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so what are you thinking right now?

Had a great impromptu dinner with the neighbors! We were chatting outside..............they were discussing what to do for dinner. We've had dinner simmering all day. SO we said just come over!

They did and we had a great meal and visit! I love my new neighbors!!! :dance:

Is this the hot boysses you were telling me about?? :bee:
25 yrs. is long enough.

32 children on our short little block. wonderful ****ley school distr., 4 blocks to "L", Jewel and restaurants and real close to wrigley!
sounds like you are near my brother, he's six blocks from Wrigley
Is this the hot boysses you were telling me about?? :bee:

Oh hell no! I wouldn't be able to eat in their pressence! No these peeps are almost 50.........great helpful neighbors.
Well I was thinking maybe more in my town rather than in my house. :giggles: I can pretty much guarantee Sophie will bother the hell out of any cat that steps in the door. She's got a few scrapes on her nose today thanks to bothering the hell out of Molly & Daisy this weekend. Yet she isn't discouraged.

:37: Yeah I don't think I can afford to live in NY.

Wait a sec, you could move out here!
can't wait for my 6 weeks notice to be done so I can be out of here...............
The rain sure makes it hard to motivate today. :pout:

No kidding! All I've done today is run to Aldi's and put away 3 baskets of laundry.
Kids were playing in the basement today, so I cleaned and organized the toys and my stockpile down there.

Then we made lunch, DS went down for a nap, and DD and I baked cupcakes.

So now there's a rainbow mess to clean up in the kitchen. It is never ending lol
DS2 was sick over the weekend while we were camping. Got a call this afternoon that DD8 was in the nurses office with a fever, headache and sore throat. And now my stomach is starting to turn....ahhhh, I love that my kids like to share.
DS2 was sick over the weekend while we were camping. Got a call this afternoon that DD8 was in the nurses office with a fever, headache and sore throat. And now my stomach is starting to turn....ahhhh, I love that my kids like to share.

hope you and the kids feel betetr Val
**** realtor left the KEY sitting in the LOCK in my house after a showing today :dunce: (instead of putting it back in the lockbox which a realtor needs a code to get the key from). Anyone could have walked up and gotten into my house or just taken the key for later :asshat:.

And I'm just in a foul mood today anyway before that happened. I had a medical test this morning, which I didn't want to do but I was a good girl and went anyway.
Oh hell no! I wouldn't be able to eat in their pressence! No these peeps are almost 50.........great helpful neighbors.
um, is that supposed to be old or something because I'm getting close, lol

Ran out of propane while cooking tonights dinner.

Don't you just HATE that?

Throw it in the oven....it'll be OK!

I learned my lesson waaay tooo many times......I keep an extra full one on hand at ALL times! (found an empty one in the alley, so I turned it in for a full one, so I keep 2 going!)
talked myself out of buying an expensive bed for now and decided to give a highly rated memory foam mattress a try. i figure that if it does not work out either we have a new guest room mattress or DS gets a foam mattress for their apartment in the fall. No shipping. No tax. I can handle that. Anything has to be better than this **** waterbed !!!