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The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

It's going great Thanks for asking. :) Sorry I haven't been around a whole lot but between client work and family stuff I rarely find time to even post on my own sites. Things are going great overall though we're on track to get our own place shortly then I should have more of a routine instead of traveling almost an hour between houses as I'm doing now.
I'm so happy for you bro. You're welcome. You know I'm always one to check up on the homies. ;)

Good luck with getting your new place, how big is it? Any pictures yet?
I'm so happy for you bro. You're welcome. You know I'm always one to check up on the homies. ;)

Good luck with getting your new place, how big is it? Any pictures yet?
Not yet we have a couple of fish in the water so to speak. Her boss has a three bedroom available which sounds most promising but the boss is dragging her feet if that falls through we'll look elsewhere. It's hard because I don't have a steady income and I don't want it all on her shoulders on the months when I don't bill as much as usual.

We could get a place in the park where her mother lives but there are a couple problems with that:

a) Fuel Oil is ridiculously expensive.
b) Her ex is right here which isn't a huge problem but I'm not very fond of the idea.
c) No cell service -- it sounds nuts but I hate paying $50/mo and not being able to make calls from my phone.
Not yet we have a couple of fish in the water so to speak. Her boss has a three bedroom available which sounds most promising but the boss is dragging her feet if that falls through we'll look elsewhere. It's hard because I don't have a steady income and I don't want it all on her shoulders on the months when I don't bill as much as usual.

We could get a place in the park where her mother lives but there are a couple problems with that:

a) Fuel Oil is ridiculously expensive.
b) Her ex is right here which isn't a huge problem but I'm not very fond of the idea.
c) No cell service -- it sounds nuts but I hate paying $50/mo and not being able to make calls from my phone.
Ya, scratch that location out of the pile. I couldn't do without phone service either. And living close to an ex? No way Jose.
Ya, scratch that location out of the pile. I couldn't do without phone service either. And living close to an ex? No way Jose.
I generally agree with you there but he is the baby's daddy and she's assured me there's nothing there. I have no reason not to believe her. Perhaps it's my own insecurities but it does make me a little uneasy. He has been decent with her as far as support and watching the baby goes so I really cannot complain.

Funny thing a few months ago I went to his house to move her bed out and he wouldn't even say hello to me. I didn't even do anything to the guy.....yet:ROFL:
I know and I'm so sorry it seems like I've sat down to write personal emails a thousand times but I always get interrupted. I have to pump out a few articles then hopefully I'll have time this evening. :)
Its fine. When you get the time.
I generally agree with you there but he is the baby's daddy and she's assured me there's nothing there. I have no reason not to believe her. Perhaps it's my own insecurities but it does make me a little uneasy. He has been decent with her as far as support and watching the baby goes so I really cannot complain.

Funny thing a few months ago I went to his house to move her bed out and he wouldn't even say hello to me. I didn't even do anything to the guy.....yet:ROFL:
Wow, he's scared of you. So, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't try to do anything. I guess you're okay to live there now as long as there isn't anything between them, and its strictly parenting business.
The weather here has warmed up by quite a bit. 0nly -14 with the windchill. I hope for little of the snow but am sure some more is coming. I will have to share with Brandon. :ROFL: I have to go get some groceries today, just took my dog for a little walk she has settled right down and is quiet. She was getting depressed from the cold weather. About another month I will be able afford another computer can hardly wait, be so much faster and more space,
Well that big bad blizzard was a farce for my area we ended up with about 8" big whoop.

I'm about to go shovel out the cars then I have to start cooking dinner. Fun, fun, fun.
Well that big bad blizzard was a farce for my area we ended up with about 8" big whoop.

I'm about to go shovel out the cars then I have to start cooking dinner. Fun, fun, fun.
Would you like to come shovel ours too. LOL!!!
We have much more to share.:ROFL:
You can keep though your tornado and hurricanes, floods and ect. I am fine with our weather. LOL!!!
Been busy the past few days, but I'm here now and trying to think of some new things.