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Ruger P90 Range Report!!!!!


Just recieved my P90 today from my trade with that fellow in Ohio. Went to the range this evening with it with the intent of evaluating both the gun itself and several different ammo choices for SD. Took with me a 50 round box of Blazer Brass 230gr FMJ and a 100 round box of Rem UMC 230 gr JHP. At the range I purchased a 20 round box of Hornday TAP 230gr JHP+P, a 20 round box of Hornady Custom 230gr XTP +P, and a 20 round box of Hornady Custom 185 gr. XTP.
First the ball: 7 yd target mix of slow fire, double and triple strings and a mag of rapid fire at the end.
Ruger P90 Blazer 7yd Rapid.JPG

More ball: 25 yds slow fire. Yes there are three headshots and one miss over the left shoulder.
Ruger P90 Blazer 25yd.JPG

Next is the TAP. I like it.........One mag 7 yds slowfire.
Ruger P90 Hornady TAP 7yd.JPG

Next are the two Hornady Custom loads. I shot them both at the same target. Most of the abdominal hits are from the 185 gr. load. I don't know if it was me or the ammo but I had a hard time keeping that on COM. While shooting the 230 +P I had the unfortunate experience of a VERY hot casing going down the front of my shirt. I did a funny little dance trying to get that out!
Ruger P90 Hornady Custom x2 7yd.JPG

Next is the el cheapo Rem UMC 230gr JHP. Looks pretty good.......7 yds slowfire.
Ruger P90 UMC JHP 7yd.JPG

I have to say I like my new acquisition.
Ruger P90 in box.JPG

It even matches my P89 rather well............

Matched pair P89-90.JPG
I thought that gun looked familiar.
.45 rocks. I think if I ever get another pistol It would be a colt 1911
.45 rocks. I think if I ever get another pistol It would be a colt 1911

I've got nothing against the 1911 exactly but from what I hear most of them are finicky about ammo. If you get one that will fire every load you feed it you are lucky, or you've spent a lot of money on a custom gun or custom gunsmithing afterward. The Ruger P90 on the other hand has an excellent rep for reliability and accuracy and it costs about a third of what you would pay for a 1911 that would shoot as well.
but having said that if you are set on a 1911 I'd buy either a Kimber or a Para Ordinance.
Probably Para ordnance. I'm not set on it being an actual colt.
To be honest I've been looking at springfield.
With the Para's you get the higher mag capacity. I like that.

One selling point for me for the Ruger, besides the fact that it's a Ruger and that's enough, is that it has 8+1 capacity instead of the standard 7+1 you see in most .45's.

Of course I traded for this one. I posted an ad on The Firing Line offering to trade my Win 94AE to anyone who had one of several Ruger models I was interested in. Guy in Ohio just happened to have one sitting in his safe that was still in the box and never fired. Worked out an even trade. Cost my 20 bucks to ship him the 94 and 20 bucks for a transfer fee with a local FFL. He paid the same on his end.
Springfields are good. Their XD service line is supposed to be extremely reliable and would be better for CCW than a full size 1911. They've got the XD9, XD40, and XD45.
Took a trip to the range tonight with the P90 and a few other Rugers.
This first target was shot with three 8 round mags one at 7 one at 10 and one at 15 yards. The few flyers down low were actually shot at 7 yards (first mag of the night and was getting warmed up :D )
P90 7-10-15.JPG

Second target was shot at 7 yards. Each mini target got one full 8 round mag apiece. Best groups by far were in the upper left and lower right corner targets.
P90 5 mag.JPG

This is a closeup of the upper right target with a quarter for size comparison
P90 5 mag closeup1.JPG

and a closeup of lower left...
P90 5 mag closeup2.JPG

All targets were shot with Remington UMC 230 gr. JHP.
you should be shooting for the nuts ;)

Thats some pretty good groupings
Interestingly enough there was a debate on The Firing Line recently about whether COM or pelvic girdle hits were more immediate stoppers. I still say go COM and if that fails aim for the orbital area.........:D

That being said I'd still hate to be shot in the nuts.......:unsure:
During my weekly trip to the range this afternoon I thought I'd see if I could manage to score hits doing Mozambiques with my P89. Here is the raw target showing the hits. 7 yds. Three mozambiques with a single shot center mass at the end (10 round mag).
Mozambique raw.JPG

Here is the target with colored dots showing the shots in sequence. The first 3 shot string is red, the second is blue, the third is yellow. Last single shot is green. (edited in MS Paint).
Mozambique with colored hits.JPG

I don't have a timer but I would estimate 3 seconds or so for each string. I did two quick, aimed head with a slight pause. The range I shoot doesn't allow draw and fire so these were done from low ready, safety on, double action first shot.

This was all done with a stock Ruger P89 (I'd even taken the Hogue grips off and put the stock panels back). Ammunition was cheap 115 grain FMJ Remington UMC (69.98 a case at ****'s)

I've seen video of competition level shooters doing this with a custom 1911 from a speed rig holster in 1.3 seconds.
For those unfamiliar with the Mozambique Double Tap (or Mozambique Drill):

From Wikipedia:

The Mozambique Drill was added to the modern technique of gunfighting by Jeff Cooper based on the experience of one of his students, Mike Rouseau, while on duty in Mozambique. Rouseau was later killed in action in the Rhodesian War.
The Mozambique Drill considers the deficiency of the pistol round in stopping an adversary. Statistics show that reactions in gunfights are extremely irregular -- one must be prepared for the worst. Many times it is the case that after absorbing the trauma of the first shots, the enemy will disregard further ballistic insult. It has been pointed out that simply "more shots" are not the answer. The Mozambique Drill instructs the shooter to place a double-tap in the center of mass, followed by a carefully aimed headshot.
Contrary to popular belief, the immediate aim of defensive shooting is to incapacitate a target so as to render that person unable to attack. Unlike what is commonly seen on television and in movies, gunshot wounds rarely kill instantly. The incapacitation caused by gunshots is the result of neurocirculatory shock. The trauma resulting from impact and wound channel after two shots to a target's center of mass will produce a reflexive nervous system collapse in about 96% of cases. In the other 4%, either an adrenaline rush or the effect of stimulant drugs will override this reflex, and further shots will not produce this instantly-incapacitating shock. Because of this, the third shot should be aimed to destroy the brain, ensuring that the target's nervous system will shut down and leave the target unable to attack. This third shot is most effective when placed between a target's eyes as a higher shot is more likely to deflect off of hard bone and a lower shot is unlikely to produce the nervous system damage required to instantly stop an attacker.
Also known as the 'failure to stop drill' or '2+1 drill'. As part of the U.S. National Guard Combat Pistol and other military combat pistol competitions, the Mozambique Drill is called Body Armor Defeat, and is frequently a discriminator between the average shooter and the gifted shooter, especially when it is timed.
Oo cool facts.

everyone with a gun should be stript off it and get a sword, or a ****ing shovel in his/her hand..thats all :mellow:
interesting read
Oo cool facts.

everyone with a gun should be stript off it and get a sword, or a ****ing shovel in his/her hand..thats all :mellow:
yes :p

well its my opinion..guns are ****. give everyone a sword and lets see how manly most of them are then.
I get in trouble faster with a sword for sure. It would have to be extreme for me to use a gun on someone, but a sword. **** just catch me on a bad day and I have a sword on me. I'd be in jail. I look at it like a baseball bat, I have no problem taking a bat upside someones head :p

But I would rather get shot than stabbed or sliced with a sword, I don't know why but **** getting sliced with a sword :lol: