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What age did you hit your "Fat Wall"?

GoingNova said:
At age 36, I am here to tell you: I have hit my FAT WALL! What is a “Fat Wall†you ask? Well, for me anyway, it is the age at which it is no longer easy to lose weight. As a guy, I am here to attest that it is easier for men to lose weight than it is for women to lose weight. Why? I can’t say exactly, I am not a doctor. I would imagine it is because men are generally more physically active than women, but as I said, I am not a doctor. All I can say is, the days of me dropping ten pounds in a week or two ARE OVER!

I may have to kill you. ;)

I'm OLD, and I was never skinny, but I hit my fat wall only a year or two ago. Previously I just didn't pay it any attention. Now all this WEIGHT has crept up on me. Doesn't help to have bad knees and a bad hip. Maybe I should just lie on my back and flail my arms and legs around or something.
Today is day 2 of hitting the water and lemonade. I must say it does put the old kidneys into overdrive! LOL What I wouldn't give for a nice tall glass of Pepsi right now! Mustn't think about it or I will be calling for a grocery delivery!
Wow diet's really suck. I know I tried them before with limited success. It's sad how most if not all the things that taste good are filled with fat.
Fat and sugar, Chris. It sure does suck that all the things one enjoys is not the healthiest fare on the menu. The sacrifices we must endure for the perfect physique! LOL
My metabolism is as fast as a cheetah. In the last two years I only gained 8 pounds and I eat like a horse!
Lil'Jeffery34 said:
My metabolism is as fast as a cheetah. In the last two years I only gained 8 pounds and I eat like a horse!

Don't make me have to kill you, too! ;)
I'm guessing your on the plump side. Thats ok I've dated more than my fair share of big people and it better than dating skinny ones.
Fat and sugar, Chris. It sure does suck that all the things one enjoys is not the healthiest fare on the menu. The sacrifices we must endure for the perfect physique! LOL

Yea I know it really sucks. Either got to eat tasteless health food or very tasty fatting food.
Actually Weight Watchers has some pretty decent recipes and the food is not bad. In fact, I find that a person has to eat far more food in a day then I would dream of eating in a week. Not only that you MUST eat what is planned out for you. I know people who have followed WW and have lost mega amounts of weight. It just takes will power. Something I am lacking right now! LOL
GoingNova said:
At age 36, I am here to tell you: I have hit my FAT WALL!

My official weigh in weight is 220.7 lbs. Let the games begin!

Ok, you have hit a subject here that I can really relate to as I am going to be heading to the gym in a little over an hour. I am 32 and sitting at last weigh in on Monday at 232.5lbs and I am about 5'10". I don't consider that weight to be all that bad at the moment, even though I would like to drop down to about Nova's weight. The reason being at the moment I believe I am in close to the best shape in my life. I do need to kick the cardio endurance up, but that is always something I have been somewhat of a slacker at. What can I say, I have trouble getting motivated to run....

But there is a story here. I was the high school athlete guy, 3 sports and all that good stuff. Had my first knee surgery senior year of high school after tearing cartilage in a few places. Went on to play one year of college football, then I had to get a real job due to financial reasons. Worked at a grocery store which I can attest personally if you work on the overnight stock crew you will destroy your knees. And falling on a flight of steps doesn't help either. Second knee surgery when I was 25, same knee but this time cartilage and a ligament. I have about 60% of the normal cartilage in one knee, and a medial collateral (the one on the outside) ligament that will most likely never be more than about 40% strenght again. I was a pretty active guy before the second knee surgery, playing hockey in park district leagues, football and baseball/softball whenever with the guys, and occasionally worked out still but nowhere near as much as when I was in high school and college the first time. The second knee surgery took 6 months to initially recover from. Full shut down on any running or really doing anything physical. then about 2 months after that I sprained the knee while rehabbing it. I got a bit frustrated and down on myself and it was about another year before I even contemplated trying to run again. So I got married when I was 28 and after a while started to gain some poundage. I think my high was 242 and I was way out of shape cause I really had done no exercise in 4+ years at this point. It was Thanksgiving week of 2002 that for whatever reason I woke up and found myself getting on a treadmill. I just walked at first. I was afraid my knee wouldn't be able to handle it. I still wear a brace to this day whenever I work out or do anything really physical - more so for mental support I think than physical at this point. But I got on that treadmill and started walking. Within about two weeks I was using the eliptical machine too. The wife at the time ran almost everyday, so I started going with her. pretty soon I was going on days when she wasn't. My knee was sore as hell the first few times, and I would rest it for a day or two, but after about a month it started to feel better with the exercise. By end of December that year I had found out my best friend had purchased a bunch of gym equipment and set up a gym in his house and was looking for someone to work out with. So I started going to his house twice a week. By the time I filed for my divorce in May 2004 I was down to about 215, had dropped 4 inches from my waist, but had added 6 in my shoulders ( I had to by a new suit for a job interview that is how I found this out). I hovered around that weight for about 6 months before I started gaining some of the weight back. I know some of what I gained was muscle, but I also know some of it wasn't cause I started a new job that november and have kind of been eating crappy for lunch cause of the location and the commute. I peaked back up around 238 about 6 weeks ago after a 2 months summer period that included alot of weddings and other stuff that interfered with weekend workout times and things like that. Also had a minor foot injury that kept me off the treadmill and eliptical for all of July. So the last 2 weeks really I have just been gearing this up again so I can get over this hump that I created myself by slacking of over the summer. My buddy is also doing this but he has about a onth more in on it than I do. He was about 275 though, and is only about a 2 inches taller than me with a similar build. He is down to 250 after about 6 weeks and that is the first time in about 5 years he has weighed that little. One thing we are doing differently though than most people is we are not focusing so much on the weight as we are also looking at body fat percentages. His was at 28.5% 6 or 7 weeks ago when he started his diet/workout regimine and mine was at 26% at that same time. His is now down to about 27% as of last friday. I have no idea what mine is but I would like to get it back down around the 10-12% it was when I was 21.

Main thing I do know is that in the last 3 years that I have been working out regularly again I feel better, I have more stamina for everything, I don't eat anywhere near as much and that is just simply cause I don't find myself as hungry, and I am stronger right now on every exercise I can think of than I have been at any point in my life. All I have really done is eat a little less and go to the gym 2 hours a day three days a week. And the eating less really took care of itself once the workouts started becoming routine.
Actually Weight Watchers has some pretty decent recipes and the food is not bad. In fact, I find that a person has to eat far more food in a day then I would dream of eating in a week. Not only that you MUST eat what is planned out for you. I know people who have followed WW and have lost mega amounts of weight. It just takes will power. Something I am lacking right now! LOL

Yea that's probably the case.
I drank water all day. Yuck! I am now enjoying a glass of milk! O Joy! I feel lost without my Pepsi but I want to test the theory that one can lose weight by consuming 8 glasses of water daily and eliminating soft drinks. Thank GOD for aspirin as it is helping to curb my caffeine withdrawal headache. The joys of getting healthy! Yea!
I believe with women, the childbirth process makes it hard to lose weight.
I drank water all day. Yuck! I am now enjoying a glass of milk! O Joy! I feel lost without my Pepsi but I want to test the theory that one can lose weight by consuming 8 glasses of water daily and eliminating soft drinks. Thank GOD for aspirin as it is helping to curb my caffeine withdrawal headache. The joys of getting healthy! Yea!

I learned from experience that the it isn't so much the water intake as it is the lack of soft drinks. I cut soft drinks out entirely a few years ago and I did drop about ten pounds in a month without doing anything else. One thing you might be able to do to substitute for the caffiene loss is drink some tea. The main two things I drink now are water and tea.
Thank you, RQN! I will try some herbal teas as I loathe regular tea. Can't stand the smell of tea!
Glad I could help. I myself tend to drink mainly stuff like Arizona ginseng or regular iced tea or like Lipton raspberry stuff out of the bottles. Good stuff.
Try some green tea, not only does it taste good but it's also helps to clean out your system.
All of those teas sound excellent RQN especially the raspberry. I'll try them!
Freeze, I totally forgot about green tea. I hear it is good for diets!
Thanks guys!
Hot green tea with just a bit of honey is great. Also if you use local honey it can help with any allergies you have to pollen.