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the yes or no game


Oh good question lobo. First is this your opinion? Or is this the opinion of all snowmen from your legion? Do you consider all human- earthlings in the universe are out to harm snowmen? I know those are many questions to ask, But lets say this is the first question to answer in the understanding of the snowman's psyche.
No, it is not my opinion - this is a proven fact. Did You ever see aliens landing at this planet? Ha, there are alot of aliens around, and they do not like to have a deal with human-earthlings. :nod:
I do not consider that all humans-earthlings harm snowmen. I just tell that H-E are too selfish and nobody from outer space does not like to play with them.

Do You like to inslult snowmen by telling them that they aren't alive and thay are psyche?

Did I say that you were not alive Lobo? I stated that you are the only one I know of existence. Besides what better way to observe and probe the mental status of what a snowman has to say, about his life as a snowman.

You are correct that aliens would never associate with humans, not now at this time and stage in our society. Whether or not aliens like snowmen has not been proven yet. Do you have proof that aliens do not like snowmen?
Yep! I have many of them :nod:

Do You beleive that humans are special?
Yes, I do think that humans, aliens and yes even snowmen are special.

Will you show me the proof that aliens like or dislike aliens?
Yes! Not now then.

So ... What about squirrels, are they special?
:lol: No

I personally have not met a real live talking squirrel but I am sure you have, haven't you?
No. I never met talking squirrel too.

So, do You think that if species does not talk it is not a special species?

Had to think about that question and you are correct in one aspect that all creatures whether they be animal, human, alien or snowmen are special in there own unique way.

Would you feel differently towards any person if they had a different answer to that question, in a negitive way?
Yes, even they did not answered different. All creatures are different, even the rocks and stars :nod:

Do You think now that human life is more valuable than a squirrel life?
The same actually.

Do you believe that everything surrounding us is alive?
Of course YES!

Do You like to be a winner?

Don't you like to be a winner as well?

Now I think I understand you a little better from that conversation about living things Lobo :nod:
Yes! I should!

Would You like to be a vicitim?
Yes!!! I always win.

If I write a poem about snowmen could you do the same?
Yes! I can write many poems about snowmen! I have tonns of poems about it :nod:

If I make a sculpture of snowman could You do the same?

Although I am better at writing than I am at sculpturing. I will give it my best shot.

Do you make other snowman in your likeness each winter?
No ... I shouldn't ...

Do You beleive that universe is infinite?