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so what are you thinking right now?

No, not organic...just better choices, less fast food, more produce, etc.

I am drinking tons of water, and am going to be trying my home remedy here ina few.

Could be the better choices anyway. I hope it is :)
If your remedy doesn't work, try the BRAT diet for a day and see if it helps.
I've got a case of the lazy's this morning. I need to snap out of it quickly.
I'm thinking it has been one long **** day/night...DH scared the **** out of me by coming home from work at 3:45 this a.m. He threw out his back at work and they sent him to the ER and he was coming in the door at 3:45...NOT only am I a light sleeper but my baby of a dog is useless and my house is pretty small so I hear EVERYTHING! I HAD BEEN sound asleep until I heard a noise and jumped up like a woman w/ants in her pants. DH shouted it's just me and I was like, he had better of cuz I was ready to get the knife out thinking it was an intruder...he then proceeded to keep me up the rest of the night w/his ****ing and moaning about being in pain. And now he claims he can't drive because of the pain meds so I will be driving him to his MRI today! blah! Plus NO money since he will now have the next 3 nights off per the ER. I just pray it isn't something serious and he can go back to normal work schedule in a few days!
He got the paperwork last night. It is not going well and I did expect that yes. But my goodness.

Praying for strength to make it through all of this and realize what he is saying to me/about me is not who I really am. If I had ANY self worth before this it is going quickly.
Missy, I don't know what paperwork you are referring to, but DON"T let this ruin your self esteem you are great person who deserves only the best! Or as Stuart Smalley would have said: I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it people like me! (hugs)

He got the paperwork last night. It is not going well and I did expect that yes. But my goodness.

Praying for strength to make it through all of this and realize what he is saying to me/about me is not who I really am. If I had ANY self worth before this it is going quickly.
He got the paperwork last night. It is not going well and I did expect that yes. But my goodness.

Praying for strength to make it through all of this and realize what he is saying to me/about me is not who I really am. If I had ANY self worth before this it is going quickly.

You are a good and strong person Missy! He has made choices and he doesn't like the consequences. I assume he is acting childish, esp if he is talking trash about you.

You need to do what is best for you, not him. Don't let him bully you. You are a wonderful person and deserve to be happy. He made bad choices and doesn't like that he can't control you.

Most of this is just guessing based on prior posts. Stay strong honey! We've got your back!
I am assume the papers are divorce papers... Sorry if you didn't want that thrown out there...

Bottom line... If he didn't want that to be the path for the rest of his life... He shouldn't have gone fishing in another woman's pond. Period. You reap what you sew.

I am very out spoken on my belief on marriage being for better or worse. It is based on my faith. My faith also acknowledges unfaithfulness as crossing a line.

You hang in there sweetie! You have done nothing wrong and have demonstrated alot of patience and a huge effort to make things right. Do not take his venom to heart!
74 phone calls (most between 11pm and 1am), email, text messages, and a call to my office is hard not to start to wonder. He came to the house last night it did not go well. Was sitting in the road out front today when we got up just watching.....
Wow. Did you call the police? Have you considered a restraining order?
It has been suggested I get a OP. But I have never done one and do wonder if it would just make this all worse somehow. Since he was just yelling and screaming last night I did not call the police. He left when he was done yelling but then started calling.
Wow. Did you call the police? Have you considered a restraining order?

What she said. You need to consider it. That is harassment. Keep a notebook. Write down everything he says and does. Keep copies of emails and texts. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!

He made his choice. He is mad that he can't control you and tell you what to do.

Be strong, you are doing the right thing for you and your son. You gave your husband every chance to repair the damage but if he refuses to do it, that is not your fault.

Big hugs!
It has been suggested I get a OP. But I have never done one and do wonder if it would just make this all worse somehow. Since he was just yelling and screaming last night I did not call the police. He left when he was done yelling but then started calling.

I have lots of experience with this, if you want my experiences with it please PM.

I'll bet you could use some of us as bodyguards or watchdogs too!

Sorry Missy that sucks so badly. :huggy:
missy I fear that that kind of crazy is only going to get worse if you don't get proactive and get a restraining order. You need to tell the police what's going on also.

It only takes one time of him being violent to be too late. And what about your son? A child shouldn't be put through all that nonsense either. How can he concentrate at school when his Dad was over late acting like a nut?

I don't want this to be another tragic news story "Triple murder/ suicide". Please don't wait until it's too late.
Missy, my heart goes out to you. :huggy: Please take every precaution to keep you and your son safe. Your husband's behavior sounds extreme, and I don't want to scare you, but it sounds like some of the stories on 20/20 and Dateline where the wife doesn't come out alive. There is no reason he should be sitting outside your home or calling you that many times. Please stay safe and know that you are a strong wonderful woman.
Missy, he has really put you through the wringer over the past several months. I'm happy to hear you're moving forward. His behavior has been deplorable and there is no doubt that you have given this your all. If you have a lawyer, I'd send him a letter (registered mail) and an email cc'ing your attorney informing him that you will only communicate with him via your attorneys. There is to be no more phone calls, no more house visits. You will meet him at XYZ to transfer your son (if he's seeing him) and again at XYZ when he returns him. 74 phone calls & emails IS NOT OK. Him sitting outside of your house IS NOT OK. HE did this, not you. I'd get an OP. I am not totally for OP's during divorces, but he has problems. Between his past 'incident' and last night's behavior you should easily be able to get one. You can do it ex parte, he doesn't even need to know until he is served with the order. The police officer who serves it will probably spell it out to him loud & clear, too.

Please be careful. You keep doing what's best for you & your son, as hard as it might be. :huggy: