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TUESDAY'S Storm...

Just checked the forecast again and it looks like it will be snowing pretty much all day on Tuesday AND Wednesday now. Not being a winter person, I don't really like this news. Be safe, everyone.
This storm better not delay my wood flooring delivery on Thursday. :gah: I am hoping to install the flooring Thursday & Friday and I don't have time to get off track.
lol I hope this storm doesn't delay my drive home today--I have a cookie schedule to stay on :)
I read this today and I thought of all of us in any winter storms way:

February 25, 2013Winter Weather Advisory Mathilda
By Molly Schoemann

Meteorologists have reported that a perhaps potentially dangerous weather pattern is developing over the mountains in the western part of the state. A Winter Storm Warning, which local weather officials have named "Doreen," has gone into effect for several counties. ( While typically only storms themselves have been named, we at alarmistweather.com agree that Warnings and Watches, a crucial part of weather panic, deserve some recognition as well.)

Snow is expected to begin falling sometime after 10am in affected areas, and may continue for up to several minutes. As ground temperatures are in the 40s, the snow is not expected to stick to roadways and overpasses, but it will definitely still fall on them.

Snow will also fall on cars, and may stick to them. Snow will likely stick to most cars, but it will only really stand out on darker cars. Owners of white cars are advised to keep in mind that the snow on their cars might be difficult to see—but that it may still be present. Windshields with snow accumulated on them may be difficult for drivers to see out of—in such cases, using windshield wipers is advised. This may be done while driving.

Snow may also stick to and accumulate on raised, grassy areas and outdoor patio furniture—one of the consequences of your not having heeded Patio Furniture Advisory Jim-Bob last fall. Snow may also accumulate on pets that are sent outdoors; it will be particularly visible and cute on dark-colored pets. Please send your photos of pets with snow on their noses to PetSnowNoses@alarmistweather.com. We’ll post our favorites on our website! But above all, according to Pet Nag Fido, defrost and dry your pet before allowing it to track through the kitchen and climb on the sofa

Overall snow accumulation during this putative storm is expected to be as much as .025 inch in some areas. Tiny, misshapen, dirt-filled snowmen may be formed using this snow by children under the age of six who were too young to remember the Great Letdown of ’10, which we herewith retroactively name Fizzle),and during which much of the state was perhaps not blanketed but certainly coverleted with over ½” of snow. Effusive praise of these snowmen is not recommended, as it will only encourage these children to hope vainly for more snow, which is unlikely to occur during the remainder of their childhoods. Send photos of your children’s snowmen, such as they are, to NiceTry@alarmistweather.com.

Please be advised that snow may also accumulate on trees, park benches, and hydrants, and that birds and other wildlife may be seen foraging through the snow for food, even as it continues to snow. Our official position about this matter is that they are funny that way.

Residents are encouraged to race to the nearest grocery store to purchase mass quantities of milk and bread prior to the onset of remotely-possibly-hazardous weather. The more milk and bread your household has stockpiled, the safer your family will be during Winter Storm Warning Doreen. In the event that you encounter other residents at the grocery store who are also attempting to stock up on milk and bread, do not succumb to the tempation to share, especially if you are bigger than they are.
Standing outside in the snow while it is actively snowing is not encouraged, although you should be warned that if you do this, and look straight up into the sky, it will look like the snowflakes are huge and are coming right at you really fast! Generally, snow will not accumulate on stuck-out tongues.

In the event that no snow occurs, residents are still urged to seek shelter, just in case. Finally, please be advised that temperatures are expected to reach the 50s tomorrow. No Watch or Warning is in effect at this time, but if there is one--a Tornado Watch, say--it is tentatively named Tornado Watch "‘Bradley," unless it turns out to look more like a girl tornado, in which case it will be Tornado Watch Meghan.

Molly Schoemann writes humor and satire and always stocks up on milk and bread, just in case. Her work can be found at mollyschoemann.com.

"Residents are encouraged to race to the nearest grocery store to purchase mass quantities of milk and bread and most importantly bananas prior to the onset of remotely-possibly-hazardous weather. The more milk and bread and most importantly bananas your household has stockpiled, the safer your family will be during Winter Storm Warning Doreen. In the event that you encounter other residents at the grocery store who are also attempting to stock up on milk and bread, do not succumb to the tempation to share, especially if you are bigger than they are."

I fixed that for them. :giggles:

Funny stuff.
The wind right now is vicious. I asked dh how much snow we will get--and it all depends on the area--and if we get that thunder snow--the thunder snow will have us accumulate more snow. He didn't seem worried--so I am not worried.
SO funny, we had someone call the school today to see if we would do early dismissal--hmm--NO--why would we do that---there isn't any snow YET--and yes when it comes they say it will be the heavy snow--not the nice light and fluffy stuff--but I don't see why in the area I am at--they would even think we would dismiss school early!!
They are posting early dismissals right & left...we're still only under an advisory, and nothing's happening so far...
kmjlovesjesus does your DH know Tom Skilling? I loves me some TS. :cartwheel:

Yes, he knows Tom. Was funny, he always volunteers at the fermi lab event that Tom puts on---(in April every year)
Tom yells to him--Hey, come over here, you come eat with us.
DH was surprised---every year though--Tom thanks him for coming, and invites him to eat with him. (he is not there with Toms group but with the office of emergency management--handing out flyers for home preparedness)

He also knows most of the forecasters--not as well as Skilling.

He does conference calls with them and with National Weather Service.
Praying for you China Mom. Hoping that since they knew about this storm--everything will be clear and ready for your family to go get your precious new daughter! Keep us posted on things!
we have high winds and sleet out west...

not sure dh and kids will be flying in from vegas tonight!
We had sleet in the south...driveway was slick so I delayed my banana purchasing. Just rain now, bananas have been purchased.

I buy bananas occasionally...more in the past 3 months because the new kids eat them. I have NEVER bought them for a snow storm before today. Now I kind of want to eat one. I have no idea if it's the banana mentality or all the talk of bananas here. :p
It just started snowing a little while ago in Schaumburg. I have to pick DS up at K at 11:10 and while I was parked on the street waiting, the flurries started and within minutes, it changed to big, fat snowflakes that are now blowing all over the place.

They are saying 4-6 inches for us. DH has to work late and has a seminar tonight that goes until 9:00. I am hoping he doesn't have a terrible commute on the way home. I did tell him to pack food and water for the car in case he gets stuck for a couple hours. I just hoped he listened to me because he usually doesn't!
We just went from sleet to huge snowflakes out in New Lenox. Yayy, snow!!! and I don't have another road trip planned for a few days yet.
It SUCKS out there! Just ran to put gas in my car, it's coming down hard and sticking in Schaumburg. Heavy wet snow...and visibility blows
DS6's basketball was just cancelled. He's going to be bummed. :pout: It's so funny because he is so bad & he has no idea. :lol:
Leaving work about 1:00 and hightailing it home.
Good Tuesday morning all! A wintry ****tail of precipitation ranging from rain to sleet and snow has switched to heavy snow. The 2nd winter storm to affect the area in less than a week is responsible--and things are likely to get worse before they get better. The storm is larger and windier than last Thursday night's storm and has produced as much as 5.3" at Versailles, IL--3" of which came down in 30 minutes as a result of thundersnow. We're predicting 3 to 7" by the time snow eases to lighter more occasional snow later tonight. Some of our models suggest locally heavier totals. Visibilities at 12 noon Tue have plunged to 1/4 mile in heavy snow at Auroa, Bartlett, Morris and 1/2 mile at DeKalb and 3/4 mile at O'Hare and Midway. Our WeatherBug cameras have shown dramatic deterioration in the weather as a mix of ice pellets and freezing rain have transitioned to heavy snow. The transition has been nicely handled by our in-house RPM model. Here's that model's snowfall forecast.
Roads are awful. Ran a quick errand--when we went in roads were fine--by the time we left the store--roads were terrible--it is coming down thick, heavy and blowing hard--which hurts when walking or trying to shovel snow. Yes, there is enough to shovel--