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The Confabulation Thread

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Yeah <_> literally stayed in the same spot for like ten hours.
Try having excruciating pain on the left hand side of your gum/teeth need book a pointment tomorrow don't really want to see dentist though ^_^ though I have too.
Tooth ache is also a huge pain <_>
My wisdom teeth are coming through right now and oh my goshsaifdfas
I have a loose tooth at the back. I'm waiting for a dental appointment, but...meh. I'll probably just wrench it out myself.
I had to call out of hrs a&e it was that bad paracetamol's weren't working was taking co codamol which was, but ran out.
At one point even tramadol wasn't solving the problem. It's cooled off now though. Little sore, but I just dab some Orajel onto it and it's fine.
Now I've also caught the flu.

I'm going to be complaining a lot today XD
Rude awakening. DVD case fell off the shelf and hit a bunch of empty glass bottles on my desk. NOISE EVERYWHERE
Rude awakening. DVD case fell off the shelf and hit a bunch of empty glass bottles on my desk. NOISE EVERYWHERE

I had a rude awakening too; one of my Gerbils decided to scratch against the cardboard I've put around the cage to stop them from kicking out shavings; makes such a racket. I don't mind them chewing on the fencing, but my God the cardboard scratching was noisy.
Just had my tooth ripped out weren't that bad tbh I could handle the pain it's the numbness and bleeding that's going to be annoying knowing your going to struggle to eat I struggled to sip a glass of water to down one tablet of ibuprofen.

EDIT: Atleast that's my pain sorted out shouldn't be in it anymore I knew what it was and the dentist confirmed it was where my tooth fell out ages ago.
^ Ouch :(

Just found out my teacher has set me an essay to do. I may cry.
Michael and I went to Aberdeen and indulged our inner nerds with Pok?mon cards and Star Trek: Into Darkness :eek:

Also left Confab-It open on 10 devices in the Apple Store.

I don't remember how to play Pokemon TCG... I still know all the rules to Yu-Gi-Oh! though.
Heeeeey! :D How are you? :)
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