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so what are you thinking right now?

DD8 is home from school Day #3.....she's got some kinda stomach bug. Just hoping it doesn't go through our whole family...that would suck!
Well now there's something to look forward to. :sheep1:


Well guess this wont surprise anyone here. 3 more calls to the police yesterday/last night and spent almost 2 hours with them in person.

My day is starting off about the same already been on the phone with them once already.
why cant people in my office buy their own darn coffee creamer--and seriously if you are going to only leave a few drops--toss the bottle away!
:grouphug: missy.....

Will they take him in custody for repeated harassment/violations? Your life should not have to be like that for days at a time.
why cant people in my office buy their own darn coffee creamer--and seriously if you are going to only leave a few drops--toss the bottle away!

Petty cash pays for milk at my office but for some reason when the milk is just about gone, no one will use the last few drops and throw away the container. I guess rinsing it out and putting it in the container for recycling is just too much to ask.
so sorry Missy!!! big hugs

OK, my rant, I just spent the last hour or so looking for my son's birth certificate. It is always in the same place, except for today. ugh!!! Finally found it, but now wasted so much time that I can't make it to the office of his new school today to give it to them. arrghh..

also, I have no clue what the heck I did to my right wrist. It is killing me. I cannot lift things. I took a nap yesterday and slept with my hand under my head and it has been hurting ever since. THought a good night sleep of rest would make it feel better and unfortunately it felt worse when I woke up.

Ok rant over, the day is bright and sunny the weekend is upon us.:hiphip:
:grouphug: missy.....

Will they take him in custody for repeated harassment/violations? Your life should not have to be like that for days at a time.


Sorry you have to go through all of this Missy. Stay strong!
at what week/month can you start to feel the baby move? I thought it was 5 months? Either I felt the baby move last night or I had indigestion...:lol:
Went to DD's school this a.m. to vol. to hear the kids read...it was sweet to hear them all...DD is still one of the better readers..some of these kids are really struggling. I hate to see kids struggle. Other than that, have to get a buttload of stuff done today..DH's car is in the shop so hope that that won't cost us too much...it's starting to have problems...but then again it is 12 yrs. old and has over 100,000 mi. Other than that TGIF!
Love the guy from Chase Bank. We were talking and he grew up in St. Louis and waived my cashier's check because "I am buying a house." Generally don't care much for Chase and keep most of my money elsewhere, but I put up with them sometimes for cashing checks and I like their Chase Freedom credit card. It was so refreshing to get great customer service (and the guy wasn't bad looking either)!
Missy, if the police are reluctant to arrest him (and I really have no idea why they would be), you can file for civil contempt. Your lawyer will know how to do it, but you can also do it on your own. Get your evidence & logs in a typed fashion to start the process.


What can I do if the abuser violates the order?

Call the police or sheriff, even if you think it is a minor violation. The Illinois Domestic Violence Act requires that police take all reasonable steps to prevent further abuse to you, including arresting the abuser. The police need not witness the actual abuse, as long as there is probable cause (abuser calling or emailing you, coming near your home or you when ordered to stay away, or visible injuries or other evidence of violence).

It is a good idea to write down the name of the responding officer(s) and their badge number in case you want to follow up on your case. Make sure a police report is filled out, even if no arrest is made.

When the police arrive, show them a copy of the order of protection. If you don't have one, they can verify its existence through their police computer. Once they verify the order and that it has been served, they may arrest the abuser. If the order has not been served, they may serve the abuser, if the abuser is present. If the abuser refuses to leave, they may arrest the abuser for violation of the order.

If the police do not arrest him or file a criminal complaint, you still have the right to file for civil contempt for a violation of the order. It is a crime and contempt of court if the abuser knowingly violates the order in any way. A judge can punish someone for being in contempt of court. To file for civil contempt, go to the clerk's office in the courthouse where the order was originally filed, and ask for the necessary forms.*

* 750 ILCS 60/301 Law Enforcement Policies
Why am I an emotional wreck. I cry at everything my DD does.
I am so afraid that I am going to embarrass myself by crying at her First Communion (I almost cried at practice.) I just cannot believe how fast she is growing up :(
Love the guy from Chase Bank. We were talking and he grew up in St. Louis and waived my cashier's check because "I am buying a house." Generally don't care much for Chase and keep most of my money elsewhere, but I put up with them sometimes for cashing checks and I like their Chase Freedom credit card. It was so refreshing to get great customer service (and the guy wasn't bad looking either)!

nice! good luck today :dance:

I have a like/hate relationship with Chase. I like their account opening bonuses and I've been known to churn them. But last fall when I tried to open my annual new checking account ($150 bonus), they accused me of attempting to steal my own identity. I had to prove I was myself. DL + passport + birth certificate + marriage certificate was not enough documentation. Don't get me started...
No he has not been arrested. He is turning around when we pass on the road and following me now. Then when I pull in somewhere he sits across the road watching me. But he is over 500 Ft!! Add to that every time we pass he is calling the police stating I am following him. Ah NO! Taking my son to track and church is not following you its going on with our lives in a small town that he choose to move back into! There are people in town who see him turn around and watch him sit there for 30 minutes while I visit someone. I am not lying!

He cut 1 lock off my storage shed and placed his on it. Shed is in my name only. So drama filled day yesterday of me having cops cut his locks off. He wanted everything inventoried with me, him, and a cop present. The cop said no way with OP in place. Really if I have not moved anything in 3 months from the shed why inventory it now???

I went to the gas station to get gas - low fuel light was on. Just dropped ds off at church. Gas station is like 2 blocks from church same road. Yes he was there in the driveway leaving. I pulled in drove past to farthest pump. Paid at the pump and left. He flew out of the driveway called the cop to tell him I was following him and running him out of local businesses. I live in this town, I drove by to the church, and needed gas to get back home. In case you are wondering there is 1 gas station in town.

Just more petty drama he is trying to use to control the situation. I'm just tired and feeling sick this week so its just not helping.
Why am I an emotional wreck. I cry at everything my DD does.
I am so afraid that I am going to embarrass myself by crying at her First Communion (I almost cried at practice.) I just cannot believe how fast she is growing up :(

I cry way too much too--even when it isnt my own kids :)

BUT we had this one mom ( only one child) who cried at everything--EVERYTHING--lol she never hid it and it gave us all something to rib her about--she was so good about it--better then me who always pretends to not be crying--LOL
No he has not been arrested. He is turning around when we pass on the road and following me now. Then when I pull in somewhere he sits across the road watching me. But he is over 500 Ft!! Add to that every time we pass he is calling the police stating I am following him. Ah NO! Taking my son to track and church is not following you its going on with our lives in a small town that he choose to move back into! There are people in town who see him turn around and watch him sit there for 30 minutes while I visit someone. I am not lying!

He cut 1 lock off my storage shed and placed his on it. Shed is in my name only. So drama filled day yesterday of me having cops cut his locks off. He wanted everything inventoried with me, him, and a cop present. The cop said no way with OP in place. Really if I have not moved anything in 3 months from the shed why inventory it now???

I went to the gas station to get gas - low fuel light was on. Just dropped ds off at church. Gas station is like 2 blocks from church same road. Yes he was there in the driveway leaving. I pulled in drove past to farthest pump. Paid at the pump and left. He flew out of the driveway called the cop to tell him I was following him and running him out of local businesses. I live in this town, I drove by to the church, and needed gas to get back home. In case you are wondering there is 1 gas station in town.

Just more petty drama he is trying to use to control the situation. I'm just tired and feeling sick this week so its just not helping.

:huggy: :huggy: what an :asshat: :huggy: