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so what are you thinking right now?

Kewpon addict, WTF are you talking about?? :dunce: was I the only one that read that and thought HUH? So someone called you and asked you to join them and you talked them down $600 and then said no...? Why bother talking them down?

Canadia :huggy: did you call your support person yet just to talk things through?

Sorry to confuse you Red. You are correct...I wasn't trying to talk her down really. She was being a PITA...like an annoying salesman who won't get the hint that you're not interested...I was ONLY interested in joining it if I could get a discount on my car insurance...from what I hear the discount is probably LESS than the cost I would pay to join so prolly not worth it...just having a bad day and wanted to vent and feeling sorry for myself...on my pity pot.
Why waste your time and energy? Tell them exactly what you're thinking, what you do/don't want and if you can't results, end the call! :9: I don't know why you wasted your time with a telemarketer. But I'm sorry you're frustrated.
It is a not-too common, not-too-uncommon complication of pregnancy called pre-eclampsia. For whatever reason all systems in the mommy's body get out of whack (liver/kidney/lungs) and if left untreated baby and mommy die (that's the eclampsia part, where mommy has a stroke). Some of the earliest symptoms are a jump in weight and blood pressure. The tests are too see how badly, if at all, my organs are affected. The only cure is to deliver the baby.

Ok. I didn't wanna say it, but that's the first thought that came to mind when you said your BP jumped. A friend of mine had that but she wasn't as far along as you.
That if someone is on unemployment and not going to school they should care for their children.

Another day of lying parents and messed up kids.
Man is it BEAUTIFUL outside!! I thought maybe with the rain yesterday that it wouldn't be so nice out. The sun is hot, but then a cool breeze comes along...a perfect balance. Good thing for sunscreen!
The Ice Cream guy just came down the street the wrong way.....Music-a-Blaring!!

I yelled, "Wrong way"!

He stopped, backed up a bit....and said, "Thanks....I'm lost! I gave him directions....,

.....here...have some!",.. as he handed me 2 boxes of "frozen novelties" !

It's 55 degrees here!...and windy!!!!! :roll:
My DH just informed me that he is going to take the kids off my hands on Saturday (overnight Boy Scout camping trip) from about 4 p.m. until Sunday morning. It's my belated Mother's Day gift since we were out of town last weekend. I'm excited since I don't get much time to myself since my 5 yo is still home with me every day.

I'm thinking ... Woohoo!

I already know what I'm going to do Saturday night ...
1) go to Mario Tricoci to get a massage (gift cards from that awesome Target 10.00 GC deal around Christmas)
2) pick up a couple chick flicks from Redbox
3) pick up Chinese take out
4) open a bottle of wine, eat my take out food, and watch my movies curled up with my blanket and whichever cats want to join me
5) I'm going to sleep in too (at least 7:30 if I can) since my kids wake me up by 6 a.m. most mornings!

I can't wait. :giggles:
....a Big Bottle of wine!!!

It can't be too big a bottle because:

1) I need to stay up long enough to watch my movies


2) I don't want them to come home in the morning and find me passed out on the sofa! :giggles:
Oooo if you have one near you, go to CoopersHawk restaurant and winery and get a bottle of Moscato or Sweet Red. I could drink it with a straw!