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The Confabulation Thread

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I've been having a hard time and I have no one to talk too. But one thing which is bugging me is the fact that the girl I call a "friend" (not a really close one anymore though), speaks to my ex despite the abuse he put me through and even her own boyfriend was one of the people who gave me abuse through HER account and she allows it to happen. She speaks to him all ****ing nicely and allowed him to come to her birthday (which I never went too because I was working) when it was obvious he was just coming to bother me! I have ****ing no-one anymore. I just want to give up now; the only thing keeping me alive is my mum and my boyfriend.
How does the Rapid Response differ from the other First Aid courses? I took First Aid with CPR and AED.

To be honest, I think the Rapid Response title is just something shiny. The source didn't really differ much from what I learned in high school aside from a few alterations to regulations and such, i.e mouth to mouth no longer being a mandatory part of CPR, and how tourniquets are no longer used. I assume the title is just an addition, since as you'll be providing first aid, it'll probably be pretty quick, hence "rapid response".

We weren't formally trained with the AED, but we were trained verbatim, since the fire station doesn't currently have any. They are getting some, so I'm not sure but I think we have to go back once they get them to train with them.

One thing we learned that did freak me out a bit, was the survival rates of cardiac arrests in different areas of the country. Out on Dartmoor (a really rural area somewhat nearby to where I live) an ambulance takes around 45 minutes from dispatch to get there. The survival rate for cardiac arrests there is 6%. That's really ****in' scary.

I enjoyed the bandaging though. I got to be the dummy everyone practiced on, so I ended up with 15-16 bandages all over my arms, legs, head, torso etc. I looked like a B-movie mummy.
Ah, that makes sense! :) I would suggest actually trying to use the AED one day, though! It does help to actually have the machine there. Question? When you did infant CPR, did they still require you to yell "BABY, BABY, ARE YOU OKAY?!?" I never got the point in that as babies can't actually verbally respond to that question.

That's really scary that it takes an ambulance that much time to get there! :( I think I'd be trying to find someone who could get the person to the hospital faster.
I'd like to try the AED but as I said, they don't actually have one XD They didn't actually touch upon infant injuries at all. We spent about an hour on child injuries, but as the instructor said, that's a huge minefield because children are A) drama queens, B) surrounded by their overprotective parents, and C) if they're alone, it's a massive can of worms lawsuit-wise. But, with CPR you have to use your own judgement. You won't be compressing as hard as you would on an adult, but you still have to do it hard to make sure it actually takes effect. Similarly though, as long as you act in accordance with first aid rules, you are legally safe from being sued/arrested, as long as you can prove you acted in a reasonable manner. For example, if somebody has a spinal injury and is on their back, but there's a good chance they may vomit and choke, you can put them in the recovery position. Doing so has a huge risk of paralyzing them for life, but NOT doing it can lead to them dying. It's dealer's choice which one you do, but you aren't held accountable for it.

Another thing they touched on with CPR is dealing with the elderly. You have to do it hard, obviously. But the elderly are far more frail than adults are, and where CPR will probably just bruise an adult's chest/ribs, chest compressions on an 80-year-old run a pretty high risk of breaking bones. However again, it's based on preservation of life being the highest priority. A broken rib is better than dead.

The problem with taking someone to the hospital without real medical help if they're having a seizure or a cardiac arrest, is that you just don't have the ability to care for them while taking them there. First-aiders are exempt from certain rules, but putting someone going through cardiac arrest in a car is a horrible idea. It's just not safe, so in cases like that it is best to wait for paramedics, even if they do take a long time to get there. Hence the 6% survival chance.
I've been having a hard time and I have no one to talk too. But one thing which is bugging me is the fact that the girl I call a "friend" (not a really close one anymore though), speaks to my ex despite the abuse he put me through and even her own boyfriend was one of the people who gave me abuse through HER account and she allows it to happen. She speaks to him all ****ing nicely and allowed him to come to her birthday (which I never went too because I was working) when it was obvious he was just coming to bother me! I have ****ing no-one anymore. I just want to give up now; the only thing keeping me alive is my mum and my boyfriend.

Me and my ex have a **** ton of mutual friends as well, but at the end of the day, you can't regulate who people can and can't be friends with. Thankfully everyone pretty much hates my ex now(For reasons not related to me), but it certainly doesn't mean you and this girl can't be friends imo.
Yeah, we touched into all of that as well with children and the elderly. I would obviously perform CPR if it was clear that someone was dying, but I wouldn't be overzealous. That's what's sad about today. You could potentially be sued for doing the right thing, so I agree that you have to be careful.
Well, we have a certain extent of immunity, which is handy. It's pretty odd that we can potentially ruin somebody's life and not be in trouble for it though. I could knife someone and sever their spinal cord, instant 20 years jail time. But if I sever their spinal cord by moving them while they're injured, I'm a hero?

I don't quite understand it. Hopefully I won't have to deal with anything super-serious, though.

One thing I'm dreading is the dead lift/fireman's carry. We're practicing on lifelike dummies in the BA/breach training tomorrow, but during the passing out parade we have to perform it on a live person, and I'm seriously dreading that. I'm not all that strong in a weight manner. I have stamina, but I'm build for speed rather than power, and because I'm semi-small, weight distribution will be a problem.
I like kids related to me :p they're all so much more well behaved than other people's kids :p
I'm having issues figuring out how I wanna write this story I'm working on with my cousin. The whole plot came about while I was joking about how he'd be a prince and I'd be a knight that would rescue him. He insisted he'd be the knight, but I told him "no you, you're totally a prince".
Then before I knew what happened we had a plot forming and now I'm to the point where I wanna change the sex of one of the main characters, Originally I wanted a male and female for protagonists but now I'm thinking I'll make them both male.

But I'm not sure if my cousin will be okay with that, since I'd have to change around some stuff. Since, because of the setting and social structure, well it's gender-based with males having certain roles and females having other roles. By changing it to where the other main character is male, this would make him an potential threat for the succession battle that's on-going (since it would be his cousins that are actually battling, but if they both die then he's next in line after their father - fyi, their grandfather is still ruling).
However, there's a little more to it than that. Still, I just feel like my main character would be better suited as a male. Their personality wouldn't change much at all really, I just feel like the character would be better as a guy.

But I'm still not sure how my cousin will feel about that. He'll probably accuse me of just wanting to write something semi-homoerotic. Which would be a totally valid accusation any other time but while there will certainly be semi-romantic undertones involved in either case, I feel that by making the character male that it'll come off as being less Yandere than it would if the character is female.
Oh, but God forbid I have a male character and give him complex emotions and make him care about another male character! Because obviously men are not actually capable of such things, right?!


Screw it, I'm going with it. Now I just gotta think up another name... and they all have theme naming too like Hildebrand, Kriemhild, Hildefons, and originally the other character was going to be Brynhild but despite the fact it's a girls name I think I might go with Hildegarde for my characters new name now. *shrugs*

Ugh, so difficult.
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