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The Confabulation Thread

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Local festival last night, some random drunk person kept following me and my mates around being quite creepy, he walked off for a minute then came out of the Kebab shop with Pizza, Chips and Drinks for all of us. So strange!
Got work later for the first time in months. I'm actually really nervous :( & it's my friend's birthday that I may not even go too because I finish work too late. *sigh* Can't wait for this day to be over!
Stayed up all night and watched the sun rise with friends. Was incredibly cheesy, but nice.
Feeling like death warmed up this morning though...
Feeling so stressed *_* uni planning has really scared me this week.
Lmao I couldn't possibly afford it and Kirk couldn't come with me! :(
Looking at moving closer to him for sure though, that's exciting :p
Gay Pride was amazing today! Now I'm back to free time and lazing around. Miss my boyfriend already :'(
What exactly do you do at Gay Pride?

Well I don't know the actual stuff behind it (although I know it's meant to be protest-based). Basically you have the parade which is just different groups of people and then we all party at the end in Trafalgar Square or hit Soho clubs :p

It's just nice being around loads of people who are either the same as you or support you completely for a day of the year and meeting loads of new people. Plus it's nice seeing all the drag queens and extremely camp soldiers ;D

So so so so so so so so so so so so ****ing hungover
I've resorted to bugging everyone on steam to advertise lmao some of these people go to my school so they may start to hate me 8)
I went to a party but I had no hangover. In fact we all woke up jolly, fried some food and sang to Fleetwood Mac. Best night in a long time.
Oh no. It was very drunken. In fact, two girls got so blitzed they decided to go for a bath...

I also lead off the chorus for The Lion Sleeps Tonight in the smoking room.
I hate parties. XD

I'm so tired.
for me it wasnt a party. we had a krav maga workshop and then we went to grab a bite and then hung out and drunk a lot :D
I'm going on some sport activity trip for the next couple of days... i don't even know what possessed me to sign up to it seeing as i hate sports

but its always good to try new experiences in life x
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