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so what are you thinking right now?

chinamom you're a better person than me!!! I woulda been :eek:hreally:
Him reaching into your cart seems like some sort of personal violation.

Right? I was furious! If I hadn't had my little warrior with me I would have taken my things back and let him have it (verbally), but DD gets so mad about everything and is always ready to wack somebody. I just want her to learn to handle things calmly and it is not okay to flip out and hit people. But, I really wanted to slap this guy and take my stuff back. Not worth it for $1.58 worth of fruit, though.
SIGH. You know how they say if you want something you have to make it happen?

I'm TRYING to make it happen and I'm just chasing my tail here!! :hopmad:
That sux Maria. He was probably mentally ill though...I think you did the best you could do given the circumstance!

Okay....I just want to vent somewhere because this is sooooo not worth my irritation......so here goes: I was in Woodmans with my 4 year old. They had several carts full of produce marked down to 79 cents. One cart had 4 bags of sweet corn and 1 bag of peaches. I grabbed the peaches and put them in my cart. Another cart had 1 bag of peaches, a bag of strawberries and tons of other misc. stuff. I took the peaches and strawberries and put them in my cart and left the area. DD and I are over in the bread aisle and this guy comes up to me and says I took the peaches and strawberries out of his cart. Ummmmm....no I didn't. He had his cart in front of him and it had nothing in it. I pointed this out to him. He assured me that wasn't the case and reached into my cart and took out 1 bag of peaches and the strawberries. With my DD there I was not going to cause a scene. I try to set a good example. I told him he was wrong, but he could have the fruit if it ment that much to him. I was hopping mad, but.....with the hot headed little girl standing there watching, I just walked away. DD was furious. She's forcefully telling me he's a bad man and we should call the police. I told her that sometimes people cannot afford to spend much on food and maybe this man needed something to eat. We will not go hungry without peaches and strawberries.....although I was really looking forward to peach pie and strawberries on my yogurt. Sigh.......trying to let it go, but it really pisses me off! Thanks for listening....carry on!
SIGH. You know how they say if you want something you have to make it happen?

I'm TRYING to make it happen and I'm just chasing my tail here!! :hopmad:

What'ya need Red?, I might have it! :giggles:
SIGH. You know how they say if you want something you have to make it happen?

I'm TRYING to make it happen and I'm just chasing my tail here!! :hopmad:
Hang in there, sometimes things take a while!
IT'S A GO FOR THE CLOSING!!!!!!!:cartwheel:

....and the countdown begins!
Can't wait for fall. I usually love to string summer out, but this year has been the worst for my allergies. I have a tissue box parked in every corner of the house. I'm also tired of maintaining the lawn. I'm over it. Moving on....
Can't wait for fall. I usually love to string summer out, but this year has been the worst for my allergies. I have a tissue box parked in every corner of the house. I'm also tired of maintaining the lawn. I'm over it. Moving on....

Our favorite time of year!!! Soooo hard to not put out the decorations. I told Dh.....we are taking these with!! I don't care if it's Florida....I'm going to still make it 'our' season!!! (we met in Sept.) :lol:

Dh went to go to Jewel.....Opened the garage door.....people saw that everything was in there. Made another $000.00!

Told Dh...... see what happens when you leave!!! :giggles:

Dh went to go to Jewel.....Opened the garage door.....people saw that everything was in there. Made another $000.00!

Told Dh...... see what happens when you leave!!! :giggles:

Could have made that much with the door closed too. :snicker:
oppps! sorry.
