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Tipping....is it optional?

as far as buffets go--i was JUST talking to my niece who has been working at Sweet Tomatoes for the last 1.5 months--if she works the register she gets 9.xx an hour--if she works the floor she gets 8.xx and hour--BUT on a weekend or even busy week night can bring home an extra $125.00 !!--she is getting paid minimum AND making some good money on tips
until recently I didnt tip at places like buffets ( old country buffet) where all they did was clear my plates. I do all the work. No different then McD's ( I cleared and cleaned LOTS of tables at McD's in my 3 years working there and got ZERO tips :)--so I struggle with that )

BUT I also just found out ( I am out of the loop I guess) that I should tip my waitress at a banquet--wedding/funeral luncheon etc.. I kinda sort feel bad

I basically always tip around 20 percent --I just double the total ( minus tax) --I round up or down to a whole $ amount --tipping at starbucks or an ice cream place --nah --unless it says "college kids" or something similar

I can't speak to buffet tipping as I've never worked at one and I don't eat at buffets.

But I did work in banquets for awhile, and I know others who have. I think a good rule of thumb for this situation is, if you're not the person paying the bill, you shouldn't be concerned with paying any gratuity. This is because all banquet halls charge and pay differently; most charge gratuity in the final total; some disburse it to the staff as cash that night and some just pay a decent wage to begin with. Either way, if you're someone's guest (i.e., someone else is footing the bill), it's not your concern. Well, it shouldn't be... I did get tipped several times as a banquet server and it was always unexpected; where I worked we were told to refuse tips. Then again, it was also a surprise the number of customers who would touch my arm while I was pouring hot coffee, put their arm around my waist while they were seated and I was standing next to them (again, holding a pot of hot coffee), call me dear/honey/sweetheart, and the leers from crusty old men.

That's for waitstaff though. For some reason I still tip a bartender even when someone else is paying. If there is an open bar, I tell them how I like my martinis and give a generous tip early on... :drink:

Also, tipping should be figured on the price of food and drinks ordered, so figure a tip on the amount before tax is added, and before coupons are subtracted :dance:
This is just stupid. People who don't want to tip are just cheap. I don't buy any of the other arguments, they just feel entitled to be served but not have to pay for it, which by the way Americans did invent! It's why the whole rest of the world hates Americans!


:shesaid: to everything you posted.

except I'm cheap, and I tip well. I would have used a different word, one I don't use often trash. :secret:
Didn't realize tipping (or the lack of) was such a hot topic. :hides:
I've said it before (and been flamed before). Hate tipping. Love travelling outside of the US as I don't have to tip.

I get that outside of the US the waitstaff are paid professionals and not below minimum wage earners. But tipping to me is like the way Americans write dates and don't use the metric system - they need to catch up to the rest of the world.
This is a leftover from really cheap restaurant owners. Tell me.............what would it take for you to not leave a 15% tip?

No matter what I order from my pizza guy I give him $5. Sometimes it's a $10 pizza special so he gets 50%. I'm fine with that because I'm too lazy to drive there. :9:

IMO if you don't wanna pay food industry people, stay home.

Around here there is a delivery fee... So I am paying specifically for this service, it's not something nice they are doing for me so I don't feel the need to pay above and beyond the fee.
Around here there is a delivery fee... So I am paying specifically for this service, it's not something nice they are doing for me so I don't feel the need to pay above and beyond the fee.

A lot of places around here also state that they charge a delivery fee but that it is NOT a tip...........like it doesn't go to the driver I guess. :9:
A lot of places around here also state that they charge a delivery fee but that it is NOT a tip...........like it doesn't go to the driver I guess. :9:

Im friends with the manager at dominos and she told me the drivers do not get a penny of that $2.50 fee that goes to the store
Im friends with the manager at dominos and she told me the drivers do not get a penny of that $2.50 fee that goes to the store

That's the one I was thinking about as we order Dominos quite often so I was wondering about that, thanks. I always give $5 for any pizza delivery no matter what we get even if it's a $10 pizza.
I would rather see wait staff get paid minimum wage or better than have a tip system. All they do is take my order, bring out my food (and that is not all the time), and refill my drinks. Big deal. How much is that worth? McDonald's does the same thing, do you tip them?

My biggest problem with tipping is that the waitress/waiter does not have to declare all of their tips because there is no way to track the cash. Also, I have seen waiters make more in their job than firefighters, police officers, teachers, and even engineers. Is that even right...no.

Waiters/waitresses choose that occupation because of the upside in income. If the money isn't good enough, choose another occupation.
How much do waitresses get per hour now? I used to get $1.89 per hour and that was in...2000? 1999?

If you don't know a waitress, you might not know all the ins and outs. most places you have to 'tip out' the bartenders, hostesses, and bus boys a certain percentage of your tips.

I always figure 20% and then round up. the additional dollar doesn't mean much to me, but to the server it makes a difference between 10% and 15%. Most of the women I worked with were single moms or kids in college trying to get through...

The day I quit waitressing is when a HUGE table ran my **** all night long and then made a point of pulling me aside so everyone at the table could hear this jag!

"Honey. Come here. Don't eat yellow snow! And that's your tip"

jack ****! I can still picture him! I turned in my apron with everything in it and walked out! I don't care who you are, or what level of education you have, what nationality you are, NO ONE deserves that!

No tipping is not required, but it makes such a difference in that person's day.
If the money isn't good enough, choose another occupation.

OTOH, if the service is too expensive, go to McDonalds.

When I worked for tips (as a waitress and a hairdresser) I declared everything. I'm sure a lot of people don't, but a lot of people do. It's just like any other cash business - I know tattoo parlors that don't report their income, bars, chiropractors, contractors, etc. They aren't working for tips, but they take in money in cash form and much of it goes unreported (as much or more than as in undeclared tips I would imagine).

When I was 18 working at supper clubs I made more money than my FATHER (who had a corporate job at the time). Who is anyone to tell me that my hard work isn't worth what I got out of it?

If they change the minimum wage law and disallow tipping, get ready for ****ty service and restaurants that have to close down for lack of servers. Tipped restaurant service is ALREADY sketchy because a) the economy is down, so less people eat at restaurants and the work is just too hard for GOOD servers to work for crap $ b) the economy is bad so people are CHEAP and come up with all sorts of rationalizations not to tip thus further driving GOOD servers away from the profession.

If you don't want to tip, order it to take away. They will package it up real nice-like for you, and you can serve it to yourself and clean it up yourself.
How much do waitresses get per hour now? I used to get $1.89 per hour and that was in...2000? 1999?

If you don't know a waitress, you might not know all the ins and outs. most places you have to 'tip out' the bartenders, hostesses, and bus boys a certain percentage of your tips.

I always figure 20% and then round up. the additional dollar doesn't mean much to me, but to the server it makes a difference between 10% and 15%. Most of the women I worked with were single moms or kids in college trying to get through...

The day I quit waitressing is when a HUGE table ran my **** all night long and then made a point of pulling me aside so everyone at the table could hear this jag!

"Honey. Come here. Don't eat yellow snow! And that's your tip"

jack ****! I can still picture him! I turned in my apron with everything in it and walked out! I don't care who you are, or what level of education you have, what nationality you are, NO ONE deserves that!

No tipping is not required, but it makes such a difference in that person's day.
20 percent before or after tax? i do the before tax and of course if i have utilized a coupon i add that back onto the bill and tip off that.
How much do waitresses get per hour now? I used to get $1.89 per hour and that was in...2000? 1999?

If you don't know a waitress, you might not know all the ins and outs. most places you have to 'tip out' the bartenders, hostesses, and bus boys a certain percentage of your tips.

I always figure 20% and then round up. the additional dollar doesn't mean much to me, but to the server it makes a difference between 10% and 15%. Most of the women I worked with were single moms or kids in college trying to get through...

The day I quit waitressing is when a HUGE table ran my **** all night long and then made a point of pulling me aside so everyone at the table could hear this jag!

"Honey. Come here. Don't eat yellow snow! And that's your tip"

jack ****! I can still picture him! I turned in my apron with everything in it and walked out! I don't care who you are, or what level of education you have, what nationality you are, NO ONE deserves that!

No tipping is not required, but it makes such a difference in that person's day.
great story! where, where, where????!!!!
While bartending one day I got a complaint. The guy asked for a tap miller lite in an icy cold mug, not a hot one. I got a very cold glass, like he asked and tapped him a beer. As if I would give him a warm beer glass? :dunce: Anyway, I see the owner (my boss walk out) and stand at the end of the bar, watching the business. I set the freshly tapped beer down in front of this guy. He jumps up and says wtf! I stopped dead in my tracks and asked is there a problem? he says " Do you always give this much head?" It was all I could do not to really let him have it... I stated, ya know you are probably the first man I have ever met that has complained about too much head. The owner laughed and told me to keep em happy.

really... too much head. It was a 12 oz mug and had about 1/4-1/2 inch head on it....
Here's how I tip (and I was a waitress so I'm biased).

I look at the bill, double it, then move the decimal. Tax, smachx. That's how I've taught the kids to tip, too.

Easy peasy.
I hear ya annie, I took SOOOO much **** over the several years of serving. The worst was prolly at the private country clubs.............those SOB's think we're scum on the bottom of their shoes............I learned a lot though. Things changed a bit in the late 90's when Kenosha Country Club took away tipping and payed servers $10/ hr. The member's attitude changed because I didn't have to kiss their **** to make money. :snicker:

When I was waitressing at the Marriot hotel, we got a lot of good ole boys from all over the country who stayed there while training at Case (tractors). Case picked up their hotel bill including dining. It was a nice restaurant. One night these two hicks ordered many ****tails, shrimp ****tails, steaks, more drinks, etc. The ****ers left me $2!!! One of them forgot his room key on the table..........soooooo...........I gave the $2, the key and a note that read "Obviously you need the $2 more than I." to a bus boy and had him bring it all up to their room.
A little while later the two guys came back down and asked if they offended me. So I let them have it.............needles to say I was nearly fired. The manager ripped me a new one in her office "Do you know how much $ we make from Case?!" I told her that I didn't give a **** if I wasn't making money!!!