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so what are you thinking right now?

There is a leak in my bathroom ceiling it happened once or twice a year ago and stopped now it's showing up every time I shower... It's in the middle of the bathroom. It seems like such an odd spot. I had someone look inthe ceiling last year and he didn't see anything (I thought it was the roof). Ugh! Is this a plumber thing? Anyone know any good ones in the northwest burbs?

I know a GREAT plumber in LITH who works the entire area. He was quick and inexpensive. PM me if you want his number.
Worried because my little guy is sick again. Since he just turned 3 the ENT Dr's are finally going to allergy test him. We have to get to the bottom of all of his sinus/ear infections. He has been too sick for too long.

DH is still working nights.....

And I know this sounds selfish right now but.....
I really wish I was able to workout, I need to get some "me" time and stress relief. As long as DS3 is sick that is just not possible.

{{{HUGS}}} We had a long haul with Billy and it was an allergy thing. It was the birds. Once it gets figured out things will get better. Hang in there!

Have you gotten an air purifier for the room, allergy mattress covers, allergy meds, nebulizer?....
There is a leak in my bathroom ceiling. It happened once or twice a year ago and stopped but now it's showing up every time I shower... It's in the middle of the bathroom. It seems like such an odd spot. I had someone look in the attic last year and he didn't see anything (I thought it was the roof). Ugh! Is this a plumber thing? Anyone know any good ones in the northwest burbs?
are you sure it is not just excessive condensation exacerbated by the winter climate? we get this too. esp in winter due to the different temp changes. there are ice dams over the bathroom due to our heat/and the kitchen bath area being the hottest part of the house.
{{{HUGS}}} We had a long haul with Billy and it was an allergy thing. It was the birds. Once it gets figured out things will get better. Hang in there!

Have you gotten an air purifier for the room, allergy mattress covers, allergy meds, nebulizer?....

We don't have any of the above stuff. We have never treated as allergies. In May he had his adnoids out and tubes put in his ears. On Thursday he sees a pediatrician and then I will take him to CDH for a complete allergy blood panel. Also we have no pets in the house, well except the fish that survived my tank cleaning!!

The ENT Doctors really think he just falls into a small percentage of people that have chronic sinus/ear infections. DH is beyond worried about him.

Well once again we will meet our $1000 deductible in February. Sigh..................
The breakfast dishes won't do themselves. So I may as well quit doddling and get to cleaning...

Be jealous!
that those old el paso tortilla stuffers are drat nasty. ACK!!!!!!! they were almost free, i should have known bettah
My oldest nephew had tubes in his ears for yrs. and was ALWAYS sick..it drove his parents batty. He finally grew out of it and the tubes were removed..this was before I met my DH so I couldn't tell you exactly what he went through..just that he was quite sick for a long time. Hang in there!

We don't have any of the above stuff. We have never treated as allergies. In May he had his adnoids out and tubes put in his ears. On Thursday he sees a pediatrician and then I will take him to CDH for a complete allergy blood panel. Also we have no pets in the house, well except the fish that survived my tank cleaning!!

The ENT Doctors really think he just falls into a small percentage of people that have chronic sinus/ear infections. DH is beyond worried about him.

Well once again we will meet our $1000 deductible in February. Sigh..................
Missy, you have a great attitude about the "town folk's" gossip & rumor mongering. It is what it is, and you know the truth.

When ex-H & I were getting divorced the rumors about me in our not-so-small small town were pretty bad. So bad that I used to go to IN to grocery shop in fear I'd see someone. :lol: (We are pretty close to the IL/IN border.) I had a folder of "proof" that it wasn't me, in the event I was ever given the opportunity to tell my side. I never did tell my side to the main group against me...eventually I just didn't care anymore- I was just happy to be out of the marriage. When my DH & I started dating, all of the rumors plus a boat load more started up again. (We were all neighbors, so OF COURSE we'd been f***ing around for years, right? :p) While that couldn't be further from the truth, people will think what they want to think. People STILL talk & it's been 9 years. I *really* couldn't care less at this point, I know what the truth is & so does everyone I care about.

I found my "folder of evidence" a couple months ago. It actually is in a folder with my DD's name on it, so when I saw it in my filing cabinet & opened it I was expecting to see her things. It took me a minute to realize it was copies of cell phone bills, hotel, restaurant & credit card receipts. I finally threw it away, because it doesn't matter. I could show it to every one of the people who thought or think differently, but I just don't care what they think, period.

I'm just glad I found it & got rid of it before my DD's saw it some day. They'd see it & they'd know that dad & stepmom were an item for quite awhile. My kids don't need to know that, they love their dad. I've worked too hard to make sure they have a good relationship with him for it to be derailed by my need to prove myself someday. :p
In happy news, I just found out I'm going to be an aunt again! My brother's GF is pregnant. In keeping with my goofy family, she is actually his ex-girlfriend who told him she is pregnant after the fact. I sincerely hope this girl is "normal" and he is allowed to be a part of this baby's life.

Just when you think my youngest brother, who is hugely irresponsible & immature, will be the one to appear with a surprise pregnancy, it's my responsible, level headed brother who does it. :lol:
Thinking about my brother right now. He went in today for his 1.5 year post-cancer check-up.
Day got worse than I expected. DH has been laid off again. Sucks big time! But has an interview tomorrow morning so please keep your fingers crossed for him.

Cat has a 3:30 appointment. Work was less then understanding. I thought they said I could leave-so I did. Then boss calls me wondering where I went. (Home duh-you called me at home) anyways she's annoyed so I offer to come back to work. Then she decides they don't really need me back. WHATEVER!

DH and I had a good chat and we're on the same page in life, had a nice nap, can't wait for boss's attitude tomorrow. :pms:
Good luck, Lauri!!
Lauri I hope your cat is ok and that your boss calms down. Darn. Fingers crossed for your DH
My brother had a good appointment. He has to go back on Friday for a MRI because of back pain. The doctor said he is 99% sure it is not cancer related, most likely a slipped disc or pulled muscle. Depending on the outcome of the MRI, he may not have to go back to the oncologist for another year.
My daughter goes to pick up her scoliosis brace on Friday. Wish us luck it all goes well. Sucks to be 12 and have this. But at least it is under her clothes and looking at her she doesn't look crooked (but she really REALLY is).
are you sure it is not just excessive condensation exacerbated by the winter climate? we get this too. esp in winter due to the different temp changes. there are ice dams over the bathroom due to our heat/and the kitchen bath area being the hottest part of the house.

Googling this now... Thanks!
I just had my DS12 fitted for a new pair of kicks at the shoe store.......................he now wears size 13!!! :faint: What the hell is gonna happen once he hits puberty?!
There is a leak in my bathroom ceiling. It happened once or twice a year ago and stopped but now it's showing up every time I shower... It's in the middle of the bathroom. It seems like such an odd spot. I had someone look in the attic last year and he didn't see anything (I thought it was the roof). Ugh! Is this a plumber thing? Anyone know any good ones in the northwest burbs?

are you sure it is not just excessive condensation exacerbated by the winter climate? we get this too. esp in winter due to the different temp changes. there are ice dams over the bathroom due to our heat/and the kitchen bath area being the hottest part of the house.

Do you have an exhaust fan in the bathroom and is IT vented out the roof or just into the attic? Do you have insulation in the attic over the bathroom? Are the attic eaves vented....or is the insulation covering these vents?
I just had my DS12 fitted for a new pair of kicks at the shoe store.......................he now wears size 13!!! :faint: What the hell is gonna happen once he hits puberty?!

Hopefully you're done--I was size 13 at 11 years old and am still size 13.