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The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots.

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Wow, dont people see the bigger picture. This whole thing is about the seperation of church and state. This is the goverment trying to FORCE reproductive services onto the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not believe in this therefore its crossing the line between church and state. Do people realize that the Catholic Church will close all its programs if this goes through. Do people know that Catholic services is the largest nongoverment run program. Do people know how many people will become dependent on the goverment if they close their doors. If that happens this country will be one step closer to socialism. I suggest people start praying about the big issue, our religious freedom.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Wow, dont people see the bigger picture. This whole thing is about the seperation of church and state.
So Rush gets a pass because he's doing "god's" work?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

No, what he said is very disrespectful and shouldnt have been said. I think its a distraction from the real issue. Everyone is focusing on what he said instead of what the issue is. Its the SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!! Stop focusing on a bad choice of words, I could careless what the man said, I dont agree with it but stop making it a bigger issue then what it is.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

The real issue--of this thread anyway--is that Rush is an idiot. It doesn't matter what he's speaking about. He lacks the intelligence to speak logically on the issue so he ****s out of his mouth. His fans gobble it up.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Wow, dont people see the bigger picture. This whole thing is about the seperation of church and state. This is the goverment trying to FORCE reproductive services onto the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not believe in this therefore its crossing the line between church and state. Do people realize that the Catholic Church will close all its programs if this goes through. Do people know that Catholic services is the largest nongoverment run program. Do people know how many people will become dependent on the goverment if they close their doors. If that happens this country will be one step closer to socialism. I suggest people start praying about the big issue, our religious freedom.

Not that I am arguing religious freedom, but how is the new plan still affecting the choice of the Catholic Church to not have to provide the coverage for the people they employ?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

The real issue--of this thread anyway--is that Rush is an idiot. It doesn't matter what he's speaking about. He lacks the intelligence to speak logically on the issue so he ****s out of his mouth. His fans gobble it up.
Yeah because we ALWAYS stay on topic....forgot!
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Yeah because we ALWAYS stay on topic....forgot!
Rush apologists have repeatedly tried changing the subject as an indirect means to justify what he said:
1. Liberal media talking heads are hypocrites, too!
2. It's just entertainment!
3. It's a war on the catholic church
4. Obama
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Not that I am arguing religious freedom, but how is the new plan still affecting the choice of the Catholic Church to not have to provide the coverage for the people they employ?

Didn't the Church get a dispensation from the BC requirement?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

cuz santorum is icky maybe? still not as icky as Rush. **** that dude.

add santorum to your list JR
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

I don't see why that's such a problem for the racist right--wouldn't contraception prevent unwanted brown babies? Aren't the illegals and welfare recipients the bane of the racist right's existence? The reason for high unemployment, health care and crime rates? Isn't this one of Rush's main talking points? Thank God **** don't need birth control--think of that **** of a topic........

and racism
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

The real issue--of this thread anyway--is that Rush is an idiot. It doesn't matter what he's speaking about. He lacks the intelligence to speak logically on the issue so he ****s out of his mouth. His fans gobble it up.

Seriously, do you ever read your own posts? What are you 9? Your one of those people who forget to look in the mirror. Rush tells the truth, sorry if you choose not to believe it. One day you might grow up.

Let me say again, I don't agree with the **** slur, but that is much less offensive than some of the **** that flows from your mouth.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Didn't the Church get a dispensation from the BC requirement?

Ok, it is 4:15...my brain stopped working last on Monday when I had to bringhome my immobile husband. I did google though and I found dispensation on the Catholic Encyclopedia: Dispensation is an act whereby in a particular case a lawful superior grants relaxation from an existing law

So the rest was long and although I ussually love to learn something new this is not the week..so were you just agreeing with me, or did I not say what I was trying to say right?
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Seriously, do you ever read your own posts? What are you 9? Your one of those people who forget to look in the mirror. Rush tells the truth, sorry if you choose not to believe it. One day you might grow up.

5. Rush is an amazing orator
6. Rush tells the "truth"

Let me say again, I don't agree with the **** slur, but that is much less offensive than some of the **** that flows from your mouth.

Difference is I'm on a tiny message board having a laugh at the far right's expense. They enjoy being appalled--I'm providing that service.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Rush apologists have repeatedly tried changing the subject as an indirect means to justify what he said:
1. Liberal media talking heads are hypocrites, too!
2. It's just entertainment!
3. It's a war on the catholic church
4. Obama

My point is that it's not just "Rush apologists" that try changing the subject.....the first comment you made was a typical leftist slam that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

My point is that it's not just "Rush apologists" that try changing the subject.....the first comment you made was a typical leftist slam that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.
My first comment was in response to the conversation started by steve and mrsmom....you do know what santorum is, right? Google it.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Ok, it is 4:15...my brain stopped working last on Monday when I had to bringhome my immobile husband. I did google though and I found dispensation on the Catholic Encyclopedia: Dispensation is an act whereby in a particular case a lawful superior grants relaxation from an existing law

So the rest was long and although I ussually love to learn something new this is not the week..so were you just agreeing with me, or did I not say what I was trying to say right?

I was being ironic. Sorry about your DH.

Last week the administration stated the Church is excused from having to pay for the BC requirements through their employer-funded healthcare, such expenses will be covered by the insurance companies themselves.

Anyway, I don't know why anyone is still talking about this as a Church/state issue because the threat was removed last week already. Church wins, nothing to see here people...

Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Do "conservatives/rightest?" really think that everyone who doesn't identify with you sit back and have meetings all day about what group we belong too?

If it is not right, it must be left..if it is not conservative it must be liberal

There are middle grounds you know. Like the fact that birth control might be a very important Catholic value to you, but not swearing isn't....No one "side" is going to solve a single issue in this country and if we haven't learned that already, we really are in trouble.
Re: The big fat idiot is at it again, but calling him an idiot is insulting to idiots

Anyway, I don't know why anyone is still talking about this as a Church/state issue because the threat was removed last week already.

Because Obama. duh.