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so what are you thinking right now?

Oh, and she voluntarily quit her job & is now in school pt during the day, all an effort to reduce her income & increase her expenses.
Is SD still in High school?

Dh's support order requires him to pay the same until she is out of school. That makes sense to me, even though I don't have to like it.
Yes, she's out of high school & starting college next week, which we are paying 1/2 of.
Paying half of college should be more than sufficient. IMO.

I am counting the months left of paying child support....22....As far as I can tell the current order does not require $ after HS. I know I may be wrong but am trying to be blissfully ignorant until I learn otherwise.
I hear 'ya, reporter. SD16's bday is in December, so we'll have to pay until she is 18.5.

Can. Not. Wait.

All of the money will be redirected to college tuition, but at least the kids benefit. Right now they don't realize a dime of the $$, but exW looks great. :p
We have to pay child support until Kim is 18 OR if she decides to go to college right away, 22. *sigh*

Even though she will be living the life of a "real" adult, with a child of her own? That seems just a little f'ed up to me. It's not like you & Pat won't be helping with all of her child-related expenses. I'd keep track of every single dime you contribute.
Even though she will be living the life of a "real" adult, with a child of her own? That seems just a little f'ed up to me. It's not like you & Pat won't be helping with all of her child-related expenses. I'd keep track of every single dime you contribute.

We are waiting to hear back from Child Support Recovery on this...until we know for sure, tho, yes. :-/
I'm grateful I don't have to deal with all that child support BS!

Wondering how painful it will be when all the kids have to get up early for school.....
That is SO TRUE Kathy.

Even though I resent SD's mom, less now than before but still think she's not-so-nice.... I don't want to *be* her. I like my life in comparison to what I see she is doing.

Excellent way to think of it.
We have to pay child support until Kim is 18 OR if she decides to go to college right away, 22. *sigh*

Will you have to pay anything additional for the grandchild? None of my business but I was just wondering how that worked.
That is SO TRUE Kathy.

Even though I resent SD's mom, less now than before but still think she's not-so-nice.... I don't want to *be* her. I like my life in comparison to what I see she is doing.

Excellent way to think of it.

I have spent many years trying to tactfully and in short sentences explain to people (friends, sports parents, acquaintances, teachers, etc) why their mom doesn't have custody of them. Most people just do NOT get it. I try very hard to not disparage their mom and if people are persistent (outside people are always way more judgmental about it than we are) I just say that. Glad I don't have her life. Glad the kids are doing well with us. Glad everything is stable for the kids.

Sounds way better than, well, it's Illinois so she could have/did have custody of them but she wanted the $ from the sale of the house more. That is factually what happened (we traded the house $ for her signing the custody order), but I truly believe she did not feel capable of raising the kids plus her boyfriend at the time (now her husband) was not interested in raising his own children full time much less hers (and having to deal with my very involved was-never-gonna-go-away-DH every single day).

Honestly I just think this was easier for them. But she is one of THOSE people. Believes her needs dictate what must happen in the world. If she's happy, then everyone's happy, right?

Will you have to pay anything additional for the grandchild? None of my business but I was just wondering how that worked.

The parents of the father of the grandchild will be on the hook for CS, if he is a minor.
Glad that worked out for you, Kathy. We *almost* had a similar deal- she could have the house AND still get CS, if DH could have the kids. She was close, but in the end couldn't live with 1) the "stigma" of "losing" "her" kids & 2) DH having them. She hates DH more than she loves the kids, which is never a good situation. Gotta love the kids more than you hate anything else. Otherwise you get ****ed up kids, which is what we have. :pout:
Me too, Red. :lol:

The smell of fresh baked bread wafting through the house is always amazing. I don't know why I don't bake bread more often! My $4 thrift store bread machine is awesome. I only use it for mixing/kneading. It really takes the work out of making dough AND getting it to rise, which is what I struggled with.