh poidoman, tears I am laughing so hard! You poor girl. I also could smell ****. I would walk into my girlfriends house who had an 18 month old. From across the room, I could smell he had just pooped. She said no way, I just changed him. I was right, sure as ****! It was HORRIBLE!