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so what are you thinking right now?

I tortured myself today.... and still am. I had to get a new litter box for our cat. They have these litter shaker bags, instead of scooping poop, you carefully lift these holey bags and the clean littler falls through to the next one and the holey bags keeps the poop gethered to remove easily. Much better than digging. So the bags are too big for the old box so I needed a new one. Off to Petsmart I go. As I am looking I see 4 or 5 cats in the pets section looking for a "new permanent home". I read a partial explanation of 1 cat. It read: I was surrendered because my owner died." It does not say if the cat is good with other cats nor dogs. I have 1 of each already. As I am reading, I had my hand on the glass, sorta leaning on it. I look upo to see this porr cat sitting on her back hunches, scratching the window, trying to get my attention. I move my hand slightly and she starts turning almost inside out trying to feel me pet her.

As I type this, tears.... She seems such a lovey flopsy mopsy type cat. looks so similar to "Jill", Tazz's cat. I have a cat who really, he has me trained but doesn't want me to pet him. Forget picking him up. For over a year, not once has he came and sat in my lap nor even near me. He is so **** independent its aggravating. He likes 1 of my sons and loves my husband and our room mate. Has slim to no use for me, ever. I want a cat who can be carried where ever, when ever and just like to be petted.

We have No room as it is... yet... man... I need to not go anywhere near that pet store. They ask for $donation.... no set amount... killing me here..
You think you're choosing a cat. The truth is, the cat usually chooses you... :kitty:
While I am completely aware we have no room, we have a cat now, and we do not know if this cat would like other cats, I don't know if my cat would deal with another cat... who knows if the pet store cat likes dogs... my heart is broken knowing this cat is such a lover and locked up in kitty jail. I could not ask if it was a no kill deal... i couldn't handle it if I knew it was.

I mentioned her to my husband who promptly informed me we have no room and we have a cat.... uh uh no how no way do we need a new pet. I KNOW he is right, yet, man.... did I mention I tortured myself?!?!
and you know it's already been vetted and is up to date on shots... that saves $$ over taking in a stray.

The organization that runs the Love-A-Pet area should be able to tell you if she's good with other cats. Your other cat is pretty young, right? The younger they are, the easier they adjust. And if he's ok with a dog, being ok with another cat isn't that much of a stretch.

She just wants you to love her....
Haven't even touched her and I am gone....
That my work meeting tonight was a futile attempt to get people to come to an agreement and that nothing was agreed upon and that you CANNOT change people, they HAVE TO WANT to change....wish I could make them all understand this!
Trying to have faith things will work out. When I start to sway or wonder how I am going to get though something I am always amazed when something happens to make me feel content. The Lords works in mysterious ways and I really do believe he is watching over DS and I.
You think you're choosing a cat. The truth is, the cat usually chooses you... :kitty:

That is totally true with Molly. She hung out with my uncle for months outside. He was always out there feeding the birds, doing yard work, etc and she was testing him out. Eventually he passed the test and she decided to bring her daughter Daisy and come live with us.

While I am completely aware we have no room, we have a cat now, and we do not know if this cat would like other cats, I don't know if my cat would deal with another cat... who knows if the pet store cat likes dogs... my heart is broken knowing this cat is such a lover and locked up in kitty jail. I could not ask if it was a no kill deal... i couldn't handle it if I knew it was.

I mentioned her to my husband who promptly informed me we have no room and we have a cat.... uh uh no how no way do we need a new pet. I KNOW he is right, yet, man.... did I mention I tortured myself?!?!

I think kg is doing a pretty good job of encouraging you to consider this kitty, I just thought I'd add that adopting this new kitty can give your current one a friend to play with and may help with his attitude. Not to mention, cats are pretty small so it's not gonna take up all that much space.

What can I say, I'm a furball adoption enabler. :giggles:
I want to smack two of you upside the head right now. You know who you are.

I'm waiting to hear if we can get approved for a mortgage for a house we kind of might maybe have our eye on a little bit. Contingent on selling our current house of course....

Pins and needles. I hate(love!) you both.
I want to smack two of you upside the head right now. You know who you are.

I'm waiting to hear if we can get approved for a mortgage for a house we kind of might maybe have our eye on a little bit. Contingent on selling our current house of course....

Pins and needles. I hate(love!) you both.

I told you not to move :giggles: BUT now I want to see pics!
We got the house!!! :dance:

YAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled for you! :bliss:

And since I've seen it I have to ask, can I come live in it too? It's gorgeous!!! :giggles:
I told you not to move :giggles: BUT now I want to see pics!

it's not very likely at all to happen. Too many things have to fall perfectly into place, so I don't have my hopes up.
YAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled for you! :bliss:

And since I've seen it I have to ask, can I come live in it too? It's gorgeous!!! :giggles:

You can have the stockpile room....haha!
it's not very likely at all to happen. Too many things have to fall perfectly into place, so I don't have my hopes up.

You never know though. Couldn't hurt to put your house on the market....
I'm thinking about trying to "will" this water into scotch...or vodka... or tequila... i dont really care what, as long as it makes this day better
I'm thinking about trying to "will" this water into scotch...or vodka... or tequila... i dont really care what, as long as it makes this day better

:lol: :huggy: