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The 411 on origin of SC letters of intent

So are you implying that Joe should agree with you because of a label that Sound Choice has decided to invent?

Okay, then by your same standards, that would make you a "blind follower" wouldn't it Thunder?

Didn't recall implying anything one way or the other just asked a question of Big Joe, which for some reason you feel obligated to answer.
So are you anti sound choice?

I certainly don't agree with their tactics. I don't like being accused of not doing anything to fight piracy by Kurt when he has no idea what myself or others are doing in my area regarding the issue. I think they will ultimately do more harm than good to karaoke as a whole. I strongly disagree with his assertion that 95% of KJ's are operating with few or no discs at all. I think it's telling of what he really thinks of the majority of KJ's by going to SC's website and front and center there is a big fat pirate KJ with thier catchy little "Dog Ate My Discs" slogan. I've asked Kurt himself, as well as you too, Thunder, to back up what I consider to be ridiculously over-inflated statements and numbers regarding piracy. The SC Discs I own I continue to use. Will I buy more in the future???-If I can get a good deal on some decent used discs, I probably will. Will I ever buy a new product directly from SC, or consider purchasing any of the "gems"??? - not a chance.

Nobody came in Anti-SC, that was a label given to us by Kurt himself and others. You have my answer now.
I certainly don't agree with their tactics. I don't like being accused of not doing anything to fight piracy by Kurt when he has no idea what myself or others are doing in my area regarding the issue. I think they will ultimately do more harm than good to karaoke as a whole. I strongly disagree with his assertion that 95% of KJ's are operating with few or no discs at all. I think it's telling of what he really thinks of the majority of KJ's by going to SC's website and front and center there is a big fat pirate KJ with thier catchy little "Dog Ate My Discs" slogan. I've asked Kurt himself, as well as you too, Thunder, to back up what I consider to be ridiculously over-inflated statements and numbers regarding piracy. The SC Discs I own I continue to use. Will I buy more in the future???-If I can get a good deal on some decent used discs, I probably will. Will I ever buy a new product directly from SC, or consider purchasing any of the "gems"??? - not a chance.

Nobody came in Anti-SC, that was a label given to us by Kurt himself and others. You have my answer now.

So instead of saying how horrible the actions of SC are wouldn't it have been very simple to state what you are doing to fight piracy in your area. Could it have been all that difficult to pick out the things they are doing that you aree with?

The fact of the matter is that many of us strongly agree with the 90 to 95% number that Kurt states and have seen it in our perspective areas, what percentage do you put on piracy, 80%, 75%, 50%, 25%?

How much piracy does it take to hurt a given area and all the businesses involved in it?

I really don't think Kurt cares if no one purchases his disc or not as long as they aren't stealing them.

If the additude hadn't been against anything and everything that Sound Choice has done, may have done, could have done, their product viability, the manner in which they do business, their stance on piracy, and their methods of combating piracy I don't think anyone would have labeled you anti'sound choice.
It did say that they have jurisdiction over CB, Pop Hits and several other companies. I have CB essentials 1 through 6 and all but maybe 3 or 4 PHM... Let them come next. I'll never fall for the scare tactic again. I fell for it. I did get discs I didn't own, so I'm glad of that even though I could have gotten them 2500 cheaper.

It said they " have jurisdiction over " those other brands? If that's correct, it's also untrue- period.

I have another question about the settlement, since there is no disclosure clause.

How do they word the reason for the collected funds? In other words, does it read like a settlement of dispute, or the exchange of funds connected to your receipt of the GEM or other series discs?
I've been repeatedly referred to as "Anti-SC", by SC themselves no less.

Me too, though, of course, that's never been the case. As stated ad nauseum, my problem is, an always has been, with their methodology alone. Calling someone on the other side of a debate "anti" is just a psychological tactic used because it is a negative connotation. Just a standard debating maneuver for many.
I strongly disagree with his assertion that 95% of KJ's are operating with few or no discs at all.

In the Raleigh,NC area, Kurt's numbers are correct. I found 4 illegal shows in two nights within 10 minutes of my house. 2 of these shows were places I just stopped in to eat dinner. How do I know they were illegal? I have been in business 20 years and could only dream about a list like theirs. I was told by 2 different operators they'd have the song I wanted next week. They have "dealer accounts" with Chartbuster and Sound Choice and get their music half price. My bet is the music is FREEEEEEEEE
So instead of saying how horrible the actions of SC are wouldn't it have been very simple to state what you are doing to fight piracy in your area. Could it have been all that difficult to pick out the things they are doing that you aree with?
I have done just that on several occasions since arriving here. Never seemed to be enough. I think that you were usually one of the first to poo-poo such posts. Do you also want to know how much I donate to my church weekly, or anything else I don't feel the need to boast about.

The fact of the matter is that many of us strongly agree with the 90 to 95% number that Kurt states and have seen it in our perspective areas, what percentage do you put on piracy, 80%, 75%, 50%, 25%?
Thats great, but just realize that with nothing as yet to support ths number, many strongly disagree. If I were to throw a number out, I would at least try to have some evidence for my detractors, instead of just repeatedly ignoring the call for some, any, substantiating evidence.

How much piracy does it take to hurt a given area and all the businesses involved in it?
Well, I haven't had any problems getting work in my area, so whatever that number is, we haven't reached it here yet. Let me ask you something. How many wrongfull accusations by a manufacturer would it take before a venue owner says "F"-it, it's just not worth it anymore. Around these parts, a small group of owners hold the liquor licenses for over a hundered venues. Piss one of these guys off and a whole bunch of KJ's are out of work.
I really don't think Kurt cares if no one purchases his disc or not as long as they aren't stealing them.
It always makes me chuckle when you speak for Kurt. Just wanted to make sure to respond to all of your points.:rolleyespill:
If the additude hadn't been against anything and everything that Sound Choice has done, may have done, could have done, their product viability, the manner in which they do business, their stance on piracy, and their methods of combating piracy I don't think anyone would have labeled you anti'sound choice.
:nopill:Sorry Dude. Looks like it's once again time to play your favorite game of search the archives. I have had good and bad thing to say. :nopill:
I have done just that on several occasions since arriving here. Never seemed to be enough. I think that you were usually one of the first to poo-poo such posts. Do you also want to know how much I donate to my church weekly, or anything else I don't feel the need to boast about.

Sorry, Must have missed that one!

Thats great, but just realize that with nothing as yet to support ths number, many strongly disagree. If I were to throw a number out, I would at least try to have some evidence for my detractors, instead of just repeatedly ignoring the call for some, any, substantiating evidence.

I guess you missed the memo on that from me, Lone, Joe C., Jennifer, Wall, Rob, Athena, Danny, and many others, as I stated for my area out of 6 KJs 4 were known pirates not sure what that percentage would come out at but I would say around 76%.

Well, I haven't had any problems getting work in my area, so whatever that number is, we haven't reached it here yet. Let me ask you something. How many wrongfull accusations by a manufacturer would it take before a venue owner says "F"-it, it's just not worth it anymore. Around these parts, a small group of owners hold the liquor licenses for over a hundered venues. Piss one of these guys off and a whole bunch of KJ's are out of work.

Where do you live Hazzard county?

It always makes me chuckle when you speak for Kurt. Just wanted to make sure to respond to all of your points.:rolleyespill:

Wasn't really speaking for Kurt just a business owner.

:nopill:Sorry Dude. Looks like it's once again time to play your favorite game of search the archives. I have had good and bad thing to say. :nopill:

I must have missed all the good things then!
I must have missed all the good things then!

Ignored is probably closer to the truth. Remeber, in addition to the Anti-SC label, we were all "Pirate Supporters", which you were quite vocal about ignoring at the time.
Ignored is probably closer to the truth. Remeber, in addition to the Anti-SC label, we were all "Pirate Supporters", which you were quite vocal about ignoring at the time.

At that time I wasn't ignoring that fact.:biggrinpill:
In the Raleigh,NC area, Kurt's numbers are correct. I found 4 illegal shows in two nights within 10 minutes of my house. 2 of these shows were places I just stopped in to eat dinner. How do I know they were illegal? I have been in business 20 years and could only dream about a list like theirs. I was told by 2 different operators they'd have the song I wanted next week. They have "dealer accounts" with Chartbuster and Sound Choice and get their music half price. My bet is the music is FREEEEEEEEE

Your personal envy of their collection is not evidence of anything accept vanity.

You do not believe that there are music resellers who are also DJs or KJs?
Ignored is probably closer to the truth. Remeber, in addition to the Anti-SC label, we were all "Pirate Supporters", which you were quite vocal about ignoring at the time.

While some here have established an "Anti-SC" attitude no matter what is said or done by us, I have been trying to give the benefit of the doubt to others and ammend my "label" to be "Anti-SC Methodology" - which might be a more accurate moniker for several of you.

But please Joe, if you have been trying other anti-piracy methods in your area and find them to be more effective than ours, please share them with KJs or manufacturers (even if you don't want to share them with SC) so that those who are severely impacted by 90-95% piracy in their areas can benefit.

I never said our methods are perfect (even if we have named fewer than 1% who actually have discs), but after years of doing other things or simply hoping that pirates would do the "right thing" and purchase instead of steal, we have had to "resort" to this method.

If you can share a better method to get pirates to pay for the music they have stolen, I am all ears! And I will give you (or any other person who has a better solution) full credit. I hope this didn't sound sarcastic - I don't want it to be - I want it to sound enthusiastic that there might be a better, more efficient way!
I hope this didn't sound sarcastic - I don't want it to be - I want it to sound enthusiastic that there might be a better, more efficient way!

Thank you for that caveat. I think, perhaps, in the past, I for one, may have seen previous posts (not just by you, but probably by everyone here!)in the wrong light. It's good that you clarify, just as I am trying to do. Goes a long way towards harmony when the written word is the only thing we can go by because we are not face to face to read facial expressions or hear tone of voice....
While some here have established an "Anti-SC" attitude no matter what is said or done by us, I have been trying to give the benefit of the doubt to others and ammend my "label" to be "Anti-SC Methodology" - which might be a more accurate moniker for several of you.

I'm rather unaffected by someone's personal need for labels. I just disagree with you, and don't intend to put up with being splashed or soaked by your frantic fishing frolics.
Your personal envy of their collection is not evidence of anything accept vanity.

You do not believe that there are music resellers who are also DJs or KJs?

Some people on this forum need to get a grip. Someone running 4 shows a night with over 117,000 songs on a computer is a little suspect. I am wondering why you aren't banned for baiting with a post about my personal envy of a pirated collection.