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the yes or no game

Nope. We have a bunch of great snowmen in our backyard snow-party ... We will feed fireplace with fresh snow and ice :nod:

Do You like if Big Green Snowman from Mars visited Earth in nearest future?
Yes....Know that is using your imagination.

Are you good at telling jokes?
Yep! I am the best! Wona joke? I ahve a lot of them ... hmmm ... Once Prox And Diesel-D comes to soup ... hmmm ... that is rather indecent ... I'll tell it later :nod:

Are You beleiving into Big Green Snowman from Mars?
Yes...There are alll colors of snowmen.

Would you like to be a different color other than white?
Nope! I am alreay different :D

Do You think that global warm will kill everybody?
Yes...which is sad to say will happen one day.

Have you ever been to the North Pole?
No ...

Do You think that we can negotiate with global warmth?

Even though the voice of the people cry out to our government do you think they will ever listen? Do you think our government will take the money we give to them and invest that money to make this a better world for you and for our children?
Yes ... May be not in full volume ... but they will ... even if everybody will be frozen to became a snowman or snowwoman.

Are You following the Great Mao ideas?
No....sorry I haven't. Been too busy

What will happen to you if this world does become warmer. Where would snowmen and snow familys go?
Yes! The world is going to freeze! Scientifically proven fact :nod:

You are breaking the rules again! This is Yes/No Game

Do you think that the great business is good excuse?

Big business and the government are the cause.

Dang it all.....I did another mistake...ohh poo...:eek:ddgrin:

Do you think if we have global warming that the Earth will get colder?
Yes ... It will.

If You will be froze, would You like the cherry on the top?

I don't want to be cold...or turn frozen...I love the warmer weather.

Does your wife wear cherry's on top of her head?:lol:
Of course NO! She isn't a human! She is a snowlady!

Do You remember time when dinosauros was walking around?
Yes...only what I have read from books.

Have you been around since the age of the dinosaurs?
Yep! At least from the time of the smallest ones

Do You like the omelet from dinosaurus eggs?
No I don't. Had enough dinosaur eggs while growing up.

Do you like left over meals?
Yep! Leftover Meals Eater - that's my second name :D

Do You have something for me?
do i have something for you? yes, a wish that you have a happy new year :)

do you like CHEESE?