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What age did you hit your "Fat Wall"?


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At age 36, I am here to tell you: I have hit my FAT WALL! What is a “Fat Wall†you ask? Well, for me anyway, it is the age at which it is no longer easy to lose weight. As a guy, I am here to attest that it is easier for men to lose weight than it is for women to lose weight. Why? I can’t say exactly, I am not a doctor. I would imagine it is because men are generally more physically active than women, but as I said, I am not a doctor. All I can say is, the days of me dropping ten pounds in a week or two ARE OVER!

Now mind you, I am not terribly overweight. I would say I need to lose between 20-40 lbs, depending on one’s taste. My wife says she hates “thin as a rail†men, and says I need to lose 20-25 lbs, tops. Personally, I would like to lose the 40 lbs, and work from there. The point is, I will be damned to hell if I can lose this weight! It FRUSTRATES THE HELL OUT OF ME! Never in my life have I had a hard time losing weight. Up until this point, if I wanted to lose weight, I cut my caloric intake, simple as that. That just isn’t cutting it anymore! At 36, I am just not as physically active as I used to be, and although I have seriously cut back the calories, the weight is just not going away! I was making progress a few months ago when I was running daily on my treadmill. Then I hurt my knee, and that went the wayside. I have since had surgery on the knee, and I have not run again since. Without that daily run, the few pounds I had managed to lose have crept back, and to make matters worse, they have brought friends!

Reading about how hard it is for Irish and Spunkey to quit smoking, I decided to start this thread. While I don’t smoke, I figure we can be siblings in solidarity; you two with your struggle to quit smoking, and me and mine with our struggle with weight. As of today, Monday, November 07, 2005, I pledge to go on a serious diet, and lose, at the very least, 20 lbs. I know what I need to do; I need cut out, entirely, my daily ice cream cone, as well as all the other sweets I indulge in. Also, I need to stop eating after dinner: midnight snacks really pack on the paunch!

My official weigh in weight is 220.7 lbs. Let the games begin!
OK I'll play! Metabolism is the killer! It slows downas you age! The older you get the slower it gets! That is why your pounds are not melting away!

Water is the bane of my existence. I don't like drinking water! However, there is a lady on our block that dropped 100 pounds and she said that all she did was cut out the soda and drank water! Hard to believe but that is what she tells me. Water; no soda; eat what you want.

So I will hit the water and stay away from the soda as I need to do that anyhow if I am going to kick the nicotine habit! Pepsi = cigarettes! So I must re-program my brain to think Water=NO Pepsi=NO Cigarettes= Weight Reduction.

I will have to weigh in later as I have no idea my true weight at the moment. I honestly don't. It might still be 180 but I must check and get back to you, Nova. Wow are we going to be a healthy bunch of bashers! LOL
yea i've gotten alittle heavier, but I dont think it was age, as much as getting married that did it :p
Actually, nicotine is an appetite-suppressing stimulant that speeds up your metabolism. So is caffeine. It's the sugar that'll kill ya as far as weight goes.
My metabolism sped up as I got older, well first it slowed down. From the age of twelve I went fron a 70 pounder to 170 pounds when I hit 17-18 then I gained another ten before I was 19 (180 pounds) , I lost 60 of it last christmas, for my height (5'2") The appropriate weight for me is 110 give or take a small percentage, I'm almost there but I'm afraid my metabolism may drop again. Why can't there be a weight-loss button installed on the body somewhere for when we need to lose weight?
True to Form

Brainfreeze said:
yea I've gotten alittle heavier, but I don't think it was age, as much as getting married that did it :p

Men always gain weight when they get married. Why is beyond me but trust me we gain weight when we marry and I can guarantee you it is not because of her cooking! Unless of course you married a cook!;)
Well I'm 33 and the most I've ever weighed was 110, I'm now 108 and I've wanted to at least get to 115. So I guess this works backward for me. I can't keep weight on.
Well even though i'm only half your age I still have my own battles with weight. But I got to lose allot more than you.
I've only ever lost weight by accident (either through subconscious lifestyle changes, or illness), but so far I've never put weight back on by accident. I'm only 24 though, I'm sure I'll hit my fat wall eventually.
When you turn 35 watch what sneaks up "behind" you. That is when most people start packing it on! When I was 35 I weighed 110 pounds. Prior to that I weighed 98 pounds. I am now a whopping 180 pounds. So I am hitting the water starting tomorrow morning. Enjoying my last Pepsi for awhile. I only have two more mouthfuls left and then...PANIC! I don't remember the last time I have ever gone without a Pepsi in the house. Lemonade and water now occupies the space in the fridge that my Pepsi once held! *Scream* My shelf looks so empty!
Yea I used to drink 4, 2 liter bottles of Regular Wild Cherry Pepsi per week. Within less than a year I gained 20-30 pounds. I stopped drinking it and I lost 20 pounds in four months. That was just from not drinking it nothing special. I was told by my parents that if I kept drinking it all that sugar might eventually get Diabetes. So I stopped and went back to Diet Pepsi and Diet Pepsi Twist. This was about a year ago.
I would love to try Wild Cherry Pepsi. You mention that name before. It sounds scrumptious!
one thing that all my biology + health teachers keep saying is that calorie intake has to equal calorie output and that to lose weight you need the calorie output to be more then input. Also another little trivia fact I picked up in the classroom, You need to exercise for more then 30 min straight to actually lose weight by exercising. I have never had any trouble with weight because i'm still young and very active. But i have to sit though 40 minute rants from my boi teacher about how lazy and fat people are so i kind of know what i'm talking about

NOTE i can not spell at all so please forgive me for any misspelled words Thanks!!
Yea Wild Cherry Pepsi taste very good. But it is also good for packing pounds on. Also painogb your should download ieSpell. See that little ABC with the check under it in the quick reply? Click that and if you haven't downloaded it will give you the option to. After downloaded it will check the document you wrote and tell you what you got wrong and give you the correct spelling for the words that sound like what you are trying to say.
painogb said:
NOTE i can not spell at all so please forgive me for any misspelled words Thanks!!

We'll forgive you, but... eh... there is a spell check in the forums. To the right of "Submit Reply". ;)
pain - I don't care how you spell things - just glad to have you with us!! Keep posting!!:eusa_ange

I must tell you all that this is a very painful thread. I've always veen a very small person - until I married MrD. My real problem is that I've always been much bigger "on top" than anywhere else, to the point where I have a hard time finding a suit, outfit or bathing suit that fits me right. I know - the guys say, "what's wrong with that?" but the women know what I'm talking about. It's not fun OR funny! My husband has killed me since marriage. That and the fact that I turned 40 right after the marriage. Things got really tough for me after that. It's been a struggle, but lately I've been beating it. Nova - I just can't see you at over 200 pounds. I know you're the same cute, loveable and friendly guy you were when we all first met, and I'll always love you, no matter what!!! What a nice couple we met in Cancun - I'll never forget the fun we all had at Pericos!!! Remember the flaming desserts?? After all- MrD isn't what I married either!:eusa_ange We just all love each other as we go along. Times change and we must change with them. I just wish it wasn't so DAMNED HARD TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eusa_danc

I personally know people who have lost 50+ pounds by doing nothing other than cutting out sugared soft drinks - regular Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper - it's really amazing. I try to drink nothing but water or green and black tea. Sometimes that isn't enough and I feel guilty when I don't ahdere to MY OWN rules - I'm my toughest critic. I FEEL very healthy in the way I eat and behave but sometimes you just want to sit down with a hot fudge sundae and GO FOR IT!!! I don't do that. I wonder where it actually gets me, but I just can't do it.
I hit the wall after I broke my ankle; I gained 25 pounds over the few months that I was in PT and on crutches. Once I recovered I lost some but not all of the weight. I have always had a great metabolism, well until I hit 25 or so, and then things took a dive. I had to work out just to maintain the pounds then that all changed, one night when an arrest we wrong and the foot chase down several flights of stairs sent me to tumbling to the bottom. After many more months of PT I now can’t run like I did before to lose the pounds. I also have been lazy for the last few years since, but as of 2 weeks ago, I have pushed away from the table and I am going to try and get back to the low 200’s being a modern day giant my 265 is not that big, its just all GUT and needs to take a hike….

Here’s to the bashing of pounds and beer bellies!!!
Go for it, Snakeyez! You're too young to be burdened with an overload of weight. I know myself that having surgeries really cuts down on activities - it took me much longer than I'd ever thought it would to recover from foot surgeries I've had. We're not invincible and need to recognize what and who we are. This forum can be of great support to those of us who fight the battle every day. I like it!!