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so what are you thinking right now?

I'm thinking that typing on a big old keyboard is sooooo much easier than on a little phone :phew:
I'm thinking about getting the EZ Eyes keyboard :lol:


I have a cut on my toe right by where the nail is...totally split and it hurts like a sonofabitch! I put peroxide on it and am praying it doesn't get infected....I hate toe stuff...it just grosses me out! Seriously praying it goes away!
Slather it in Neosporin, gently put a sock over it and sleep with it on. You'll be amazed at what a difference it makes!
Right? I was furious! If I hadn't had my little warrior with me I would have taken my things back and let him have it (verbally), but DD gets so mad about everything and is always ready to wack somebody. I just want her to learn to handle things calmly and it is not okay to flip out and hit people. But, I really wanted to slap this guy and take my stuff back. Not worth it for $1.58 worth of fruit, though.
Maybe he had those items in his cart and someone else took them out and he spotted, you with the same items and thought you took them. Just a thought :)
What is not fun: waing in linethe at the DMV.
What is really not fun: waiting in line at the DMV havng to pee.
the dmv is rather close to my house--so when the lines are REAL long I stick around for a bit--see how fast the numbers are moving along--then I go home and come back--LOL beats waiting there
You know, i never thought to do that. I could have easily left and made it back. I'm 2 away from my number. Remember when we had to sit and be patient? Glad those days are over.
My kids' football and soccer practices were both cancelled tonight!!! No running around for me!!! :cartwheel::cartwheel::cartwheel:
Fall decorations are all up :)

Oh I'm jealous! I was thinking about doing that today. I think that's what I'll do tomorrow. I really wanna pick up some potted mums for my front steps too.
My kids' football and soccer practices were both cancelled tonight!!! No running around for me!!! :cartwheel::cartwheel::cartwheel:

Is it raining by you? We have a game at 5 and it has not been cancelled yet.
I want to get some mums for the front porch too. We don't really have any fall decorations, so I guess I will wait until October to put up the Halloween ones.
Is it raining by you? We have a game at 5 and it has not been cancelled yet.

It is, but not heavy. I think the soccer was cancelled due to the rain, but not football. They play football in the rain all the time. Football was cancelled because you can only practice so many hours a week before a game and the coach messed up.

Either way I wasn't gonna let DS10 go to soccer practice anyway because he had a horrible headache all day and he has plenty of homework. He's napping now then will get to his work. Sometimes sports just don't fit in life. :9:
Sometimes marching band doesn't fit in with life, but if you dare call in sick for any reason you get berated and told they are going to throw you off all band and music activities, no college letter of recommendation, ruin you life bullshit. It sucks so bad with Aubreys allergies she goes looking like she is at deaths door many times and my hands are tied. She just went with a fever about a week ago and they don't care if they spread disease, you must show up if you can stand up.
Nanny that's bullshit!!! :huggy:
Yeah, it's total bullshit. I have gone to the school principal a couple times in the last few months and band director had to bring in union rep to save his job. I hate that they get this much control over our kids.